Successful Campaigns

Successful Campaigns
  • Post Office Scandal: Strip Paula Vennells of her CBE
    09/01/24 - We did it! Ex-Post Office boss Paula Vennells has bowed to our 1.2 million strong petition and will hand back her CBE with immediate effect. She said she was “truly sorry for the devastation caused to the subpostmasters and their families” and that she as continuing to support and co-operate with the inquiry into the scandal. She added: “I am, however, aware of the calls from sub-postmasters and others to return my CBE. I have listened and I confirm that I return my CBE with immediate effect.” David Smith, who started this petition said: "Thank you to each and every person who has signed this petition. It has been a catalyst for action allowing us to have a voice and is hopefully a first historic step on the path to the victims of the Post Office scandal getting the justice they deserve." “To me, the removal of the CBE is just the start. The ultimate goal is for the subpostmasters to get the justice they deserve. In many ways, this is symbolic, but it is a massive symbol." “What I’m hoping is that as soon as somebody as senior as her is held accountable at this level, it will start a domino effect that will lead to the justice and compensation that everyone affected deserves.” You can read more about the story here In other news a new petition has been started calling for Alan Bates to be honoured for his role in exposing the Post Office scandal. You can sign that here
    1,231,159 Signatures
    Created by David Smith Picture
  • Supermarket CEOs, hand back the cash!
    We did it! We got supermarkets to do the right thing and hand back their business rates relief back to the government. In total, Tesco, Sainsbury's, Lidl, Asda, Morrisons, and Aldi, are returning £2bn in relief money. Though this money should never have been given to them in the first place, our win proves that by piling on the pressure, we can hold these big businesses to account. And that's not all: we've also influenced how other big retailers handle their relief money. This is huge. By showing support for this campaign, you've played an important role in how we recover from this crisis. Now that we've had £2bn handed back, we need to see this money distributed to the right causes. When we clapped for carers and other essential workers, we weren’t thinking of supermarket CEOs or shareholders, but the thousands of people working on shop floors around the country who took the greatest risks to keep the rest of us safe and well-supplied.
    11,730 Signatures
    Created by Mia Watanabe
  • Don't raise the state pension age to 75
    A recent tweet from the DWP says this will not be government policy! But we'll be keeping an eye out to make sure, in the event of a snap election, plans to raise the pension age don't make it into any party manifestos.
    233,860 Signatures
    Strongbow, Carling and Tennent's have all pledged to ditch plastic beer and cider rings by 2021!
    220,501 Signatures
    Created by Geraint Ashcroft
  • Help Murray and others like him: Make medicinal cannabis available on the NHS
    26/07/18 We won!!! Home Secretary Sajid Javid said "cannabis-derived medicinal products" will be available "by the autumn" through the NHS system Announcing the changes, Javid said: “Recent cases involving sick children made it clear to me that our position on cannabis-related medicinal products was not satisfactory.” Thanks to the hundreds of thousands of 38 Degrees members who signed this petition, wrote to Sajid Javid, and pushed the government to make this important change to the law.
    243,311 Signatures
    Created by Karen Gray Picture
  • 473 Signatures
    Created by Jenny Matterface
  • Get reusables back on the menu
    We're ending the campaign because we were successful in getting all but one of the high-street chains listed to reverse their ban on reusable cups and containers. Mc Donalds is the only one still not accepting reusables and we have been in contact with them and are aware its because its global policy ATM so there is nothing we can do in the UK for now.
    18,942 Signatures
    Created by Natalie Fée Picture
  • Remove plastics from PG Tips tea bags
    28th February - BREAKING: we’ve just won! PG Tips have today announced that they are removing plastic from their tea bags. Because 38 Degrees-ers like you stood up to Britain’s biggest tea manufacturer, there will now be 10 billion fewer fewer plastic tea bags damaging our environment every year. PG Tips announces plans to remove plastic from tea bags:
    234,188 Signatures
    Created by Michael Armitage
  • Stop Scotrail Skipping Stops
    WE WON! 31/05/18 Scotrail have agreed service was below acceptable standard, carried out an independent review and stopped the practice of skipping stops as the first of 20 improvement steps
    2,168 Signatures
    Created by Lynn Reid
  • Help us stop the government from splitting our family up
    UPDATE: We won! 15/07/17 Yesterday, Carlos and I went before a court judge to determine if we could stay here together in the UK. It was a strange morning as we prepared to fight for our right to be a family here! But it is with a huge smile that I can report that the judge overturned the Home Office's refusal to allow us to be a family and within less than 30 minutes not only had we finished his session but he asked Carlos to return to his seat and told him there and then that he would grant him Right to Remain!!!!!! Sanity, compassion and humanity prevailed yesterday :)
    1,406 Signatures
    Created by Caroline Coombs