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To: Warrington Borough Council

Warrington Borough Council to risk assess the impact of leaving the European Union

This campaign has ended.

In line with Warrington Borough Council’s duty of care for health and wellbeing, social cohesion, the local economy and the people, we request and require the council to carry out a risk assessment on the impact of leaving the European Union on these areas.

We ask for this assessment to be published by the end of 2018, and we call on Warrington Borough Council to support a People’s Vote on the final outcome and to campaign for the best for Warrington.

Why is this important?

Warrington Borough Council has a duty of care to the residents and businesses in the Borough, and at present the impacts at a local level, caused by leaving the European Union, are unknown. Government assessments have not been made public or even shared with the Council, and it is essential that the Council and those living in the Borough are aware of the potential impact on our jobs, council services, the NHS and environmental quality.

Without this information, it is impossible for anyone to make an objective decision on the path the country should take, and the Council should be supporting the outcome that is best for Warrington. If that can only be delivered by a referendum on the final outcome, then there is no option other than for the Council to support this.

Many other councils have already made a decision on this, including our neighbours in Liverpool. We ask Warrington Borough Council to take urgent action on this issue and commission the necessary impact assessments.


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2018-08-29 12:44:19 +0100

50 signatures reached

2018-08-27 11:52:29 +0100

25 signatures reached

2018-08-21 21:44:47 +0100

10 signatures reached