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To: Portsmouth City Council

Order repairs to South Parade Pier

19/2/15 update: Portsmouth City Council has now overturned its three-year opposition to our demand and has at last issued a specific type of legal Repairs Notice specifying how the pier must be safeguarded for the future.

This was a stunning result brought about by YOU and more than 12,600 other people signing our petition – including more than 7,000 on 38 Degrees.

Portsmouth City Council,
Please order the owners and operators of South Parade Pier to carry out urgent, end-to-end repairs to prevent further ongoing structural collapse, using Section 48 of The Planning (Listed Buildings & Conservation Areas) Act 1990, as recommended by English Heritage.

Why is this important?

After years of neglect under private ownership, South Parade Pier is in danger of collapse. This iconic structure has dramatically decayed over the past six months and is now boarded up and derelict, creating an eyesore for both local people and tourists. Although a sale was widely publicised, the pier has not been transferred to new owners and no remedial repairs have been carried out since the winter storms. Without proper investment, it continues to decay before our eyes.

By signing this petition, you are demanding that Portsmouth City Council take action to preserve this Grade Two listed building, treasured by both residents and visitors to Portsmouth. By ordering the owners and operators of South Parade Pier to carry out end-to-end repairs, the council could reverse the decline of this key seafront area, encouraging growth for both new and established businesses - as has happened in many other seaside resorts.

South Parade Pier has important historical and cultural value. British and Canadian troops embarked from there on their journey to Normandy for the D-Day landings in 1944. Winston Churchill and Montgomery addressed huge audiences there. Rock legends Pink Floyd, Genesis and David Bowie all performed there - and filming of The Who's rock opera 'Tommy' led to the infamous fire in 1974. Generations of Portsmouth residents and tourists have walked, danced and gathered on the pier since 1879.

By lending your support, the pier may once again become both a hub for the local community and an asset for the city of Portsmouth - but we must act swiftly.

How it will be delivered

We intend to deliver the signatures on this petition in person to Portsmouth City Council.

Hampshire, Southsea, Portsmouth PO4 0SP, UK

Maps © Stamen; Data © OSM and contributors, ODbL



9 years ago

Petition is successful with 7,111 signatures

10 years ago

6000 signatures in 7 days. A huge thank you for signing and sharing. As with any campaign, we want to get as many signatures as possible to try and ensure the future of the last Victorian pier in Hampshire. 2014 marks the 200th anniversary of British piers and we do not want it to be the end of our beloved South Parade Pier.

10 years ago

5,000 signatures reached

10 years ago

4000 Signatures and counting! You are creating a storm...hopefully the type that will benefit the pier rather than damage it. Thank you so much for your support. We sincerely hope that Portsmouth City Council/new owners value your opinion as much as we do.

10 years ago

1,000 signatures reached

10 years ago

500 signatures reached

10 years ago

100 signatures reached

10 years ago

50 signatures reached

10 years ago

25 signatures reached

10 years ago

10 signatures reached