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To: Hampshire County Council

Save Historic Hythe Pier & Ferry

To sponsor or encourage charity sponsorship of historic Hythe Pier in order to obtain funding via the Lottery or otherwise and keep this vital link to Southampton open.

Why is this important?

The pier was opened in 1881 and the pier train is in the Guinness Book of Records as 'the oldest working pier train in the world'. It provides a vital link between Hythe and Southampton and is a part of our history and heritage. The community led campaign encourages increased use of our waterways and in turn, this will help to reduce traffic congestion on our roads into the city and pollution levels both sides of the water.

How it will be delivered

The petition is on-going to encourage continued support for the campaign both in Hythe and Southampton



6 years ago

You will no doubt have heard about the new General Data Protection Regulation ("GDPR") that comes into effect May 25, 2018. To help comply with GDPR consent requirements, we need to confirm that you are happy to continue to be contacted by us as we are unable to email you via this petition any longer.

You may have signed up for our Newsletter, or completed a contact form at one of our events, but the simplest way of confirming you wish to stay informed is to simply re-subscribe to our newsletter via the bottom of our website. Even if you've recently done some paperwork for us, it would still be a good to sign-up for the newsletter while we sort our records. Alternatively you can just follow us on Facebook to hear the latest news.

Newsletter and latest update:
Facebook page:

Hythe Pier Heritage Association, registered as a Community Benefit Society (No: 7708)

7 years ago

Blue Funnel Ferries have purchased the Pier, Train & Ferry from the previous owners - which is a good thing. Blue Funnel have stated publically that they wish to retain the ferry and staff, but want to work with to secure a long term future for the pier & train as a community charity. Please check the website and facebook for further updates. Thank you for your continued support.

8 years ago

The "Hythe Pier Heritage Association" has launched a campaign to "Save Hythe Pier & Ferry". They are currently running a £20 in 20 days challenge to help raise funds to cover the initial structural survey and charity setup costs etc. Please check Facebook (@SaveHythePier) or for further details and to be kept informed.

8 years ago

5,000 signatures reached

8 years ago

1,000 signatures reached

8 years ago

500 signatures reached

8 years ago

100 signatures reached

8 years ago

50 signatures reached

8 years ago

25 signatures reached

8 years ago

10 signatures reached