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To: Kent County Council

Stop KCC cutting funding for Socially Necessary Bus Services (SNBS)

This campaign has ended.

We demand that Kent County Council do not follow through on proposals to cut funding to Socially Necessary Bus Services across Kent

Why is this important?

These bus services are a lifeline to our communities. If these essential services are scrapped, it will have a devastating affect on vulnerable people, the elderly and children amongst others. It will also be highly detrimental to community well-being, along with the local economies in a wide range of areas across Kent.

Kent County Council must guarantee its residents the continuation of all of these vital transport services for the health and prosperity of the residents that currently use them, along with growing numbers that will use them in the future.


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2017-12-20 19:29:53 +0000

This petition will end on the 10th January 2018 so I can deliver it to Kent County Council in time for their Budget meeting. Until then please keep sharing to gain more support.
Thank you everyone and Have a Happy Christmas

2017-12-07 11:16:38 +0000

Today Paul Carter decided that he would issue a statement saying people against these cuts didn’t understand the issue, more details here.

2017-12-01 22:03:30 +0000

Today we’re told that 11 Kent MPs have taken the very unusual step of writing to KCC to tell them to rethink this plan.
It’s unlikely to change anything and to be honest these cuts are a direct result of underfunding from the Government for Local Government Grants so discretionary services like SNBS and Libraries are at risk, we all need to keep the pressure up and make sure when the consultation comes out we take part in it.

2017-11-30 19:08:06 +0000

1,000 signatures reached

2017-11-30 14:29:44 +0000

At the KCC meeting today they are spending a lot of time arguing about the wording of the consultation. The end result will however be the same. We need to keep up the fight to save our SNBS

2017-11-30 06:38:22 +0000

500 signatures reached

2017-11-29 14:58:01 +0000

I’m being interviewed this afternoon by the Sunday Politics show about this petition. I’m hoping they let us get our message across that these buses are vital and KCC can’t keep leaning on the most vulnerable when looking to cut costs.
I’d like to say Thank you to Rosie Duffield MP for raising this subject during PMQs today too, hopefully KCC will understand that we need these bus services much more than they needed a 15% allowance increase.

2017-11-29 08:10:26 +0000

100 signatures reached

2017-11-28 19:38:37 +0000

50 signatures reached

2017-11-28 18:07:14 +0000

25 signatures reached

2017-11-28 15:13:50 +0000

10 signatures reached