38 Degrees Scotland

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Campaigns (40)

  • Bring Back North Berwick Outdoor Pool BBOP
    North Berwick Outdoor pool was used and loved by people from all over East Lothian and visitors to the area for nearly 100 years. The pool closed in 1995 after a hard fought local campaign to keep it open. Kids learned to swim in the pool, it hosted galas, it was used by clubs, it was a place for the community to gather and socialise, in a way that doesn't happen at an indoor pool. Speak to anyone who used this pool and they will tell you what an amazing community resource it was. It was used and loved for nearly 100 years, it's been closed for 24, lets change that. We at BBOP would love to see East Lothian Council reopen the outdoor pool, with enough community support we hope they will do so. Failing that we hope to gain enough community support to become or work with a community organisation to purchase the council land and work to reopen the pool. We recognise the harbour area where the pool was located is currently used by others, we would love to work with the community as a whole to find alternatives and solutions so that everyone can enjoy the space. We are a tiny community group of like minded people and we are looking for more volunteers to do a lot or a little. We need, general enthusiasts (most important:-), the social media gurus, architects, those with experience of community projects, lawyers, experience in renewable/sustainable heating systems, business aficionados and I am sure a whole load of skills we haven't even thought of yet. Please get in touch via our Facebook Page if you would like to get involved.
    3,120 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Gill Surfleet
  • Ban Bus Gates and Bus Lanes
    Bus gates and lanes make travel to cities overly complicated and disproportionately disadvantage people from outwith the local area. Bus gates are overly complicated and are like traps to catch out the general public who accidentally end up in the wrong lane. In any other instance a safe manoeuvre or detour would correct a navigational error but with bus gates and bus lane cameras any confusion of lane choice becomes a penalty to people who are trying to obey the rules as often there is no way to prevent entering a zone once in a wrong lane on a one way system. Access to city roads should be equal for all vehicles and not restrict the general public from travel. The general public shoud not be subjected to fines or any penalty for trying to navigate round a town in order to buy goods or services to provide for their families.
    12 of 100 Signatures
    Created by James Hanton
  • Sensible parking restrictions in Grantown-on-Spey
    Grantown Initiative and Grantown-on-Spey and Vicinity Community Council recently wrote to The Highland Council regarding the changes to parking arrangements in Grantown-on-Spey which appear to have been made without due consultation with community organisations or consideration for businesses in Grantown-on-Spey. We believe that changes made to the parking arrangements in Grantown-on-Spey have resulted in a dangerous situation for drivers and pedestrians, are potentially damaging to businesses in the town and generally make the Square far less attractive to visitors. Meanwhile Highland Council has failed to provide adequate additional parking in spite of the fact that it holds land at the former council depot which could be used for such. A review of these newly made parking restrictions and a meeting to discuss was requested by both groups. Whilst we support the principle of Highland Council taking civil enforcement powers in respect of parking in Grantown, we must object to the implementation of this draft Order. We feel that that the Parking Scheme recently introduced in Grantown, over which Highland Council appears to be seeking these powers, is not fit for purpose. Not only does it raise serious safety concerns but it has removed essential parking bays around the Square and along the High Street. Not having had the opportunity to discuss the recently introduced parking scheme, Grantown Initiative now requests that The Highland Council takes immediate steps to rectify these issues enact sensible parking restrictions in Grantown-on-Spey. Specifically we request the following changes; • The removal of the parking bay(s) opposite the Co-Operative which have added to congestion around the busy High street / Seafield Avenue junction and have created a hazardous situation for pedestrians and motorists alike. • Removal of the chicane style parking bays along the length of the square which creates congestion, particularly around the Bus Stops where busses cannot properly access the stops due to parked cars. We would suggest that spaces be realigned to allow easier access for buses and freer flowing traffic and reduce unnecessary congestion. • Removal of the new double yellow lines, which have robbed the square of 20 parking places. • The creation of a new off street parking facility to provide sufficient parking for the town as a whole. This could be provided at the site of the old council yard adjacent to Grantown Primary. This could also be used to provide a safe drop off area for the school. • Provide an opportunity for the community to have a say in parking restrictions in Grantown-on-Spey
    210 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Stewart Dick
  • It should be illegal not to accept Scottish Sterling
    At the moment traders south of the Border can refuse to take such notes causing much embarrassment and frustration for visitors. Even the Scottish Secretary Mr Mundell, MP for Dumfriesshire, Clydesdale and Tweeddale, in 2009!! said: “Many people, myself included, have tried to pay with Scottish banknotes in England, only to find them questioned. This is exasperating. And when a Scottish note is refused, that can even leave Scots in restaurants or petrol stations unable to pay for what they have bought.” Nearly ten years after Mr Mundell`s attempt at a private bill nothing has changed. I don`t know a single Scot who has not experienced this embarrassment or indeed a single English person who has been welcomed to Scotland by being told your sterling is not welcome here. The time has come to stop this antiquated discrimination and bring in new law to stop it.
    283 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Steven Robinson
  • Encourage Transport Scotland to rethink the A96 dualling options from Brodie to Forres.
    Transport Scotland has made available its proposed routes for the A96 dual carriageway from Hardmuir to Fochabers. The purple route P1 is shown to go directly through Macbeth's Hillock - a site that legend has it is where Macbeth and Banquo met the witches who told them their fate. It then travels east through Brodie Home Farm, immediately adjacent to Brodie Castle (a Scottish Tourist Board four star and Gold Green Tourism Award Winner property), owned and managed by the National Trust for Scotland who describe it as the "Ancestral home of Clan Brodie, with an outstanding art collection and magnificent library". The route then moves north and skims along the edge of Culbin Forest,  an area designated as a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI). The Forestry Commission notes that "The diverse landscape and unusual species here have achieved national and international recognition and are protected by law".  The RSPB calls it "A breathtaking coastal reserve, full of wildlife". It then crosses the Moray Coastal Trail which allows locals and tourists alike to enjoy "a coastline alive with wildlife that would be the envy of many other regions in Britain". What is the value placed on the detrimental impact to so many of the wonderful historical assets of this area? Quite apart from the significant environmental and ecological delights that this option destroys, it cuts the close-knit rural communities of Dyke, Kintessack, Moy and Loanhead right down the middle. All the children from this area go to school in Dyke Village School, and the Village Hall and Church are the epicentres of activity for this community. It destroys the homes of people who have lived in this community their whole lives and obliterates the tranquility and beauty of those who remain there. What is the value placed on the destruction of a community? This is an area frequented by cyclists, bird watchers, anglers, horse-riders and walkers with its wide network of quiet, beautiful roads and tracks. It is a key attraction for tourists. What is the value placed on the destruction of our local economy, with tourism, self-catering accommodation, farming and a wealth of local businesses? From a practical point of view, the proposed route crosses, not once, but at least twice, the Gas Pipeline and Storage System that runs from Inverness to RAF Lossiemouth. It spends a significant amount of time in areas designated as medium or high risk of flooding on the SEPA flood maps. What is the cost of this proposed route through land patently unsuitable for anything other than birds, animals, people and water? Please lend your support to this petition asking Transport Scotland to reconsider it's proposal and exclude this as a potential route for the A96 dual carriageway.
    506 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Lorna Ross
  • Bring Isle of Skye into 21st century tourism
    As Scotland moves forward to whatever it's new future entails the fact that the oil industry is in the doldrums and Scotland is a world class destination means tourism will only become more important. The Isle of Skye, whilst becoming ever more popular with visitors, is currently under resourced to meet growing demand to visit the island. This must be addressed to make sure a real opportunity for Scotland's future is met.
    978 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Ste Carter
  • Exempt Haemophiliacs from PIP assessment
    A generation of Haemophiliacs were infected with HIV, Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C through contaminated blood products (Factor 8 & 9) on the NHS throughout the early 1980's. People with haemophilia can bleed into the joint space after an injury or, at times, without obvious cause. The pressure of blood filling the joint cavity causes significant pain and can lead to chronic swelling and deformity. This is a condition which can, at best, be delayed, but invariably leads to chronic Arthritis. Unlike modern clotting agents the Factors given to this generation weren't as effective as they are now and it's very rare to find a patient who hasn't suffered lasting multiple joint damage. In recognition of this many were awarded higher lifetime rates of Attendance Allowance and or Mobility Allowance (now combined into DLA). This has allowed many to live a much more productive and full life than they otherwise could. DLA is currently being replaced by Personal Independence Payment. This requires anyone in receipt of DLA, regardless of term awarded, to undergo an assessment which ranges from highly stressful to traumatic. Given that most surviving Haemophiliacs from this group have already been left traumatised by the multiple infections given to them many are viewing this assessment with much trepidation and concern. Some Haemophiliacs have surrendered the benefit rather than have to go through it. The Scottish Parliament has taken steps to alleviate the financial concerns of this group, well above the lamentable efforts by the UK parliament and should be applauded for their compassion and understanding. It would greatly help the survivors further if they were made exempt from this humiliating process.
    176 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Ian Baird
  • Force the UK government into doing more for Refugees
    Imagine the nuclear bombs in our country went off, leaving our nation a wasteland and we had to flee to mainland Europe or Africa, should they turn us away because we're refugees? Because we're of another faith or skin colour? Would other nations letting us die be okay? Chances are you said, no, so how is it okay for us to let thousands of people die every day trying to escape war. War that we created. They're trying to escape the IS, they're trying to escape the bombs that France, America and We drop on them. We need to do more. These are human beings and we are letting them die.
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Xander Wilson Picture
  • Make provision for siblings to go to same school
    As parents are being made to support 2 schools and face logistical nightmares up and down the country.
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Lisa Murray
  • Grown up licensing for off-license sales.
    Restricting the times when alchohol can be purchased, does not deter the alchohol dependent from binge drinking in our streets or at home. It does however, discriminate against those of us who work long shifts and are unable to purchase their shopping during "normal" hours.
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by John Green