38 Degrees Scotland

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Campaigns (40)

  • Edinburgh
    Save 1 – 6 Canonmills Bridge
    The traditional single-storey building at 1 – 6 Canonmills Bridge has found a place in the hearts of locals and visitors to the area, serving as an attractive and popular hub for social life around a busy junction. The proposed redevelopment would loom, large and awkward, amongst the lovely older properties around the junction and bridge, destroying the harmonious character of the area. The current structure allows views of a corner turret, the greenery in the valley of the Water of Leith, plenty of sky and an interesting skyline. The City of Edinburgh Council Guidance on Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas February 2014 states that demolition will only be acceptable in a conservation area if the new development preserves or enhances the area – in the eyes of signatories, this is blatantly not the case in this instance. WE URGE THE COUNCIL PLANNING SUB-COMMITTEE TO RECOGNISE THE VALUE OF THE EXISTING BUILDING TO THE COMMUNITY AND REFUSE PERMISSION TO DEMOLISH IT. Note, if permission to demolish is refused, the redevelopment, as approved, will not be able to proceed.
    5,098 of 6,000 Signatures
    Created by Jan Anderson
  • Stop Scottish water contracts going to private companies
    Public provision of water services in Scotland should continue to be a point of pride and a point of principle. Water is a service that should continue to be delivered for the benefit of the people. Public water provision in Scotland has resulted in the lowest average water bills in the UK for both households and businesses. Let's keep it that way by maintaining the responsibility and the benefits of water provision in the hands of the public sector here in Scotland.
    145 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Angela McCormick
  • Greenock
    Get Rid of Yellow Hue on Esplanade
    Our towns Esplanade is first Port of Call for Visitors .. So I think We Should Keep it classy
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jacqueline McNeil
  • Stop Fracking in Scotland. Keep our landscape clean and fresh!
    Fracking ruins our landscape or water and our farms. We do not benefit at all from this action which our prime minister had allowed right after our referendum. He has sold the land under your feet. The land we pay taxes on. This is our heritage and it is going to be destroyed. Help us stop Fracking NOW. They have our oil what more do they want? Protect your future and our kids future! We don't want contaminated Air, water or land animals. We love our fresh council water! We don't want lower life expectancy.
    113 of 200 Signatures
    Created by stacey lockhart
  • Glasgow
    Save the Steps
    -The steps are an iconic place. They have been used extensively by demonstrators. For instance, in the run up to the Scottish Independence Referendum, the steps were widely used by both "Yes" and "No thanks" campaigners. -The steps are popular. Many people use them as a place to sit, eat their lunch, socialise and listen to buskers. -There aren't many places in Glasgow City Centre to sit. Apart from George Square, there really isn't anywhere you can sit. -The steps provide excellent views over Buchanan Street and beyond. These views are captured by local photographers and artists.
    16,773 of 20,000 Signatures
    Created by Ben Bookless
  • Prevent Scottish Power taking on New Retail Customers
    Scottish Power are one of the UK's largest energy providers labelled as one of the "Big Six". Their organisation is in a complete mess having made a disaster of their new systems last year. Since then a range of issues have occurred for everyday people with no sign of improvement on the horizon. Billing errors are creating inaccurate bills causing people to be chased and harassed for debts they do not owe. Innocent people who are not customers, or ever have been are being set-up as customers and being hounded for debts. Families left without gas and electricity for days, vulnerable and elderly people being let down. Their customer complaints is in complete melt-down and they are unable to cope with the sheer volume of contacts. They fail to respond to calls, emails and social media complaints. They fail to log issues causing people to have to start over again. We have had reports of families out of pocket of hundreds of £'s and left without services. A campaign on Twitter started just two weeks ago and has already interacted with 1000's of Scottish Power customers in similar situations. The energy Ombudsman service has been in-undated with complaints. Ofgem need to act and need to act now. Scottish Power's aggressive sales campaigns continue and in our opinion, they are shovelling more customers into a broken system. This must stop until they can rectify these issues. Our website can be found at www.switchtobetterservice.uk Further details can be found on our existing Twitter campaign and we recommend you click on "Favourites" to see the stories from real people. You can find this at www.twitter.com/switchtobetterservice. Our recently added Facebook page is also gaining steady momentum at www.facebook.com/switchtobetterservice UPDATE: on Friday 14th November 2014 Ofgem finally announced that they had launched an investigation into Scottish Power. Our campaign was acknowledged by Ofgem and your voice helped to draw attention to their failings. Read more here: http://switchtobetterservice.uk/2014/11/newspapers-report-on-ofgem-investigation-into-scottish-power/
    819 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Ady Howes
  • Petition Against Attempts to Impose Restrictions on Calling Referenda
    There have been widespread complaints of irregular practices associated with the No side in the independence referendum. But even if we accept the vote itself wasn't rigged, that still doesn't alter the fact,that the referendum certainly WAS. Nobody can pretend the NO side won fair and square. There can be no question of saying "Congratulalions old chap, well played". The cheats played with every trick in a very dirty book. The cheats won a cheats' win which won't last. The blatant bias of the British State Broadcasting Corporation and practically all of the State-sponsored mass media rigged the referendum. The blatant lies about "You'll lose your pension" , which continued to be repeated to frighten old age pensioners, long after such stories had been comprehensively demolished, rigged the referendum The false promises of rapid and genuine Home Rule being delivered within a few months rigged the referendum. Despite having the BSBC and all the mass media on their side, in the last week of the referendum campaign, in a complete panic, the NO side resorted to general-election-style politicians' promises which they can't possibly keep. It is this blatant rigging described above that makes the "result" both dodgy and temporary. They ran a general-election-style campaign, focusing on personalities and political parties. They ran a general-election style campaign in making worthless politicians' promises. Because the NO side ran that kind of campaign, of course the "result" won't last a "generation". It is already coming apart. It is in this context that Blair Moffat and others are seeking to impose an anti-democratic rule that this dodgy result has to be "respected" for 25 years. That is an attack on free speech, when it's perfectly obvious the result isn't even much "respected" now, and that it will become less respected as the months and years pass. Please sign this petition to The Presiding Officer of The Scottish Parliament, against the anti-democratic proposal put forward by Blair Moffat, and in favour of the sovereignty of the people of Scotland, who are the only authority qualified to decide when they want another referendum
    304 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Dave Coull
  • Glasgow
    Save Victoria Park from being sold off to commercial interests
    Keeping green space in the City and ensuring everyone can enjoy the park
    11,718 of 15,000 Signatures
    Created by Kate Still
  • Swap speed bumps for average speed camera in 30's
    Almost all drivers in the UK are fed up with the costs to repair damage caused by speed bumps and also being punished for someone else miss use of the roads.
    12 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Brian Kelly
  • better food for patients in hospitals
    I have had several visits to hospitals,and have had to take food into patients. Anyone who has underwent a hospital stay knows how important a decent varied diet is to a patient
    14 of 100 Signatures
    Created by helen cairncross