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To: Boris Johnson

Ban the sale of Fireworks to the general public UK

To Ban the sale of Fireworks to the General Public once and for all

Why is this important?

Every Autumn, from the 31st October now fills me with such a sense of dread that I have a rising panic in August !

Why ? ...
Because we live in a society of pyromaniacs who find it nesessary to waste copious amounts of money on FIREWORKS.. They are the devils joy and not mine or millions of other dog owners or pet owners of which there are over 18 million in the UK.

The shear sound of them absolutely terrifies my two dogs and every year it's the same, we have to live for months on end with curtains drawn, sound turned up loud on our TV, blankets swaddling them and calm tablets given but still it's not enough and the stress it causes is horrific.

The problem is it's not just one night anymore and it's not just a few sparklers . It starts at Haloween and ends after the New Year , not forgetting Diwalli and the Chinese New Year, and if like me you have neighbours who like to out do each other it just goes on and on and they are becoming louder and louder it's like bombs going off.

Not only are they frightening to pets, they effect Wild life and they have a very negative effect on the environment.

I strongly believe it should be sanctioned that the sale of fireworks to the general public be Banned and should people wish to stand and go awww then they visit an organised safe event away from the suburbs and in a controlled environment for the 2 nights of the year.

It's out of control with the sale of them and not only are supermarkets now being allowed to sell them, shop owners do too and young adults are not using them appropriately but find it amusing to let them off in the street or in parks where there are ducks and swans.

As an animal lover and peaceful person this is abhorrent and it needs to stop. We spend time campaigning to save the Tiger and Elephants and stop animal cruelty and rightly so but this is an extension of that cruelty and it's mental torture for millions of people, the elderly and pets

So please join my campaign and sign this petition


2020-10-21 16:57:59 +0100

1,000 signatures reached

2019-10-25 15:50:53 +0100

500 signatures reached

2016-09-18 13:43:41 +0100

100 signatures reached

2016-09-13 13:32:44 +0100

50 signatures reached

2016-09-13 09:09:54 +0100

25 signatures reached

2016-09-13 08:38:15 +0100

10 signatures reached