To: Scottish Goverment
De-power Scottish Natural Heritage

For the Scottish Government to look into the issues of SNH having too much power and ability to make decisions without having to fully explain or comply with other laws to protect the Wildlife of Scotland. Action is required to break up SNH into two or three smaller organizations, so they have to communicate with each other to work the best possible ways out for issues instead of one organization making all the decision.
Why is this important?
To keep a balance for all who live or use the environment. Also to protect more those species that are on the endanger list from extinction and full information has to be giving to justify why species that are protected have to killed. So that we in the future are not asking questions why species that are still depleting partly due to licenses being issues and also toughen up the laws on those who kill protected species illegally.
How it will be delivered
This will be handed in person to the Scottish Parliament to bring them the awareness of what the people of Scotland are not happy in the way that the Wildlife is being protected and will ask the government to take action to make SNH more responsible for there action. I will book an appointment so that at lease one MSP will receive this. Would be aiming to have several MSP at the time and would be great for some of you that have signed this to come along to show your support.