To: The Government,

Stop Advertising with Guns and Weapons

Stop films and games advertising their wares with images of the hero or villain with a gun, knife or any weapon. Advertise the film but use a different image. It will still sell the film or game.

Why is this important?

These images are plastered all over the tube, buses, bus shelters, newspapers, magazines etc. Subliminally de-sensitising young minds that this is ok and the norm. Young minds and easily manipulated minds that see the hero carries a gun or knife. There has been 11 fatal shootings already this year in London, and endless knife attacks resulting in fatalities not to mention acid attacks.
Though this may not be considered an important change we need to change the influence culture has. We can't change the films and games themselves but we can change the way they are sold to us, glorifying killing. And these small changes will contribute to the change in society.
I have started an instagram page documenting what I see called.