100 signatures reached
To: Tendring District council finish up at county.
Water safety group’s call to action to reduce drowning in Tendring

After hearing the heart-breaking news last week , I’m sure everyone is with us when sending our condolences to the family and friends of Ben who was well loved by many. We want to get ‘Stay Sea Safe’ promoted as much as possible and pushed into all schools in the hope of spreading knowledge and awareness of the dangers of the sea and how to stay safe and ultimately to prevent further tragedy, our thoughts are
Water safety group’s call to action to reduce drowning
start a campaign that every child in every high school in Clacton, should have at least 3-6 swimming lessons a year. In which they are taught to swim, how to deal with a rip tide or strong current. Taught basic rules and life saving and how to swim/float fully clothed. We cannot accept the excuse of we can't fit it into the curriculum, we can't get the time at swimming pool etc. The schools need to be teaching the children as much as the parents, the schools allegedly are giving children life skills so We'll they're not if they aren't teaching children how to survive the biggest threat on the doorstep a Great big sea
it doesn't matter where you learn to swim or how strong you are your right you can't beat the ocean/sea but people need knowledge n understanding of seas and tides from a young age and it starts at home and schools/nursery but not all parents have the understanding I have parents that have knowledge and understanding so be a good idea for schools to have funding so they can get professionals in schools. But it's not just people that live hear also people that come down for days out that aren't familiar at all with the sea that need educating
Schools in Tendring need to add plenty of water and beach safety lessons and have the lifeboat crew in to give talks.
every schoolchild in an assembly could show a video safety not just for the sea but rivers as well.
Water safety group’s call to action to reduce drowning
start a campaign that every child in every high school in Clacton, should have at least 3-6 swimming lessons a year. In which they are taught to swim, how to deal with a rip tide or strong current. Taught basic rules and life saving and how to swim/float fully clothed. We cannot accept the excuse of we can't fit it into the curriculum, we can't get the time at swimming pool etc. The schools need to be teaching the children as much as the parents, the schools allegedly are giving children life skills so We'll they're not if they aren't teaching children how to survive the biggest threat on the doorstep a Great big sea
it doesn't matter where you learn to swim or how strong you are your right you can't beat the ocean/sea but people need knowledge n understanding of seas and tides from a young age and it starts at home and schools/nursery but not all parents have the understanding I have parents that have knowledge and understanding so be a good idea for schools to have funding so they can get professionals in schools. But it's not just people that live hear also people that come down for days out that aren't familiar at all with the sea that need educating
Schools in Tendring need to add plenty of water and beach safety lessons and have the lifeboat crew in to give talks.
every schoolchild in an assembly could show a video safety not just for the sea but rivers as well.
Why is this important?
Schools in Tendring need to add plenty of water and beach safety lessons and have the lifeboat crew in to give talks.
every schoolchild in an assembly could show a video safety not just for the sea but rivers as well.
every schoolchild in an assembly could show a video safety not just for the sea but rivers as well.
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