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To: Chelmsford City Council (Esp. Keith Holmes Head of Development)

Chelmsford Developments & Local Plan (Incl. Beaulieu Park)

1) Explain why the council has authorised Planning ref: PP-06462744
09/01314/DOC/104 which enables the Beaulieu Park to abandon the planning condition 35 to provide renewable energy on these developments. (No public consultation was allotted, and the council did not obtain independent advice. Personal solar panels applications are also refused denying renewable clean energy to owners of these houses.)

2) In a letter from Councillor Watson he states that insulated buildings are 'better for urban design outcomes' than sustainable generation of power. We want evidence that renewable energy is not appropriate for urban design. Given the pollution levels in cities it would appear better for health and the environment that urban design should incorporate clean energy.

Why is this important?

We do not accept the level of power that is given to the developers of our city.

We demand that all new housing developments should have both insulated buildings AND renewable energy. This requirement should not be dropped because of 'urban design'.

We do not accept unsustainable development that contributes to climate change; our communities need clean energy, transport links, and schools, doctors surgeries and amenities.


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2018-01-15 12:02:30 +0000

10 signatures reached