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To: Rt Hon Theresa May and all Party Leaders

Putting Children First in the UK - THE BIG ONE


Why is this important?

Putting Children First in The UK – THE BIG ONE

Being poor is not a life choice. Children brought up in poverty rarely get the opportunity to fulfil their potential. The unacknowledged and undisclosed ramifications of these well publicised swingeing Benefit Caps will disproportionally affect over 500,000 children, the length and breadth of the land. Whose only mistake is to have been born into a poor household!

We believe that these cuts to Benefits have gone too far and will bring many more households below the poverty line, further increasing the accelerating levels of homelessness. Those able to find extra resources will be in fuel poverty and requiring top up food from our already overstretched Food Banks. Please help prevent child impoverishment.


You see, the sad fact is that most people do not understand what is happening. If you tell people that 500,000 children will be made homeless, they will simply not believe you. At first we were disinclined to believe it ourselves, but when we saw the unacceptable danger we understood. Then we found that it was necessary to turn sadness and anger into calm action. We need help to bring this to everyone’s attention - especially the government’s, for immediate action - so that this wrong can be righted before it becomes a terrible disaster.


We wish to ask every MP how they voted and why. Were they aware that in 85% of cases, affected household members were either unable or not required to work?

We ask every reader to sign our petition. We also invite every MP to sign. We call on the Government to immediately stop the implementation of Benefit Capping and rethink the entire approach to Deficit Reduction, rather than create a whole new underclass in society. We call on every Party Leader to commit to putting children first. It cannot be right to place 500,000 children at risk of being homeless. We simply cannot afford to do this to our children.


These figures are from the social housing sector in meltdown. They do not include the private rented sector where children will also be rendered financially toxic as in unable to even afford a council house. This has already been done to over 100 000 children via temporary housing accommodation. They should be securely rehoused immediately.

No one can start pointing the finger because we all bear responsibility. We must make absolutely sure we all do the right thing next.

These are children who don’t care either way yet about the EU, Deficit Reduction, National Debt, Parliament, Immigrant or Not or Benefit Cap. This really needs all of us to put aside our other beliefs, party colours, feelings or petty disputes about figures as all insignificant compared to the welfare and happiness of children.

Once considered “The Wealth Of The Nation” their hearts are in our hands.


Links. NOTE these will take you away from the petition. PLEASE DO NOT FORGET TO RETURN AND SIGN.

Joe Halewood (SpeyeJoe Welfarewrites) with an unmissable explanation. This one is a must read!

This from the Independent – except more like 164 000 households affected

This from the Express – mothers hit too

Simon Coles – Lib Dem Somerset County Councillor - standing up for children from inside local politics. For rising above it all.

Joe Halewood - SPeye Joe (Welfare Writes) – standing up for children from outside
politics. For seeing things clearly.

How it will be delivered

In person with press coverage if possible.


2017-01-02 19:26:08 +0000

25 signatures reached

2016-12-19 05:53:31 +0000

10 signatures reached