50 signatures reached
To: Warrington Borough Council
Protect Victoria Park Warrington from 'Creamfields' style events
Refuse Licence applications, now and in the future, to grant SJM Limited (or related companies) the ability to stage Regulated events such as open air music concerts with the associated sale of alcohol in Victoria Park. SJM Limited are currently requesting a music/alcohol license for Victoria Park covering 12 hours per day, 7 days a week for 5 months of the year. Their last one-off event there attracted 35000 people and 9000 vehicles.
Why is this important?
Victoria Park Warrington is located in the Ward of Latchford West that contains about 7000 residents in mainly high density housing. In addition the park is surrounded by other areas containing equally high density housing. Many people who live there are underprivileged or pensioners who would suffer even more than the rest of us from the noise, the invasion of cars looking for cheap parking places and the alcohol and drug fuelled antisocial or criminal behaviour. There are several rest/nursing homes within a short distance from the park. We value Victoria Park as a priceless recreational resource that needs to be kept safe and peaceful for pensioners, children, dogwalkers and all residents alike.