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To: Warrington Borough Council

Protect Victoria Park Warrington from 'Creamfields' style events

Refuse Licence applications, now and in the future, to grant SJM Limited (or related companies) the ability to stage Regulated events such as open air music concerts with the associated sale of alcohol in Victoria Park. SJM Limited are currently requesting a music/alcohol license for Victoria Park covering 12 hours per day, 7 days a week for 5 months of the year. Their last one-off event there attracted 35000 people and 9000 vehicles.

Why is this important?

Victoria Park Warrington is located in the Ward of Latchford West that contains about 7000 residents in mainly high density housing. In addition the park is surrounded by other areas containing equally high density housing. Many people who live there are underprivileged or pensioners who would suffer even more than the rest of us from the noise, the invasion of cars looking for cheap parking places and the alcohol and drug fuelled antisocial or criminal behaviour. There are several rest/nursing homes within a short distance from the park. We value Victoria Park as a priceless recreational resource that needs to be kept safe and peaceful for pensioners, children, dogwalkers and all residents alike.

Victoria Park RL ground, Warrington WA4 1QN

Maps © Stamen; Data © OSM and contributors, ODbL


2018-06-18 22:55:07 +0100

SJM are holding a residents meeting to gather any reports of public nuisance experienced at the recent Neighbourhood Weekender.

This will take place on Tuesday 26th June from 6.00 - 7.00pm, at the new sports centre in Victoria Park.

If you can also please email me at [email protected] any bad experiences, I'd be very grateful.

2018-05-15 17:59:12 +0100

Residents near the park should all have received a colour leaflet ( giving final news of plans for construction, security, noise management, policing, parking including permits for restricted zones, litter handling and Knutsford Road closures after the event.

The two Residents Hotline numbers to report any issues during the event are as follows 01925 873 090 and 01925 873 091

There is also an email address [email protected] which should be used at other times and if you cannot get through on the hotlines

Remember : if you are not happy about anything and suffer in silence, then the Festival will be deemed a success and it will be allowed to continue every year, probably for more days. Use the Hotline or email and then your complaint will be recorded.

2018-04-05 10:22:48 +0100

*** Urgent ***
Please give your views to Warrington Council on their "Culture Warrington" plans.
The survey runs out on Friday 6th April so complete it now. I've only just heard of it.
It's at

2018-03-20 17:17:20 +0000

Summary of New Information gained at Residents' Meeting 6th March 2018

1 Event management/ organiser
- The festival will be a fenced off area to the right of the car park
- The main stage faces East
- A small stage will face North and there is a tent venue.
- the park will remain open in other areas as normal
- Litter is planned to be tidied up between the 2 festival days and afterwards
- A phone hotline and email is being set up
2 Security
- 250 FGH Security staff within the festival fence
3 Traffic
- Car parks are at Boteler School and in Town
- Knutsford Road will be closed (except for shuttle buses) between 10.20 and 11.15pm
- The streets around the park will be resident permit parking only
4 Noise
- I was told that the max 75Db music should not be able to drown out a television in a typical double glazed house.
5 Cheshire Police
- there will be police outside throughout the weekend (including plain clothed)

2018-03-01 16:26:54 +0000

Latest News 01/03/18 :

A Public Meeting is being held on next Tues 6th March, starting at 6pm, at the new stadium on Victoria Park.

At this we will be told all the SJM plans for the so-called "Neighbourhood Weekender" Festival that WILL take place on Sat 26th and Sun 27th May, midday to 10.30pm.

This will go ahead in spite of local objections but we must attend to make sure that adequate plans are in place for e.g. noise management, traffic, security, policing and cleaning.

To escort vulnerable residents to the park, VIPRA will be walking as a group from St Hilda's Mission, Slater Street Latchford at 5.45pm. Please meet there beforehand at about 5.30pm.

Residents near the park should all have received a colour leaflet ( inviting them to the meeting.

If you have not received one or have any other issues or questions, email me at [email protected]

2017-10-10 14:20:48 +0100

I am pleased to announce that VIPRA (the Victoria Park Residents' Association) has agreed to continue the Campaign to protect Victoria Park and its local residents.

VIPRA would normally be for Latchford West residents, but it has formed a subcommittee to coordinate action for all the Wards, which are adversely affected by the SJM / WBC Victoria Park plans.

If you have any information that would help our campaign then please contact Ken or Steve as follows:

Telephone 07943589007 / 07984088666
Email [email protected]

2017-08-16 13:29:15 +0100

Victoria Park Concerts are to be Twice as loud as Creamfields

You've probably heard the news that the Licensing Sub Committee gave the go ahead for the Victoria Park Application against the specific advice of the Environmental officer and more than 80 written or spoken representations. I summarise :

Sub Commitee stated that they had no conflicts of interest

Concert will be total of 2 days in 2018 (in the 5 month period) with 25000 people and 3 days from 2019 with 29000 people.

Music will be played from 12.00 to 10.30pm
Alcohol will be sold from 12.00 to 10.15pm
The site will be closed at 11.30pm

The maximum noise levels at the nearest houses will be 75Db (Decibells) and NOT 65Db as recommended by Environment Officer and national Urban noise guidelines.
This is TWICE as loud as Creamfields (65Db max) in the confined area of Victoria Park.
Noise will rise to its maximum at the finish time and include a light show.

The Police have insisted on installation of CCTV

2017-08-12 12:21:08 +0100

I believe 2 Sub Committee Councillors have unacceptable conflicts of interest.

Councillor Pauline Nelson has the following connections to Simon Moran via Warrington Wolves (who he owns as well as SJM Limited who are applying for the Licence):

She is a member of The Warrington Wolves Supporters Trust / Squadbuilder's Committee as "Local Council Rep"

on Wed, 1 Jun 2011 Simon Moran (SJM Promotions) Invited her to attend the City of Manchester Stadium for a "Take That" Concert (worth £73 + VAT at the time)

Her profile picture on Facebook shows her in Wolves kit

Hilary Cooksey is an outside body appointee member of the "Culture Warrington Charitable Trust". This organisation is pledged to "delivering arts, heritage and events across Warrington."
This in turn is in partnership with the Warrington Wolves Foundation (among others).

I believe that they should not be sitting on the subcommittee on 15th Aug as they are highly unlikely to give us a fair hearing.

2017-08-11 13:33:44 +0100

The Licensing Sub Committee meeting "To consider an application for a New Premises Licence for Victoria Park" is (next) Tues 15th August 10am at the Council Chamber of the Town Hall.

Please attend even if you have not written a letter or email of representation, which allows you to speak.

A lot of people will be listed to speak but make sure you have your say as others may not properly represent your views.

2017-08-06 12:28:19 +0100

Campaign Website now available at

This includes Councillors' letter at

2017-08-05 22:02:59 +0100

A meeting with local Councilors and the local MP (we hope) will be held on Tuesday 8th August at 7pm at St Hilda's Mission, Slater Street, Latchford, Warrington. WA4 1DP. Representations will be discussed and the role of the Councilors in the hearing of 15th August. ALL WELCOME.

2017-07-22 09:32:09 +0100

The consultation period for this licence application will end at midnight 27th July 2017 i.e. NEXT Thursday. Time for action !

Relevant representations must be in writing and submitted by post to the Licensing Section at
New Town House, Buttermarket Street, Warrington, WA1 2NH
or e-mail: [email protected]

You must stick to the four topics of objection as follows
1)The prevention of crime and disorder
2)Public safety
3)The prevention of public nuisance
4)The protection of children from harm

Your representation MUST be based on evidence or your experience (e.g. of the V Festival of 1996 or Victoria Park Sport noise), and not on fear or speculation. Avoid sarcasm or attempts at humour or it may be thrown out.

2017-07-13 14:52:21 +0100

Dear Friends,

Thank you for signing the petition "Protect Victoria Park Warrington from 'Creamfields' style events".

Can you help spread the word by forwarding the link below to your friends, and talk to friends and neighbours.

Tbe Campaign is receiving significant publicity, appearing in Warrington Guardian (paper/online), South Warrington News (paper/online) and Warrington Worldwide (online)

[Please note that the link published in South Warrington News will not easily find the Campaign Web Site, so the above link should be used.]

It would be helpful to have any memories of V Festival Problems experienced back in 1996 or other relevant information.

Please email me via the 38degrees Petition Site, clicking on my name.

Many Thanks,

Michael Miller

2017-07-10 14:50:00 +0100

The campaign has made an excellent start. Local newspapers Warrington Guardian and Warrington Worldwide are already covering the story online.

The Licence application has nothing to do with City of Culture or applying for a 2 day event. Warrington Borough Council can put all the City of Culture and other events on themselves already, as they have owned the Seasonal Licence for Victoria Park since 2005. This existing Licence and the new Licence, allow an unspecified number of events to be staged for 5 months of the year.

I beleve that allowing commercial control of this Licence by SJM, would lead to more and more events in Victoria Park for more profit to the detriment of residents. The Council would be letting residents and the Park itself down, just for profit.

2017-07-08 09:39:18 +0100

100 signatures reached