1,000 signatures reached
To: North Tyneside Council
SUPPORT Plans to Build Tynemouth Watch House Garden CYCLE HUB

This petition is to give a voice to the many people that support the development of a CYCLE HUB on the Spanish Battery Tynemouth. We intend to provide a first-class facility and need your support to promote the success of this development.
Details of the development can be found at www.watchhousegarden.com.
The CYCLE HUB will provide:
• Year round all weather facility.
• Secure Bicycle Parking.
• Service points.
• Changing and shower facilities
• Tourist information point promoting community inclusion, sustainable transport and other local authority initiatives.
• Top quality food and refreshment.
• On-site diet/nutrition/training advice.
• Local heritage education for schools and youth groups.
• Meeting point for club and family ride-outs.
• Public Garden.
• Decked viewing area.
Details of the development can be found at www.watchhousegarden.com.
The CYCLE HUB will provide:
• Year round all weather facility.
• Secure Bicycle Parking.
• Service points.
• Changing and shower facilities
• Tourist information point promoting community inclusion, sustainable transport and other local authority initiatives.
• Top quality food and refreshment.
• On-site diet/nutrition/training advice.
• Local heritage education for schools and youth groups.
• Meeting point for club and family ride-outs.
• Public Garden.
• Decked viewing area.
Why is this important?
The CYCLE HUB will compliment our beautiful coastline whilst providing a 'stand-out' attraction for the many cyclists, tourists and general public whom already frequent the Spanish Battery. The development will assist with the enhancement and preservation of the Tynemouth conservation area and local heritage for generations to come.
North Tyneside attracts approximately 5.8 million visitors each year who inject £279 Million into the local economy, supporting over 3500 jobs.
This proposal will open a disused private garden into a considerate, visually low-impact CYCLE HUB that will only be visible from the southern aspect on the River Tyne.
From the outset the building has been sensitively designed to ensure the iconic views to and from the Brigade Watch House remain unspoilt. The building will be sunk beneath a manicured lawn at the same level as the current garden. We have even gone as far as to store refuse bins below ground level.
Two large car parks already exist to provide customers with parking. Additional spaces will be allocated for the sole use of the Tynemouth Volunteer Life Brigades response vehicles, whilst residents parking will remain untouched.
Those living on the Battery will be un-effected by the building as the aim is to cater for passing trade that already exists. The vast majority of our intended customers will arrive by foot or cycle.
Our vision is to provide Tynemouth with a gateway amenity that links to the National Cycle Network and provides a valuable facility for Tynemouth residents and the wider general public.
The development will ensure a notable finishing point for those tackling the challenge of the Coast to Coast/Coast to Castles/Great North Bike Rides. In essence the Cycle Hub will establish Tynemouth as a key destination within the cycling community.
A multitude of independent reporting commissioned by UK GOV indicates that development and investment in cycling infrastructure and sustainable transport provides the following:
• Creates inward investment to an area.
• Brings more jobs and positively effects the labour market, contractors and wider infrastructure/services.
• Increases health of those in the area, with exercise in excess of Chief Medical Officers guidelines.
• Boosts the local economy and business
• Creates a modal shift in the well being of individuals.
• Increases social inclusion and connectivity.
• Makes better cities and neighbourhoods.
• A reduction in Crime Rate.
• An increase in rental and property prices.
• Eases congestion.
• Improves air quality.
The North East of England is renowned for its warmth and hospitality, we look forward to providing a facility that welcomes one and all.
North Tyneside attracts approximately 5.8 million visitors each year who inject £279 Million into the local economy, supporting over 3500 jobs.
This proposal will open a disused private garden into a considerate, visually low-impact CYCLE HUB that will only be visible from the southern aspect on the River Tyne.
From the outset the building has been sensitively designed to ensure the iconic views to and from the Brigade Watch House remain unspoilt. The building will be sunk beneath a manicured lawn at the same level as the current garden. We have even gone as far as to store refuse bins below ground level.
Two large car parks already exist to provide customers with parking. Additional spaces will be allocated for the sole use of the Tynemouth Volunteer Life Brigades response vehicles, whilst residents parking will remain untouched.
Those living on the Battery will be un-effected by the building as the aim is to cater for passing trade that already exists. The vast majority of our intended customers will arrive by foot or cycle.
Our vision is to provide Tynemouth with a gateway amenity that links to the National Cycle Network and provides a valuable facility for Tynemouth residents and the wider general public.
The development will ensure a notable finishing point for those tackling the challenge of the Coast to Coast/Coast to Castles/Great North Bike Rides. In essence the Cycle Hub will establish Tynemouth as a key destination within the cycling community.
A multitude of independent reporting commissioned by UK GOV indicates that development and investment in cycling infrastructure and sustainable transport provides the following:
• Creates inward investment to an area.
• Brings more jobs and positively effects the labour market, contractors and wider infrastructure/services.
• Increases health of those in the area, with exercise in excess of Chief Medical Officers guidelines.
• Boosts the local economy and business
• Creates a modal shift in the well being of individuals.
• Increases social inclusion and connectivity.
• Makes better cities and neighbourhoods.
• A reduction in Crime Rate.
• An increase in rental and property prices.
• Eases congestion.
• Improves air quality.
The North East of England is renowned for its warmth and hospitality, we look forward to providing a facility that welcomes one and all.