• Increase The Chargeback Time Frame
    Many people either don't report scams or don't report them straight away because they are embarrassed about what's happened to them, people that have been scammed by a romance scammer are even less likely to talk report it immediately. In cases concerning APP Fruad & Product Received Not As Provided" that occurs when a company or a seller sends out an item that doesn't match what was advertised, we have seen several incidents where the scammer deliberately slows down & drags out conversations for months to avoid people being able to request a chargeback. Scammers will deliberately communicate with you on a very low lever with fake promises of a refund, this is to prevent you from speaking to your bank. These are the reasons thag we are camping for the alotted time frame to be extended to 120 from the date of the transaction, this will give people a greater chance of recovering any lost funds.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Robbie Mitchell
  • Provision of Compensation For Wrongful Imprisonment Of Innocent Individuals
    This petition is important because the actual ramifications, perception and knock on effects for innocent individuals that for whatever reason find themselves held on remand in prison for weeks or months can be quite severe and life-changing. Many lose their jobs, friends, family, access to their children and much more. It is simply just not good enough for the police to be able to imprison individuals, without the appropriate evidence out of malice or lack of skills whilst they conduct their investigations. Only to then rule no further action and the individual is left violated, unfairly punished, subjected to mental and sometimes physical trauma whilst in jail. The criminal justice system must either get better or be fairer. I can confirm that I have personally been through the above for no other reason than that of my colour and the fact that I lived in a middle class part of the UK. Hitherto, I had never even been arrested, but found myself labelled as a criminal and imprisoned with 6 potential offences that were then all proven to be false and/or fabricated. I now am unemployed, spent my birthday and Fathers' Day in jail. My wife served me my divorce papers served to me in jail and restricted access to my two beautiful children. I also lost friends and family contacts.
    208 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Sylvester Vince-Odozi
  • Identify Police excessive force larger details
    Occasionally there are officers that use excessive force using batons , tasers on people faces or heads , punching them even kicking people of all ages over the body. We need to be able to identify from a safe distance who these officers are without the need to approach them, and be arrested or caught up in an incident trying to take their details.
    70 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Gary Charles Ruddock
  • Start a criminal investigation into Sir Phillip Green’s role in 300 million Arcadia pension hole.
    He did with BHS pensions and he is at it again!! A parliamentary investigation into the BHS pension collapse concluded the Green family had systematically plundered BHS pension fund. BUT he walked away scott free! Now the hundreds of thousands of Arcadia Group employees face the same fate of losing their pension because of a 300 million pound hole. This after, the Greens taking a £1.2 Billion dividend from the company. The largest dividend in history taken from any company ever!!!! He and his Arcadia board have a history of disgraceful, bordering on illegal practices. Whilst this Notorious tax dodger has been sunning himself on his £100m superyacht in Monico, British tax payers have been paying for his staff!! Having already availed himself of the taxer Payer funded Furlough scheme they added insult to injury when, the board declared “ We recently implemented a policy for those employees who are working their notice on furlough to receive their furlough pay instead of their full pay.” Sir Phillip Green clearly thinks he is above the law, and he certainly has been treated like he is. I guess it helps to have great friends in high places; David Cameron-who appointed him Jobs Czar and changed the law so we as taxpayers now automatically contribute to a company pension, Tony Blair who made him a Knight. Lets remind him he’s not above the law. Let’s remind him that the law is there for the rich to follow, not just for average people
    80 of 100 Signatures
    Created by shampa sengupta
  • Justice for Black people wrongfully convicted in 70s and 80s Brixton
    Petition by Grassroots Black Left (GBL) https://grblackleft.com/ The death of George Floyd at the hands of US police sparked worldwide racial injustice awareness and soul searching, leading ex senior Metropolitan police officer Peter Bleksley to publish an expose in the Sun newspaper, titled “I was part of vile, racist police force that "fitted up" and "beat up" black youths in ‘80s – Brixton Riots were wake-up call”. https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/11838686/peter-bleksley-racist-police-fitted-up-beat-black-80s-brixton-riots/ In it he details how Black people in Brixton were routinely attacked by police and convicted of crimes they had not committed. The devastating effect these attacks and convictions had on the lives of countless law-abiding Black people and their families would have set in motion a spiral of shame, disadvantage and failure that reverberates today. The destructive ripple effect of just one false conviction is significant and we know this practice was “commonplace”; carried out over a sustained period. This abuse was likely indicative of police attitudes across the UK at the time, therefore we do not believe Brixton was an isolated case. Though we support the cathartic confession of Peter Bleksley and thank him for speaking out while other have remained silent – the fact remains that the reputations of countless Black people have been tarnished and bones, families, careers, hearts and lives broken and remain so, with no recompense – just cover-up and a doubling down of police denials. We demand a pardon to restore the dignity of the falsely convicted and financial compensation to go some way towards reimbursing individuals and their families for financial disadvantage suffered. Where questionable cases exist – we demand that they are reopened and assessed by an independent and truly representative body.
    76 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kevin White
  • Better funding for rural police!
    Rural crime is on the increase. Police lack the resources to investigate or prevent these crimes. We need more, better funding to give back rural community safety. Rural areas are becoming easy picking so all criminal factions, both petty and organised. Please help to get back a police force that can help us all.
    78 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Hilary Baker
  • Cardinal Vincent Nichols Must Resign
    The sex abuse scandals within the Catholic Church has caused severe damage to its reputation. What is worse is the way they have been handled by the authorities in the Church. Sex abuse is something which causes severe trauma for survivors for the rest of their lives, but the cover ups only add to the trauma. As the leader of the Catholic Church of England and Wales, the IICSA report has shown that Cardinal Nichols has failed in his leadership to deal with clerical abuse. Survivors are now calling for him to resign. It is important, as Christians, to first and foremost, seek justice and healing for survivors, and put that above the reputation of the Church.
    85 of 100 Signatures
    Created by J. R.
  • Free this amazing lady
    This is not right her treatment for her bravery is appalling.. Her children are suffering her family are suffering she is suffering .. she needs to be free and made a hero for all she has done
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Hayley Pirie
  • Domestic violence offenders register
    This is important because whilst there is Claire’s law for people to check this requires information which sometimes isn’t accessible such as previous address from people who have committed crimes. I personally have been in a domestically violent relationship and had there been a more easier way to check then things may not have escalated as far as they did. The information wasn’t easily available to me and I fear other people like myself have struggled to get valuable information that could’ve saved them from harm or potentially reduced it. It’s sad we live in a place where an offender can lie about what happened in a previous relationship and make out that their victim was actually the one at fault, why should their crime disappear from their life as soon as it’s been through court, their police record is private to them unless they wish to share it. This was anyone can view what they have done and have better awareness for themselves, their children, their family and protect themselves with the information that should be accessible!
    43 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Laura Jane Hughes
  • Catalyst converters
    Too many catalyst converters are being cut off cars.
    16 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Frank Bristow
  • Police/Covid-19 warden at St Nicholas CEVA Primary School
    Certain individuals are breaking the law by not following government guidelines regarding the Covid-19 pandemic rules.
    22 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kat Perkins
  • Allow prisoners to have mobile phones.
    Mobile phones are generally 'smuggled' into jails and then sold on to other inmates at prices that are sometimes not affordable leaving them in debt and families on the outside struggling. By allowing each prisoner to have a mobile phone (non internet enabled) they will be able to have more contact with family members. Reports have been done by the IMB in certain jails where they have stated that prisoners should be allowed these and it would help to combat contriband.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by John James