• Get Our Government to draw up a written Constitution!
    This is important to ensure that any future governments cannot take advantage of the people's trust ever again as this most recent administration has done. Most U.K. citizens will be unaware or apathetic to the fact that we do not have a codified constitution. However, they must realise that this is paramount to securely protecting our interests for the future and future generations to come.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Benjamin Alexander Ross
  • Reopen the Police Investigation into Partygate
    The longer this matter goes on, the more urgent it becomes to resolve it, so the country can move on, we can restore dignity and integrity to our Politics, and stop being an international laughing stock (as we have become), enduring such apparent tawdry and criminal behaviour from a man who has brought the office of Prime Minister, and his party, into disrepute.
    22 of 100 Signatures
    Created by David Mcginty
  • Demanding Secure Bike Facilities at Better UK Gyms
    Better UK supports people being active, and improving their health and wellbeing. This should start by supporting members to cycle, rather than drive, to their gyms. At the moment they have posters up in the bike hangars warning members about bike thefts in the area, but they are not taking any direct action to prevent this from happening. We, the members, would like to see this issue addressed and resolved through investment in a secure bike storage solution. A handful of the many recent cases : https://stolen-bikes.co.uk/stolen-bikes/brompton-bicycle-s6lu/ https://stolen-bikes.co.uk/stolen-bikes/specialized-vado-turbo/ https://stolen-bikes.co.uk/stolen-bikes/brompton-bicycle-m6l-2016-model/
    19 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Tasha Jarvis
  • Demand an inquiry into the Tory failure to act on reports of child abuse by Imran Ahmad Khan
    We need an independent investigation to determine that the Tory Party are changing their procedures so that this can never happen again
    76 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sammy Woodhouse
  • Coercive Control to be considered in Divorce Financials ie FDR
    Women are the predominant victims of coercive control, affecting 1.6million in 2019. These figures have greatly increased in 2022. Coercive control is often a hidden abuse, where there involves a lot of gaslighting, lies, behind the scene manipulating and sabotage. The damaging element is that it takes a long time to know what is going on, and also it affects every part of the victim's life and also it is hard to be believed. Often a victim is very isolated and having to suffer on their own. This has far reaching and permanent damage. Coercive control is a crime but it is hard for a victim to bring that perpetrator to court for the crime. Equally the courts are not arresting many perpetrators of coercive control. So again the victim is in a trap. If the perpetrator is not going to be arrested then surely they should have some punishment for their crime and that would be in the form of a fine or compensation to the victim.
    64 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Laura Scotland
  • domestic violence support and guidance online for males
    because male domestic abuse is just as prevelant in the uk as in 2021 1 out of 3 domestic abuse victims are actually male. this equated to 735,000 victims. this is a very large amount of males that really dont have the correct support networks in order to get the help and justice they deserve.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by jack macleod
  • Remove convicted offenders from streaming platforms!
    I was shocked and appalled to see that artists convicted of horrific crimes such as R Kelly, Rolf Harris, Gary Glitter and Lostprophets' Ian Watkins were all freely available on nearly all major platforms to stream and purchase. They have been convicted of sexual offences with minors. What sort of message is this sending out? Are streamers unaware of their crimes? Why do they even have these platforms available. How would that make the victims' families feel? Do companies have zero morality that they still want to make a profit from peadophiles? R Kelly - "The jury found Kelly, was the ringleader of a violent and coercive scheme that lured women and children for him to sexually abuse." (https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-58714203) Rolf Harris - "Rolf Harris has been jailed for nearly six years for 12 indecent assaults against four girls - including one aged just seven or eight." Mr Justice Sweeney said Harris, 84, had taken advantage of his celebrity status and had shown "no remorse". (https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-28163593) Gary Glitter - "Former pop star Gary Glitter has been jailed for a total of 16 years for sexually abusing three young girls between 1975 and 1980...was sentenced for attempted rape, four counts of indecent assault and one of having sex with a girl under 13." (https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-31657929) Ian Watkins - "Lostprophets singer Ian Watkins has been sentenced to 35 years for a string of child sex offences including the attempted rape of a baby. Watkins, 36, from Pontypridd, pleaded guilty at Cardiff Crown Court last month to 13 child sex offences." (https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-25412675) These are just four that I can think of - I am sure there are probably more.
    11 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Adam Emms
  • Fine Downing Street Party goers
    British law is seen across the world as being fair and just. Boris Johnson and his party going friends has tried to make a fool out of us, our legal system and they have betrayed the people whom they are meant to serve . Mr Johnson and his friends think they can get away with breaking lockdown law in 2020 and the British public will let them. Let’s show them we won’t. Let’s force the Metropolitan police to take action investigate and prosecute the lot of them if it was true. Let’s hit them where it hurts their bank balance!
    55 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Carolyn Bookbinder
  • Knife crime
    This is very important to me as I have three grandsons and my family and I are scared and worried for their safety. We feel very helpless against this tragedy which is happening all over the country but mainly in London.
    26 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Emillie Martin
  • Light up or Lock up
    I am finding it increasingly heart breaking to hear about the amount of attacks and assaults happening in dimly lit or dark areas, mostly community parks. Aside from assaults happening in a persons own home or partners home, Assaults In a park/other open public place comes third. I believe that we could eradicate the risk of these attacks by lighting up these areas and/or locking up. I am aware that both comes with a cost and budget restraints hinder this however, the cost of a life is much more valuable. Not only are many parks not lit up they fail to have basic CCTV in many of the areas, I believe that although this will not stop perpetrators it may deter them or at the very worst supply victims with evidence against the perpetrator The recent heart breaking story of Sabina Nessa, only brings to light the fact that many Parks and recreational areas are goldmines for perpetrators to commit heinous crimes. How is it that in the twenty first century we have so much technology and knowledge however we can not make simple changes to reduce the chance of these type of attacks happening. We apparently live in a "Big Brother" culture, so how is it when these types of crimes happen, mostly around dark parks that little to no CCTV footage is ever found? I am aware that the lighting or locking up of these areas can not fully stop attacks and assaults from happening however surely this action could potentially help to reduce the risk? I do think that it is very poor in this day and age of technology that these assaults are going under the radar.
    41 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Beth wilkins Picture
  • AXA Insurance: Stop insuring Wildlife Crime!
    AXA provide insurance for every hunts legal fees, this covers Hunting Act offences and violence towards sabs and monitors. The first year of cover they actually lost money due to the high number of hunting act cases and arrests for assaults: https://huntingleaks.is/wp-content/uploads/legal-fees-insurance1920.pdf We are now asking everyone to please start your own campaign against AXA, the more of us who take them on whether with petitions, demos outside their premises, emails, phone calls whatever, the faster they are likely to pull the policy. Without legal insurance, each Hunting Act conviction or act of violence legal costs will have to either come directly from the hunt’s own funds or from a central fund, if it comes from a central fund then hunts who face less legal action may well wonder why they are paying out for others. Targeting AXA insurance will send a message to AXA and anyone that dares do business with wildlife terrorists that the public will not tolerate ethically bankrupt businesses. It also will send a shockwave through the remaining hunts, making them aware that their time abusing animals is nearing the end.
    47 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Roberto Hogg Gomez
    Because this issue is letting our nation down. Nobody deserves to be abused and if we can do 1 small thing to change this then why shouldn’t we?
    10 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jemma Bradbury