• Melton Borough Council: Join Plantlife's Road Verge Campaign!
    Plantlife helps councils manage their verges and greens for native wild flowers and wildlife. Increasingly, local authorities are opting to save money on mowing/strimming by seeding verges and other grassed areas with native plants that are good for struggling wildlife species from butterflies and bees to hedgehogs and voles. These wildlife managed areas are then encouraged to grow naturally and only cut once a year in late Autumn. MBC has debated the climate crisis - now let's encourage them to make a positive start in the next financial year and help turn bare, mown road verges into blooming wild flower meadows!
    46 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Paul Saddington
  • Reduce cigarette butt litter
    Cigarette butts are a large source of marine litter
    9 of 100 Signatures
    Created by John Clayton
  • John West new Fridge Pot
    Plastics are killing our oceans so it seems crazy that a fish product manufacturer is introducing a new item , moving away from their tnraditional tin can!
    11 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Tessa Culley
  • Mindless tree and vegetation removal .
    The trees and vegetation which have been at the side of tracks etc. have been there for hundreds of years .Network rail have over the last few years gone into overdrive removing it and not allowing if to regrow using various excuses for doing so . This natural barrier is a haven for animals and wildlife, acts as a privacy/sound barrier for those living close to the track and enhances the look of the area . It is also extremely important as the trees and shrubs help to protect against pollution and help cleaning the air.
    93 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Paul Tarry
  • Stop Sheffield City Council mowing grass verges
    Long grass is an important habitat for many insects and we need to create more areas where they can live unhindered by needless destruction just for the sake of it looking nice.
    92 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jon Alexander
  • Plan for the Future Today
    I am 65 years old. I have 2 grown up children and no grandchildren. But I still care that we have a recognisable planet in 20 years time for the children born then. There is no point in waiting 10 years before we take this seriously. We need to start today
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Paula Longstaff
  • Ban plastic sleeves on greeting cards
    We are at a tipping point in terms of non-recyclable plastics, and these single use sleeves are completely unnecessary. The number of them produced and thrown straight into landfill is absurd, they should be banned as soon as possible, they serve no meaningful purpose and are inevitably polluting waterways and landfill sites.
    11 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Georgie Herety
  • Plastic Applicators
    The planet has enough damage already from plastic, plastic applicators are not biodegradable and contain body secretions that don't belong in the earth or in our oceans. Tampax should never have switched to plastic. Bring back the cardboard and paper!! Our wildlife and ocean life do not need it and neither do we!!!
    9 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Charly Blunden
  • Stop selling plastic water bottles
    After watching the BBC programme on war on plastic and working in a school myself, I see plastic water bottles thrown around the school premises. We need to stop the demand for these bottles to be made in the first place, where better to start than in education.
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Paula Chivers
  • Make recycling policy consistent across the UK.
    Because of the alarming damage UK public waste is having on the environment.
    25 of 100 Signatures
    Created by David Frogley
  • Make all plastics oxo-biodegradable
    Plastic waste that escapes into the open environment is threatening all life on our planet. Here is an easy way to enable future UK plastics to be safe.
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Michael Stokeld
  • RSC - Don't take BP'S money
    Mark Rylance, the well-respected actor, has resigned as an Associate Artist of the RSC because they have done a spomsorship deal with petrochemical giant, BP. Mark Rylance said: “I do not wish to be associated with BP any more than I would with an arms dealer, a tobacco salesman or anyone who wilfully destroys the lives of others alive and unborn. Nor, I believe, would William Shakespeare.” As a member of the RSC, neither do I in this time of trying to protect the planet want to see this major company who already brings in a substantial amount of money into the UK take 'thirty pieces of silver' off this international polluter. The RSC is our institution and a major contributor to world culture. We need to say that in their position, they need to use their influence to save the planet so that future generations can enjoy their magnificent work. Please sign if you agree.
    8 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Tony Church