• Picnics not BBQs
    In recent days fires have been raging on the surrounding moors damaging the sensitive ecology , using up valuable resources, threatening peoples' property, quality of life and livelihoods. Suggestions have been made that some of these have been started by the misuse of disposable BBQs. I would like to see more local authority endorsed encouragement given to locals and visitors to instead take a picnic (and responsibly removing their own litter) whilst simultaneously educating them about the fire risk posed by even sensible use of disposable BBQs near the moors.
    44 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Vicky Lomas
  • 'Palm Oil Free'
    The use of palm oil as an ingredient is one of the biggest causes of deforestation. Deforestation is one of the biggest preventable causes of climate change. Signs on packaging will allow people to make an informed choice. Changing consumer habits will reduce palm oil use and market forces will do the rest. Rain forests and orangutan habitats will be saved and felled trees can be replanted.
    62 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mary Green
  • Put a tax on non-energy efficient lightbulbs
    By doing this we are reducing the amount of electricity used, therefore reducing pollution created.
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Michael March
  • Get the Scottish Government to go Carbon Neutral by 2030
    Global Warming is the most important issue of our time! It effects our lives. It effects our children’s lives. It’s effects the future of the world. We need to act now, before it’s too late! We’ve been given this incredible gift that is our planet, don’t go throwing it away now.
    39 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Finlay Lunn
  • Replace all own brand packaging with biodegradable alternatives
    It has become harder and harder to be an ethical consumer when it comes to packaging. Even fruit and veg is packed in plastic punnets most of the time. There are several, biodegradable alternatives to the plastic packaging used by the big supermarkets for their own brand items. Too much emphasis is put on customers and their duty to make the right choice. This is impossible when there is no choice presented. The banning of free plastic carriers bags has shown how big an impact can be made when those who create and sell the problem take a measure of responsibility.
    118 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Leon Reed
  • The ban of micro plastics
    Micro plastics has a negative effect on wildlife and the environment
    9 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Steve Sutton
  • Recyclable Plastic Packaging Labelling
    At present a large proportion of food packaging does not provide the consumer with recycling imformation either on the plastic tray, or the accompaning paper information. This lack of information means that a lot of recyclable plastic still goes to landfill. Conversely consumers may be presenting plastics for recycling having assumed them as recyclable when they are not.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Roger Martlew
  • National household recycling template
    Every council have differing recycling plans , all very confusing inconstant and inefficient , in cost and what gets recycled , So one template rolled out across will sort this out once and for all , winners the environment, nature , us , collection template , followed by new packaging laws
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Clive Winter
  • Reduce the amount of products containing palm oil
    This is important as it not only strips away poor, endangered animals habitats but also increases deforestation greatly. Did you know that over 50,000 orangutans have died recently on the islands of Borneo and Sumatra due to palm oil deforestation.
    29 of 100 Signatures
    Created by ronny sheppard
  • Ban Plastic Carrier Bags
    I work in a shop and am horrified by the number of people asking for plastic carriers, sometimes just for one small item. We don't even charge them as we are too small. Multiply our shop by all the shops who give or even sell plastic carrier bags and the impact on the environment is immense. Many people now carry their own cloth bags and if plastic bags were not freely available, everyone else would learn very quickly, to do the same.
    23 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Lynne Tann-Watson
  • Ban the use of plastic straws!
    Reasons are mainly cause: They harm marine wildlife and ecosystems. They expose us to toxic chemicals. Why You Should STOP Using Plastic Straws? Science Says: Amount of straws, plastic pollution is huge. ... They figure that means 437 million to 8.3 billion plastic straws are on the entire world's coastlines. But that huge number suddenly seems small when you look at all the plastic trash bobbing around oceans. The use of plastic straws is killing the environment You’ve heard it on the news and across the internet — plastic straws are no good. Why? Plastic straws are no good because… Are Straws Recyclable? The average straw is made from polypropylene. This resin of plastic is identified as the number five when you look at its recycling code. Other things made from polypropylene include bottle caps, plastic cutlery, yogurt containers, etc. It is a highly recyclable plastic. However, there are different types of polypropylene — and the one used in the production of plastic straws is not widely accepted. Even some of the biggest recycling centres that DO accept polypropylene, DO NOT accept plastic straws. Why Using Plastic Straws is Bad? When straws cannot be accepted by your local recycling program and they are still included in the recycling bins, you’re creating a bigger problem. This negligence can cost cities millions of dollars to remove these straws from the items that can actually be recycled. Most plastic straws are used at restaurants and bars. Therefore, it’s completely up to the business to be environmentally responsible and find a proper recycling program that accepts plastic straws. The problem is, not many take this extra step. Straws that end up being thrown away (and recycled improperly) will end up in either landfills or floating garbage patches in the ocean. Even though straws are small, a lot are used and they can add up faster than most items that are thrown away. What You Should Do? Stop using all forms of plastic straws altogether. Do not buy them at the store and ask your server or bartender to hold off on giving you one when you order a drink. Live a straw-free life OR use straws made from recycled paper. Even though these straws became less popular in the 1960s (when plastic straws were introduced), they are still made and are the best option if you must use straws.
    25 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Rasmita Patro
  • Persimmon UK, give us our trees!
    One tree supplies enough oxygen for four people- yes we all need our trees to breathe!
    14 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Surinder Saroya