Fairer Holiday Prices in School HolidaysCash strapped families with young children are already suffering with increased child care costs during the school holidays and to make it worse a lot of them can't afford a holiday abroad because the prices are so ridiculously high. They can shoot up hundreds of pounds over 24 hours! So I am petitioning the office of fair trading to try and get something done about this.8 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Carol Waugh
STOP Council Housing Benefit taking student loans into account as an income!Currently if you are a university student and living in rented accommodation you can receive a maintenance loan. The councils in UK include this as an income when evaluating a housing benefit claim! I have also found out the even if you do not take out a maintenance loan the council includes it, so a student would have to take one out anyway. This is a loan to be paid back after graduation, not an income.9 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Andrew Walden
Support Daffodils Outdoor Nursery and Arthingworth VillageDaffodils Outdoor Nursery is a family run business which has just registered with Ofsted to provide childcare for children in the Arthingworth and surrounding areas. We are a unique nursery following an outdoor approach to learning and offering something different to families in the area. Someone has put in an application for permission to open a nursery directly opposite ours. It has come to our attention that a previous application for permission to build 27 houses was rejected, and that the change in application to incorporate a nursery is in fact a ploy to gain permission for a housing development. As a brand new business, we do obviously have concerns about the sustainability of two day nurseries in such a small village. But we also have concerns about the increased traffic more housing and another nursery will bring, as well as the change to the village that a large housing development will have. We urge you to please consider the application and the motives behind it, and to consider the detrimental affect it will have on not only us as small family run business that has not yet had a chance to establish itself, but on the beautiful village of Arthingworth as a whole.171 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Amy Claypole
New playground for Elmbridge communityElmbridge is a community full of young families but we don't have a suitable playground in the area. We would like a play area where families can meet with friends and have picnics, with equipment that children of all ages can enjoy.5 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Sarah Sawyer
Teach cooking to children and parentsBecause we have generations of parents and children who are unable to cook and are not aware enough of how to provide healthy and nutritious food to their families, hence the health issues and sometimes misguided use of wages or benefit money on poor quality foods by some parents. It is the responsibility of more than the Education Minister. Jamie Oliver tried hard to help with this but even he needs more support to make it work.35 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Christine Griffiths
Tax deductible childcare costsThere are a huge number of working families in the UK who spend an exorbitant amount of their income, sometimes up to 50%, on nursery fees alone. This can often result in one parent, usually the mother, simply not returning to work because of the expense. The loss of child benefit and other financial assistance to most working families has not helped. There is little incentive to return to work for many women because of the cost. Childcare costs will only spiral further with the increase in the minimum wage (affecting salaries paid to nursery staff). The government must help these families by providing this tax break.34 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Tammy Knox
Allow parents of summer-borns to defer entry easily, as promised.There is a huge difference in each LEA's procedure for children being deferred. Currently, in my local authority, you have to provide evidence that it is in the child's best interest. The only evidence they will accept is proof of medical need. I feel, that as a parent, I am capable of and should be responsible for making that decision for my child. It should be about what is right for the individual child and not about making the council's life easy. Promises have been released in the press but nothing has happened since. Councils are not going to change policy without legislation.8 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Laura Oakley
Ensure all Employers Liability Insurance covers repatriation for British citizensIn the tragic event when someone dies the family are left to organise their funeral arrangements whilst grieving their loss. If a British person dies overseas the extra stress and worry of having to repatriate their body can have serious consequences to the family, both in a heavy financial burden and emotional strain. Recently a British lorry driver from Wakefield died in Italy of natural causes whilst waiting for a ferry to Greece. His employer stated that because he was not in an accident they were not covered under their employers liability insurance to recover the costs of repatriating his body back to the UK, even though he was still physically employed by them. They did however immediately send another driver to collect their lorry, and offered £5000 towards the cost of repatriation - as long as the family did not tell the national press their story. With the unexpected worry of having to find the extra cost of thousands of pounds to repatriate his body, the dead driver's family were left with no other option than to reach out to the transport community via a crowdfunding campaign. The campaign was extremely successful and over £20'000 was raised within 3 days, because lorry drivers and other transport personnel all over the country were disgusted that the driver's employer would not cover the cost of repatriating his body after 12 years of employment, even though they have a multi million pound turnover. They chose money over empathy, reputation over compassion, inconvenience over pure decency and honor, and they chose to leave one of their own staff member's dead body in a foreign country over doing the right thing. This time the drivers community came through for him and his family, but someone else might not be so lucky. The devastating and heart breaking thought of not being able to bring your loved one's body home to rest is unthinkable. The transport community would like the Government to put legislation into place so this can never happen to another British person again. A very tiny rise in national insurance contributions will raise enough money to cover the cost of repatriation for normal British civilians. Hundreds of British citizens die overseas every year, caused by terrorists or natural death whilst on holiday, natural disasters and work related deaths. Army, Navy and RAF personnel are all repatriated back home, so why can't normal citizens have that right too? MOD personnel serve their country by protecting it and those at risk of harm in other countries. Normal British citizens serve our country by working and keeping the economy strong. This petition to the Government is dedicated to all British citizens who die overseas. Please choose compassion over money and doing the right thing over inconvenience. Please support this campaign and sign this petition. It could be you or one of your loved ones who needs repatriating next. Thank you.24 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Jane Finch
Bring back the giant christmas tree to southamptonIt is important because it is a traditional Christmas icon thats been part of Southampton's heritage for well over 100 years and the main giant tree standing in the city centre brings joy and happiness at christmas to children and adults alike regardless to any religious issues. It also was lit up at the same time when the christmas street lights are turned on. If you feel like i do about the true traditional spirit of christmas of goodwill and joy to all please vote to bring it back!!111 of 200 SignaturesCreated by rebecca green
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