• Ask Government To Give Us A Vote On Issues
    It is apparent from experience that choosing parties on the basis of stated agendas is not enough to guarantee we achieve anything. The actions rarely mirror the bold promises once in office. It can appear Breach Of Contract is is just an abstract concept to our Political Parties who show exceptional finesse in being able to do a complete 180, seamlessly, without too much trouble, and yet keep voters aligned to them somehow. It's like a collective amnesia where we're forcing ourselves to replay history over and over, convincing ourselves we won't get short-changed again, ignoring the in-built weaknesses and Conflicts Of Interest arising from our current Democratic System.
    98 of 100 Signatures
    Created by alex deacon
  • We should be allowed to vote for NONE OF THE ABOVE
    As it stands now, we can only vote for the candidates listed on the ballet paper. If you do not like any of them, it's a choice to either to not indicate any or defile the paper. Both options are against the law and could have repercussions. With the addition of a none of the above option you will be able to register your dissatisfaction with the candidates and not brake the law. But still support the electoral system.
    36 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ian CLUTTERBUCK
  • E-Democracy Now!
    We have the technology now to overcome the inadequacies and corruption of Parliamentary democracy. We have the will, but lobbying our rotten Parliament over and over again with e-petitions can only effect change within the limited parameters set by the corporations and bankers. It will only get us so far. The vision of a real alternative - a Direct Democracy - or a UK People's Administration is so closely aligned with that of 38 Degrees and it's members that it makes sense to explore the concept with groups who are campaigning for E-democracy - to collaborate with them on the development of infrastructure for a better system of governance.
    51 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ben Kidd
  • Change Capitalistic system - Wellbeing of all citizens - 5 Year Plan! - 21stcenturycapitalism.org
    The current Capitalistic system has failed dismally, it has before and inevitably will again in the future causing further devastating misery and absolute despair across the globe if it is allowed to continue as it stands, with the undeserving populace of the world inevitably once again left to pick up the pieces of a failed and abused system still being allowed to be broken by just a few of the greediest and most gluttonous who are allowed to walk free! This current Capitalistic system has also resulted in the top few percentile of a countries population owning the vast majority of that countries assets and wealth leaving the majority of its' population progressively disenfranchised, increasingly exploited and even more poorer leaving generations for years to come suffering the consequences from this colossal failure that has been allowed to continue without proper scrutiny or rehabilitation. Check it out for yourself:- The report asserts... “...vicious circle where wealth and power are increasingly concentrated in the hands of a few, leaving the rest behind”.“This means the rules are constantly rewritten in favour of the rich, for example through policies such as lower taxes for high earners,” it says. The charity said the findings were “deeply worrying”, and that such inequality was a “sign of economic failure”. http://www.oxfam.org.uk/blogs/2014/03/5-richest-families-in-uk-are-wealthier-than-poorest-20-pc http://www.oxfam.org.uk/media-centre/press-releases/2014/03/a-tale-of-two-britains “400 people owning the wealth of half of the population of the United States”. The guardian The report, launched at the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos, states that "wealthy elites have co-opted political power to rig the rules of the economic game, undermining democracy". The 85 richest people on the planet "own the wealth of half the world's population," Oxfam said. The report exposes the "pernicious impact" of growing inequality that helps "the richest undermine democratic processes and drive policies that promote their interests at the expense of everyone else", the statement said. "We cannot hope to win the fight against poverty without tackling inequality. Widening inequality is creating a vicious circle where wealth and power are increasingly concentrated in the hands of a few, leaving the rest of us to fight over crumbs from the top table," said Winnie Byanyima, Oxfam Exec. Director. Present:- With the current Capitalistic system the employer exploits the employee to the extremes and the owners and shareholders cream off any profits made by them - Which has seen a scandalous pay gap develop between the highest paid and the lowest paid in the same company, and leaves many disenfranchised having to claim for unemployment benefits which keeps the wages of the lowest paid low and the working class having to pay higher taxes, leaving the richest in our society able to afford tax avoidance schemes!!! I want to revolutionize that broken and dilapidated system and make this planet we all live on a much better place and more inclusive for all the citizens of the world, and desperately need all your help if we are ever going to achieve this seismic change for the benefit of all humanity. Future:- The system I propose is a more modern, inclusive, and balanced Capitalistic System that’s fit for the 21st Century where company profits are shared out fairly between all the employees who actually make the product and deliver the service, the corporate employer who needs to reinvest funds for the future and the corporate shareholders who require and expect a fair return on their much needed investments. It is not only much fairer for the vast majority of all those concerned but this should also allow for a better more enfranchised and caring society whereby the wealth is redistributed more evenly throughout the population across all pay levels, giving scope for full employment prospects with everyone in a company pulling in the same direction which should deliver more wealth, better health and a much more balanced sense of well-being throughout all our communities in the future! This can be achieved over a 5 year period in a stable and controlled manner so as not to destabilise the markets and also allow a level playing field for all concerned parties by gradually increasing the employees share of the company profits/share ownership of a corporate company and placing it into an independent employees trust fund where it would be split equally between each employee. This would start at 10% of the profits/shares for the 1st year, then 20% the profits/shares the 2nd year, 30% the 3rd year, etc. - So this employees proportion is gradually increased until the wealth of the few at the top at present is re-distributed fairly and more evenly throughout the whole populace for a better and more inclusive society! 21stcenturycapitalism.org - The Athena Party.org
    12 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Neil Carter
  • Mandatory drug and alcohol testing for all MP'S.
    Westminster is fast losing the respect and authority of the British people, This they must regain. We can no longer afford drunkenness and inappropriate behavior to be allowed in the Houses, and while they carry out their many other duties.
    94 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Stephen Porter
  • Prosecute cheating MP's with FRAUD
    There is a double standard which sets MP's and their cronies above the law and lets them commit crime with impunity.
    126 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Nand Singh
  • Shut down the ticket touts.
    There are seven petitions going through the direct-gov organisation at the moment but it seems that only one of them has any serious numbers of supporters. As I have been watching the power of 38 Degrees for some time I believe that it is only via this route that a serious petition to this end will come about.
    75 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Paul R Herd
  • Greater Awareness of Polio and post polio Syndrome
    As I suffered Polio at the age of 2yrs back in 1953 I had no ideal that it would return and bite for a second time in later life, my Dr has not got a clue about it and I have given him leaflets etc telling him but all he says is do more walking, I wish that I could its not through lack of trying my one good leg is worn out and needs a new knee while my other shorter leg has no joint movement and lack of muscle owing to the Polio all them years ago,
    71 of 100 Signatures
    Created by edmund peschel
  • Abolish political parties to reinstate democracy
    We must take steps to improve our democracy. Our MPs are generally elected through a deal with the devil. Well, I say devil but I mean political parties. In order to gain money for campaigning and to gain the votes of people who vote along party lines, most people who want to become MPs are forced to join political parties. Unfortunately, if they do get elected then they are now in the pocket of the party that helped them get there. They have to obey what is known as "the whip". This means following the party line. They are no longer free to represent the views of their constituents - instead they represent the views of the party. Political parties are also open to lobbying. Big business and trade unions can suck up to the political parties and tempt them into adopting policies that suit them. Now your MP is not just failing to represent you - they're actually representing other interests entirely that may be anathema to your views. The role of an MP should be to represent their constituents. It is so rare that this is the case. Far too often, an MP's main relationship with their constituents is to send them the party line whenever the constituents ask for representation and deluge the constituents with leaflets around election time! This is not how our democratic system should work. The abolishment of political parties may seem an extreme step but I believe it is necessary if we are to have members of parliament who fulfil their remit and represent their constituents. Please sign this petition and pass it on. We can at least show our MPs a sign that we want real democracy in this country.
    86 of 100 Signatures
    Created by John Stewart
  • National service - a very bad idea
    National service "conscription" was introduced leading up to WWII and was abolished 15 years after WWII for good reason. It did more harm than good to those who were forced into a minimum of 2 years service. For many it would have been easier to spend 2 years in prison but then they would still have had to do the term of service after. Many got out by faking long term illness, or by suicide but the rest had to get on with it. Those who endured the grueling 2 years of service and survived the regime mentally unscarred were few if any and a generation were brought up by the men who endured their time in service. It has a long lasting and generational effect on society. where cruelty is a tool for training those in service like electric shocks on a lab rat. A reintroduction of National service "conscription", serves for cheap labour for what ever means the government of the day sees fit and with those having to serve, forced to do what ever training the controllers set. There is no benefit for the individual to serve a term of service and no long term benefit for society. although those presenting the bill will disagree it is something that is so abhorrent to any critical thinking free person that someone should be enslaved for a period of time for what ever reason. if you are reading this on face book please sign
    20 of 100 Signatures
    Created by nikki mitchell
    I am amazed that with all the damage the current Government is doing to our great British institutions, like the NHS, education, public services generally and now the BBC; with all the protests by GP’s, economists, unions, teachers, the government pushing ahead with its privatise everything dogma, we have no new party standing up for the things 38 Degrees members and many other believe in. We need to challenge the political system as a whole, which no longer represents the people of this country, but has become self-serving and the instrument of special interests. If we simply wait for the election in 2015 with no alternative to the current parties, our great British Institutions could be dismantled by then and once broken up and sold off piecemeal it will be very difficult to put the pieces back together. No party is calling for these assaults on our society to be stopped in strong enough terms- not Labour, not any party.
    19 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Lorraine Schaffer
    Israel appears to be gearing up for War in the Middle East by striking at Iran false flag or not. We will not be dragged into this forced Armageddon/World War III with war mongers. The ONLY way forward is Peace.
    79 of 100 Signatures
    Created by julie lowe