• Asylum for Afghan Interpreters and thier Failies
    People are under threat and we owe our thanks and should give them safety. I am and was against this war but these people are being let down by our country - they are not at fault, the UK is.
    21 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Simon Manchip
  • Another Referendum For Scotland
    The commissions report on 27.11.2014 are not the powers that were promised. Many voters in Scotland voted no as a result of HOME RULE being promised. The new devolution settlement falls far short of this and as such does not constitute home rule. Therefore the result was based on a lie making the previous result null and void.
    168 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Martin Keatings
  • Move Parliament Out Of London
    1. London is becoming a victim of its own success: a hellishly expensive place to live, work and do business. 2. At the same time London's pull on resources and wealth has become a drain on the rest of the UK, plunging many regions into permanent economic decline. Parliament and government are widely regarded as having a London-centric bias (public spending figures certainly bear this out) and the location of both in London undoubtedly contributes to this. 3. In addition, the presence of Parliament & Government in London effectively acts as a massive public subsidy to ironically the one region of the UK that really doesn't need it! A subsidy that could be better spent elsewhere. 4. Currently the Palace of Westminster needs repairs totalling up to £3 BILLION and may have to close for up to 5 years. Moving Parliament to new, purpose built accommodation in the heart of the UK would save this money by selling off the non-historic parts of Westminster, raising millions given London property prices. Governments love privatising things - why not Westminster? 5. We also believe housing politicians in 'Palaces' is wrong - it gives them delusions of grandeur! 6. Money would also be saved by the lower cost of MPs home and office accommodation outside London and no longer having to pay London-weighted salaries to civil servants. All at a time when spending cuts are needed to tackle the national debt. Let's cut politician's costs not nurses, teachers or police. 7. Trust in our democracy is also at historically low levels and a clean break from a past mired in scandals would help to restore that trust. Moving MPs into the heart of the UK and into a new parliament building which places openness, transparency and public access at its centre will help to restore that trust. 8. Moving Parliament out of a dominant London will also ensure Parliament follows policies for the good of the whole country rather than its current London-centric focus. 9. The time is right to renew our democracy - and renewing our Parliament should form a central part of that.
    153 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Lee Holmes
  • No £10,000 pay rise for Welsh Assembly Members
    In times of reduced public spending on services like Education and NHS this an insult to those who are loosing services. This leaves aside the low level of income for many households in the region. How many actually have a comparable income with 2 adults working? Lead by example.
    119 of 200 Signatures
    Created by John Edginton
    How far will we allow corporate interests to run our Government's environment policies and dismantle the biosphere before we finally scream "ENOUGH!" ? The natural environment we are leaving to our children and grandchildren is already massively degraded, and if narrow corporate interests continue to be pandered to by our government, who have instituted wicked mechanisms by which to undermine our care for the environment, even this damaged inheritance will be lost. Full details of the underhanded, cynical and biased way the Government is undermining our natural patrimony can be found in George Monbiot's excellent article on the following link: http://www.theguardian.com/environment/georgemonbiot/2014/nov/21/we-need-nature-wellbeing-act-protect-wildlife-decline?CMP=share_btn_fb The Nature and Wellbeing Green Paper drawn up by the RSPB and Wildlife Trust offers an antidote to the toxic behaviour of the Government. A link to it can be found on the article by George Monbiot (URL given above). We know that people power CAN change government policy, because it is WE, the VOTERS, who tick the boxes in elections. So please use your power for the sake of both Nature and future generations! Every email or letter sent to your MP, pressuring him or her to put Nature first by pushing for the adoption of the Nature and Wellbeing Paper as law, will make an important difference. Thank you !
    194 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Dani Kaye
  • Stop Fracking In Scotland By Bringing SEPA back into Government control
    Public bodies of the Scottish Government are organisations that are funded by the Scottish Government. It is a tightly meshed network of executive and advisory non-departmental public bodies ("quangoes"); tribunals; and nationalised industries. These public bodies are distinct from executive agencies of the Scottish Government, as they are not considered to be part of the Government and staff of public bodies are not civil servants. The Scottish Government is responsible for appointing a board of directors to run public bodies. The Office of the Commissioner for Public Appointments in Scotland is responsible for regulating the process. SEPA (The Scottish Enviromental Protection Agency) is one of these quango's - It is also the licensing agency for all fracking licenses in Scotland. By bringing it into government control or by tying its hands through legislation, fracking could be stopped in Scotland despite the protestation of Westminster
    202 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Martin Keatings
  • Stop the killer Tory cutbacks
    These Tory cutbacks in care funding are KILLING people. Already thousands of people all over Britain who have had their care funding slashed or cut off and who are too ill to work or even to look after themselves properly are thought to have seen no option but to commit suicide because they can see no other way out. As the Tory 'Austerity Measures' cut ever deeper, there will be thousands more. Even the DWP have been obliged to admit that since 2012, up to 60 people have killed themselves as a direct result of cutbacks in care and benefit funding, and there are thousands more they will not admit to. Every week, there are stories of yet more disabled people denied the care they need, who are dying. There will be tens of thousands more who will be forced to live in worsening squalor and neglect because they can't pay for the care they need. The story of double amputee Mark Cotton, reported in the Telegraph and Argus on 15th November 2014 is just one of many. I am affected too; I have moderate to severe ME and am too ill even to shower without assistance, and have just had all of my care funding cut off. Many more people I know, members of Hampshire Friends with ME - some in even worse health than I am - have been denied any care funding at all. There will be a rise in hospital admissions as peoples' health is affected by neglect, leading to secondary problems and even malnutrition. At the same time, care companies are going out of business because people who need their help cannot afford to pay for the care they need; the latest casualty in my area is Both Worlds. If you are healthy and working now, but being paid so little that you cannot afford to save for retirement or emergencies, and you lose your health through accident or chronic illness, YOU COULD BE NEXT. You may need help, and find that there is none. The money exists, but the one percenters want to keep it all themselves in legalized tax dodges and corporate tax cuts amounting to billions of pounds. Don't believe the lie that there is not enough money, when the government does not hesitate to bail out the banks with billions of pounds of taxpayers' money while allowing global companies like Vodafone, Starbucks and Amazon to pay negligible tax on the profits they make in Britain. ORDINARY PEOPLE ARE DYING WHILE THE RICH MAKE THEMSELVES RICHER, and the gap between the wealth held by the richest and the poorest people grows ever wider. THIS INSANITY MUST END. CAMPAIGN TO STOP THE KILLER TORY CUTBACKS.
    225 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Laurel Wingfield
  • Legalize Political Manifestos
    Prior to the last election ,the present Government made far reaching promises to protect NHS and ring fence the spending, even promising to increase it .They have renaged on all the promises outlined in their Manifesto, not only on this issue but many others too,we as the electorate should have right to take them to task .
    78 of 100 Signatures
    Created by George Buckley
  • No Mother and baby unit in Wales
    When mothers who are suffering need specialist perinatal mental health staff. Also the bonding and attachment with the mother is so important. The knock on effects of this illness is splitting families up and having huge effects on the next generation. The new report by MMHA says it will save the country money if the services was in place. Wales is 70 per cent lacking in support and families need help today. Read more here: http://www.walesonline.co.uk/news/health/couple-launch-campaign-bring-designated-8394059
    15,029 of 20,000 Signatures
    Created by Mark Williams Picture
  • Devolve Benefits To Scotland
    The current direction of welfare spending and procedures is not in-line with the will of the Scottish people and the direction in which we want to take. With 100,000 disabled persons standing to lose their lifeline in coming months it is imperative that the Scottish Parliament is able to make decisions on their welfare made based on the needs of the people of Scotland.
    318 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Martin Keatings
  • Free Julian Assange
    Julian Assange and Wikileaks provided a very important service to the whole world by exposing the extent to which the US National Security Agency (NSA) is invading everyone's privacy, among other things. He should not be forced to spend the rest of his life in the Ecuadorian embassy in London when there is a simple solution. Why have the Swedish prosecutors refused to see him over here, given that there are so many of his supporters who would be willing to pay their costs. He has not ben charged with any offence in Sweden - they merely want to question him over rape allegations.
    122 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Richard Turner
  • Reverse privatisation of pathology services at Guy's and St Thomas and King's College Hospital's
    For the last 5 years, pathology services at Guy's and St Thomas and King's College Hospital's have been managed by Viapath, a for-profit company formed between SERCO and the two hospital Trusts. Since the takeover by Viapath, the service has been plagued by problems; chronic understaffing, inability to recruit and retain, reduced training, closure of vital services and massive financial losses. Now the remaining NHS staff in the service face being transferred out of the NHS on the 1st January 2015. We oppose the transfer of staff and believe that to guarantee a quality and safe service for patients, the staff should remain part of the NHS, and all pathology services should be brought back into the NHS. The alternative is a the running down of a vital service for patients, and the loss of highly skilled and experienced staff. SERCO is a company notorious for poor services, bad employment practices and is being investigated for defrauding the government on other outsourcing contracts. Their involvement in the NHS can only jeopardise patient safety and damage the hospital’s reputation.
    1,318 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Mark Boothroyd