• Stop the British Government joining the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership
    Investor-state rules could be used to smash any attempt to save the NHS from corporate control, to re-regulate the banks and to curb the greed of the energy companies, to name just a few areas. See here for more details: http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2013/nov/04/us-trade-deal-full-frontal-assault-on-democracy The rules are not enforced by courts but by panels. The hearings are held in secret. The judges are corporate lawyers, many of whom work for companies of the kind whose cases they hear. Citizens and communities affected by their decisions have no legal standing. There is no right of appeal on the merits of the case. Yet they can overthrow the sovereignty of parliaments and the rulings of supreme courts.
    12,390 of 15,000 Signatures
    Created by Siegrun O'Sullivan
  • Fair pensions for Gurkhas
    To prevent the mass hunger strike planned for 7th November. After all haven't they served this country over the years when the British Government has needed to call on their services.
    41 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Geoff Myring
  • Hereford Visions
    Too many destructive decisions have been taken behind closed doors resulting in a budget deficit largely created by (at best) mismanangement, and the resulting closure or reduction in all the services the citizens value. The recent campaigns to Save The Edgar Street Trees, Libraries & Museums, Customer Services, social and health care, and other current campaigns we have also supported in the last year, have highlighted the items that the public consider most important to their society and the unholy debacle caused by a small cabal of councillors refusing to listen has resulted in a huge amount of anger and frustration. This campaign continues .... so please keep signing and sharing.
    40 of 100 Signatures
    Created by John Perkins
    The Banking Reform Bill re-treads the well-worn ground of ring-fencing banks’ risky investment operations from consumers’ money with Osborne threatening‘complete separation’ of banks’ different arms should they flout the new rules. He warned that there will be no more ‘too big to fail’ and that no government would ever again bail-out an entire bank. ‘When the RBS failed, my predecessor Alastair Darling felt he had no option but to bail the entire thing out. Not just RBS on the high street, but the trading positions in Asia, the mortgage books in sub-prime America, the property punts in Dubai,’ said Osborne. ‘I want to make sure that the next time a chancellor faces that decision they have a choice: to keep the bank branches going, the cash machines operating, while lettering the investment arm fail.’ LET USE KEEP OUR MONEY NOT THE RICH PEOPLE OUR COUNTRYS THEN MYBE WE CAN CUT TAX
    69 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Brian Aldridge
  • Cameron as 1st yr Student Nurse - 24hrs
    To stop marginalising healthcares future workforce, to stop 'blaming' groups of hard workers in the NHS for government cut backs - you cut staff = decressed level of care. It's that simple Mr Cameron, the smaller work force work harder, for less pay (you capped that) and you still insist on blame and interfering with our training - how are you qualified to make such statement and change to a profession that will far out live that of your own [fact]. In response to your snide, unfounded & what I'm pretty sure is borderline liable little comment - the least you can offer is one 12.5 hour shit in a NHS hospital, I'll even boil my uniform for you.
    53 of 100 Signatures
    Created by nicola pace
  • Patrick Mercer should resign his parliamentary seat
    Our MP's should lead by example. If I was caught doing a dishonest, or criminal act I would be expected to resign my position. His constituency voters should have the final say on whether he remains an MP.
    64 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Paul Nicholls
  • Stop Earl's Court Scheme
    At £8 billion, the Earl's Court redevelopment scheme is the largest in the world outside of China. It challenges the Government's committment to the Big Society and Localism and looks set to repeat the mistakes of property speculation that busted the Western economies. The campaign to save the Exhibition Centres, the rail depot and engineering works and the two council estates is on the front line battling to champion democracy and community in the face of rampant prfiteering by tax-havenbed entitiers at the expense of the poor, jobs and our international trade. The petition wording explains further.
    14 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jonathan Rosenberg
  • Reduce Crown Copyright from 50 years to 10 years
    The UK's copyright laws for government works are archaic. In the USA for example works of the Federal Government don't get any copyright protection. The restrictive Crown Copyright rules that currently apply in the UK make it harder for campaigning websites to reproduce government documents in full and don't help information-based businesses. This campaign isn't for the rules to be scrapped though but rather for the period of protection to be reduced to 10 years which means the government can exploit its works commercially for one decade if it wishes to do so. In the digital era a government copyright term of longer than ten years cannot be justified.
    42 of 100 Signatures
    Created by John Cross
  • Scottish Independence Referendum - Make Voting Compulsory
    In Alex Salmond's own words, this is the most important question facing Scotland in the last 300 years. It is vital then that the decision either way is not made after a small turnout at the polling booths. Apathy must not be a deciding factor in such a momentous decision. I am proposing that Prime Minister David Cameron urgently introduces a bill at Westminster to ensure that all voters in Scotland are compelled on this single occasion to vote. If individuals express a view that this infringes human rights then all they need to is attend a polling booth and 'spoil' the ballot paper.
    82 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ronnie McInnes
  • Uncomplicated Lords Reform
    No need to use a sledgehammer to crack this very tiny nut of an issue. This small device will do it in one easy, democratic, stroke.
    76 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Derek Johnson
  • the Full Restoration & increase in OfGens management powers over the utility companies
    We all know to our cost that Competition between Energy suppliers is a myth When one increase its prices then the rest are quick to follow Ofgen gave up control as it naively thought that completion between the companies would do its work for them, but they forgot one important fact that all major companies naturally like to for cartels in order to ensure their continuing profits When one increase its prices then the rest are quick to follow as we know to our cost Politicians like to patronise the public & they think that we are stupid when they say shop around but we all are aware that this advice is fatuous
    89 of 100 Signatures
    Created by John Potsey
  • Urge the Conservative Party to return the donation from Polly Peck
    John Major and other senior party members pledged to return the donations if Nadir was found guilty of fraud - this was a Conservative party commitment which they should honour.
    114 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Angela Steatham