• Use the Name "Daesh" for the terrorist organisation instead of IS
    Innocent Muslims are being persecuted as a result of the mistaken assumption that they support the aims of this terrorist organisation. This is exacerbated by the use of a name which refers to Islam in general. This organisation is neither Islamic nor a State; is use implies culpability of all Muslims. It is part of the Wahhabi sect which is disowned by virtually the whole of Islam, apart from the Saudi Arabian state. They regard even other Muslims as infidels and this gives them license to treat them as subhuman. The term "Daesh" is the common name for them among their enemies; it sounds insulting in Arabic. To say "so called" is not enough; that is what they call themselves and want to be called.
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mike Curtis
  • Mandate for NHS in England
    The government has 'quietly' launched a public consultation with very little fanfare or publicity. With relatively few responses, they'd be justified in doing whatever they wanted to anyway. Go. Fill it in! https://www.gov.uk/government/consultations/setting-the-mandate-to-nhs-england-for-2016-to-2017
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Simon Wilkins
  • Stop calling IS ISLAMIC State. They don't represent Islam.
    By calling them Islamic State we as a country are legitimising their links to Islam. This gives a negative view of Islam to the population and fuels Islamaphobia. It allows manipulation of the public by right wing political parties and press to further their agenda. It helps in the radicalisation of disenfranchised youths by the ties the name has with the community and on reflection glamourises the call to arms. Remember that most of the young people who are radicalised are young males who feel isolated and bow to peer pressure (2 of the Paris attackers were until 6 weeks ago running bars. Hardly strict followers of Islam). I want my baby to grow up in a society where we look at people who have differences with intrigue and not fear.
    14 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Matthew Daniel
  • Stop the 73% cuts to youth services in Southwark
    The council plans to cut £2.5million from the youth service budget leaving less than one million to work with some of the most disadvantaged young people in London. We have 13 youth projects in the voluntary sector which could suffer as well as 8 youth centres as part of this 73% cuts. What will be left for young people in this Borough? The council promised not to cut front line services yet this is being proposed. We would also lose experienced and specialist workers in the sector as the services would transfer to the Environment and Leisure department. This will de-professionalise and de-skill professional youth workers leaving little to no varied provision. They are planning to delete ALL 122 full and part time jobs and replacing them with 42 part time posts. Southwark News report: 19.11.15 Richard Taylor, founder of the Damilola Taylor Centre after his ten-year-old son was killed on the Peckham estate, said this was no time to cut youth services as serious knife crime continued to blight the borough. “Bearing in mind the level of killing, stabbing and violence, this is not the right time. This is the wrong approach and a bad decision for the council. As Jeremy Corbyn has said 'austerity is a political choice'. Southwark must not abandon young people while sitting on millions of pounds of reserves which can be used to support the local community along with the fight to get more money from central government. Southwark Trades Council will be campaigning with the local government unions and community to stop these cuts. We will be lobbying the Council Assembly and have asked for a deputation at the Cabinet on Wednesday 24th November. Please join us. For more information contact Pat Shelley - Head of Youth and Play Services [email protected] or southwark Unison: [email protected]
    35 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Southwark Trades Council
  • Implement attendance related pay for Westminster
    This is important because it seems that they pick and choose when they want to work for us and when they have something better to do. For example the Climate Change debate which happened on the day I created this petition. It had a 10% attendance level. When they debated their own wages there was a full house. In any other workplace we would all be facing disciplinary action if we decided to pick and choose when to turn up to work. Attendance related pay would ensure that they can be bothered to do the job they said they would do when asking for our votes once every five years.
    90 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Chris Spencer
  • To get the Ellen Degeneres Show Aired here in the UK
    Every one loves Ellen! Shes fantastic! There is a Hashtag that Ellen herself as setup! #GetElleyOnTheTelly James Cordan, perfomed a Song about it on the show itself http://youtu.be/bPy16ihz0jc
    10 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kayleigh Warnes Joyce
  • Use the word Daesh not Isis or So Called Islamic State
    I would like the BBC to acknowledge the power of words to unify or divide. Most members of the public are now familiar with the term Daesh and know that it is the same as Isis but it does not acknowledge any link to correct Islamic practice. At a time when Daesh is using propaganda to drive a wedge between Muslims and Non-Muslims, the BBC has to be aware of the affects of the choices of its words and unfortunately there is no neutral word in this circumstance.
    25 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Natasha Ransom
  • Build More Storage Container Homes in Brighton & Hove
    I have been homeless for a few years myself, I have suffered along with many other homeless people in the city and as a Brightonian myself should not be in position where I could potentially be on the streets by Christmas. The are vulnerable people out there on the streets a nightly basis, suffering from mental illness, substance abuse and poor health, we walk past these on a daily basis along western road, but we need to help them and myself. Having a stable home with a secure tenancy will help to change peoples lives, we can save money on public services by rehabilitating people and start to put right the wrongs of the past. There obviously has to be a master plan for housing, on average since 1991 the council have only built 100 homes a year, this is unacceptable. If you live the in the City you will understand, rents are too high, wages aren't enough to keep up with ever increasing living costs its just not right. The council will have money on housing benefit payments paid to private landlords. Please help the cities homeless by signing the petition today. Thank you
    36 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Daniel Johnson
    This is very important for the humanity. Peace will end the suffering of millions of people in the world and create stability everywhere and allow the earth to flourish. There will not be need to kill or be killed every one's life matter, rather than profit of weapons manufacturers. Peace and abolishing the use of weapons including nuclear will protect the climate of the earth as well. Interference of the UK in wars is not bringing any good to anyone but the weapon trade and we do not want to sacrifice our children and kill people for this ugly business.
    20 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Nada Najar Picture
  • Re-opening the independent living fund for disabled people
    This petition is important as it will widely help disabled people live their life independently and efficiently. 18,000 people with high support needs relied on the fund and said it "transformed their life". The fund has recently been closed resulting in changing peoples lives greatly in a negative way. This petition may contribute towards re-opening the independent living fund even if it is a small difference. Please take a couple of minutes out of your time to sign up for this campaign. It will be greatly appreciated :)
    31 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sonia Haider
  • Open up empty buildings in Bury
    To plead to the Council to open its empty buildings to the homeless in winter. I cannot imagine sleeping rough in driving, biting winds, snow, ice and winter rain. It's inhumane. It's also inexcusable when we have so many empty buildings.
    11 of 100 Signatures
    Created by diane milne
  • 2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Andy Payne