• Petition to Introduce Charges for Overnight Camping at Shingle Bank and Shellness
    1. Environmental Protection: Shingle Bank and Shellness are home to diverse ecosystems that are highly sensitive to human activity. Unregulated overnight camping can lead to habitat destruction, pollution, and disturbance to wildlife. By introducing charges, we can reduce the number of campers, minimizing their environmental footprint and helping to preserve these areas for future generations. 2. Maintaining Cleanliness: Overnight campers often leave behind litter and waste, which can mar the natural beauty of these areas and pose health hazards. The revenue from camping fees can be used to fund regular cleaning and maintenance, ensuring that Shingle Bank and Shellness remain clean and inviting for all visitors. 3. Controlling Overcrowding: During peak seasons, the influx of campers can lead to overcrowding, which not only degrades the visitor experience but also strains the area's natural resources. Implementing charges can help manage the number of campers, maintaining a balance that supports both the environment and the enjoyment of all visitors. 4. Encouraging Responsible Behavior: Charging for overnight camping can encourage campers to follow guidelines and best practices that protect the environment. It can also foster a sense of responsibility and stewardship among visitors, promoting behaviors that are in line with conservation goals. 5. Supporting Conservation Efforts: The funds generated from camping fees can be reinvested into conservation projects, such as habitat restoration, wildlife protection, and infrastructure improvements. This ensures that Shingle Bank and Shellness remain vibrant and healthy ecosystems that can be enjoyed by everyone. 6. Enhancing Visitor Experience: By maintaining a cleaner, less crowded, and more well-managed environment, the overall visitor experience can be significantly enhanced. Visitors can enjoy the natural beauty and tranquility of Shingle Bank and Shellness without the negative impacts of overcrowding and litter. 7. Sustainable Tourism: Introducing charges for overnight camping aligns with the principles of sustainable tourism, ensuring that the natural beauty and resources of Shingle Bank and Shellness are protected and managed responsibly. This approach supports the long-term health of the area, benefiting both the local community and visitors. By supporting this petition, you are taking a stand to protect and preserve Shingle Bank and Shellness, ensuring these precious natural areas remain pristine and enjoyable for all.
    125 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Niquie Trower
  • SAVE THE 100 - year -old AMERICAN LIMES
    Removing the trees would be at the expense of the environment, both in a GREEN sense and in as much as the loss of said trees would be detrimental to the “tree-lined avenue” presentation enjoyed and appreciated by residents and visitors alike along this busy thoroughfare. The character of this part of the city’s “leafy suburb” would be further eroded. Felling the trees would have a negative impact on the area and the removal of mature trees will affect the value of property in the immediate vicinity.  The felling would set a precedent and potentially lead to the destruction of all the trees along the entire length of Neville Street
    905 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Mike Johnson
  • Save The Children's Space New Tredegar
    The Children's Space worked in conjunction with White Rose Primary school, providing a pre-school service as well as wraparound services. This ensured children transitioned into full time education seamlessly and allowed parents in the area to work full-time.  Please sign this petition and help us try and reverse the decision to close the facility
    597 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Ieuan Beynon
  • Help! - Save our Roseland Court Nursing Home Tregony
    Roseland Court Nursing Home is a thriving care home in Tregony. It has amazing reviews, runs at a profit, is always full, and has a great name in the community.  It's the only care home in the area. The freeholders want to close the home, and turn it into apartments.  Our residents and families, staff and friends are extremely distressed and have been given notice to leave.  Residents who live in the existing apartments are very worried, as they purchased the properties with the security of having the nursing home at hand if they required nursing care.  Nursing Homes are vital in Cornwall. We have an elderly population, people come to retire in Cornwall for the beautiful countryside and quiet pace of life.  Cornwall has lost 138 nursing beds in the last 3 years, which has caused significant bed blocking in our only main hospital. The community hospitals are stretched, and some have closed.  Nursing Homes need to be protected to help our vulnerable elderly and our NHS.  The Government needs to support Nursing Homes and prevent this from happening.
    936 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Annie Scott
    • Many people were disenfranchised by the sudden calling of the 2024 General Election.  • The 4th of July did not allow enough time for many postal votes to be processed correctly. This was unfair.  • Scottish voters had arranged holidays and were away on election day. •  I live in France and I was told by my local election services that there was no way they would be able to send me the voting papers in enough time for me to return my vote in time to be counted! •  Although fixed term parliaments have ceased, there must be a legally enforceable time for all voters to participate.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Robert HALL
  • Petition for a pump track in Shoebury park
    With the new appointment of city status for Southend we feel there is a lack of local spaces like dirt jumps and pump tracks. Hadleigh was used for the Olympics but it's not always accessible for everyone further afield. What we aim for is a hub in Shoebury park focused on riding. We currently have our dirt jumps that we built plus a small trials section and a small skatepark. This will gain business for the local area and that in turn can only generate positive feelings and hopefully bring more footfall to the local area.
    41 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Stephen Davies
  • New Government House Building Promises for Homeless
    The Labour Government under Harold Wilson built over 500,000 homes a year most were council homes, since then the numbers have dropped ever year despite whichever government were in power under Margret Thatcher homes were sold off at pennies of the value but no new homes were built. Our new Labour Government has made bold statement about building Social and Affordable homes, It does seem like they really are going to tackle the biggest issue facing the country and Brighton & Hove as a Labour stronghold should be leading by example. It does have the second biggest homeless and housing crisis outside London and you are far more likely to be found dead and homeless in this city than any other city. Homeless is the biggest drain on the Tax Payers Purse so there is real financial reasons to get on and solve the crisis. We need people with lived experience to be involved in the solution as the past has proven "Homelessness" to be a big cash cow for many businesses, charities and projects. We need people who do not have a financial axe to grind involved, people who want Homelessness, couch surfing, overcrowding and rough sleeping ended.
    552 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Jim Deans
  • Gwynne, Rayner, Reynolds: Take Urgent Action on ADHD & Autism Services in Greater Manchester
    Recent actions taken by the NHS Greater Manchester Integrated Care Board (NHS GM ICB) to decommission providers and limit access to patients’ legal Right To Choose only enhance their failures in providing timely and adequate ADHD and Autism services, which have devastating effects on children and their families.  Long waiting times and lack of proper support lead to severe mental health issues, educational setbacks, and diminished quality of life. In the most tragic of circumstances, this is diminished to the extent where young people are taking their own lives. Inquests have highlighted failings, yet ICBs remain unaccountable and unchallenged to change, continuing to fail those they are created to protect. This has to change.  By joining this campaign, you help hold the NHS GM ICB accountable and push for necessary changes that will ensure equitable access to essential healthcare services for all children in Greater Manchester. Together, we can make a difference and ensure that every child receives the support they need and deserve. These cases, the delays, the trauma facedare not just numbers; they represent real people, children and families struggling every day. It might not be your child, but it is likely someone you know who has been affected in some way. This is not only for our children and our future, but to honour those who were failed and tragically felt the only way out was to take their own lives. This is for Stef, Charlie, Cerys, Max, Shannon, and every other child who we have lost, and their families living with those losses. 
    318 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Caroline Campbell
  • If England win the Euros, make Monday a Bank Holiday!
    England are in the Euro finals! Last night’s incredible win saw our men’s team edge closer to a historic victory. If they win on Sunday, well, there’ll be one hell of a party. Whether you care about football or not, moments like this bring us together and, coming straight after the election, could help rebuild bridges. But to mark the occasion properly, we need a bank holiday! PM Keir Starmer is a huge footie fan and backed calls for a bank holiday to honour the Lionesses’ World Cup win in 2022 - so it won’t take much to convince him. In fact when asked about it today he didn't rule it out! So if enough of us sign a petition, calling for him to commit to a bank holiday if we win, we can make sure we all get Monday off to celebrate.
    1,193 of 2,000 Signatures
  • Parking on Footpath Anomaly in Easternville Gardens, corner with Cranley Drive and Quebec Road
    The road in question is: Easternville Gardens, Gants Hill, Ilford, Essex. It runs parallel with the A12 Eastern Avenue, between Cranley Drive at the east side and Quebec Road towards the west side.  It's only a matter of time that an emergency would occur and if coincidentally, vehicles ARE parked (ie two vehicles on opposite sides of the road at the either end of this road, with all four wheels on the road - in accordance with LBR-Traffic Regulations) then only will it become apparent the problem this Traffic Regulation has caused. NOTE: Emergency vehicles would NOT be able to pass between vehicles parked in the manner 'legally acceptable' to LBR, as photographs taken to simulate this situation, will prove, if necessary. Having contacted the Ilford Police via an online pro-forma, with this concern, they responded by claiming 'this a matter for the Redbridge Council and not the police'.      Many drivers had previously and some currently, parked with two wheels on the footpath at the 'problematic ends' of the Easternville Gardens - especially at the end with Canley Drive - only to be issued with PCNs. Apparently, it would seem this 'absurd and ambiguous regulation' is essentially ONLY for financial gains from imposed fines and no concern for the 'latent' problems that will undoubtedly occur in an emergency situation.   
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mohamed Wadiwala
  • First West Yorks: keep affordable family tickets
    Cutting this ticket option would price families and friend  out of using buses together and comes after significant recent profit reports. It would force yet more into private cars or cut them off from social and other opportunities, hitting the poorest hardest. https://www.firstbus.co.uk/leeds/news-and-service-updates/service-updates/fare-changes-14th-july https://cbwmagazine.com/firstgroup-issues-trading-results/
    90 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Eleanor Thomson
  • Stop beach littering
    Beaches are very beloved places n the UK especially during the summer. If the litter gets so bad it will stop litter and cause Southend to loose money and decrease the amount of tourists who visit.
    9 of 100 Signatures
    Created by sophie strang