• Stop airport expansion in the United Kingdom
    Our country is polluted enough with airports and the infrastructure that goes with them. They are large enough already so that people who live in their vicinity are suffering serious noise and air pollution not just from the aircraft themselves but from the vehicles transporting people to and from the airports. Plus there are the delivery vehicles for food, drink, fuel, etc, etc. We have reached breaking point in this "green and pleasant land". It will cease to be so before very long. Business is perfectly capable of video-conferencing in this modern age. With the channel tunnel and shipping there are other means of transport. We must learn to live within our means and if this means we go no longer go on long-haul holidays on the other side of the world, then so be it. Otherwise we will destroy the planet : we cannot move to another one : there is only one planet Earth. We must remember : "We do not inherit the Earth from our parents; we borrow it from our children".
    92 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Rudi Affolter Picture
  • Highlands and Islands residents against fracking
    The main concern here is with the cocktail of chemicals used in the fracking process, many of which are known carcinogens and endocrine disruptors. Although regulations are tighter here than in the US, nevertheless there is still a great deal of uncertainty about the effects of the fracking process on local communites. Fracking will accelerate climate change. Fracking will not lower energy bills. Also studies have shown that methane can be leaked during the process. Methane is a potent greenhouse gas - 20 times more so than CO2. We want a complete ban on fracking in scotland.
    485 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Marie Macpherson
  • Demand that the Queen divests from industries that cause harm.
    If investors stop funding these damaging industries they will have to change their view of the world and maybe even consider diversifying into the renewable energy sector which will not only clean up the planet but provide millions of jobs which will do more for the economy than unconventional gas and oil.
    538 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Robert Dennett
  • Brixham Town Council - advertise for a new Clerk
    On the say-so of just 3 councillors and the silencing of Full Council on the issue, Brixham Town Council is seeking to fill the sudden vacancy of Town Clerk by automatic internal appointment. A town council is the tier of government closest to the residents who pay for it and who pay the salaries of its employees, and as such it should be the most transparent in the use of residents' money. A town council must be above any suspicion of favouritism or cronyism. It is obliged to appoint on merit the best person available to fill the key post of Clerk and if it does not advertise the post it cannot know who is available. It must consider all applicants and carry out a fair, open and transparent appointments procedure. Although this is currently an issue in Brixham, South Devon, the principle applies equally to all town/parish councils throughout the land. NB 9 October: I have now resigned from Brixham Town Council because of this unprincipled act and the culture of cronyism which allowed it..
    100 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Lynne Armstrong
  • Justice for Animals
    Stefan McCormick was sentenced to 24 weeks in prison for snapping his 4 month old puppy's legs. When vets attempted to examine it, the dog "screamed" out in pain. The puppy had to be euthanised due to the severity of his injuries. The RSPCA Inspector says he still finds it difficult to talk about the case. He said: "It involved the most disgusting, brutal violence on a defenceless Staffy pup. It still troubles me to think what he went through physically and mentally."
    269 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Philippa Husain
    We want the chairman to take real steps to make sure this quarrying doesn't happen. This area of ancient, beautiful woodland, has been used and enjoyed by locals since before the Doomsday Book. This vital natural landscape is used, treasured and cared for on a daily basis by many of the 79,000 residents of Tamworth and more from Hopwas and surrounding areas. The industrial use of this ancient site should not be allowed because it cannot be replaced and because the short and long term damage to the ecosystem in this small woodland will be unsustainable. Planning permission should be refused on many grounds, all relating to Staffordshire County Council's: Best Value Performance Plan Children and Young People's Plan Strategic Plan Sustainable Community Strategy Crime and Disorder Reduction Strategies Development Plan Minerals and Waste Development Framework The objection to development of this natural heritage, extends to a national level, as well, and representation needs to be made to government by our representatives from Staffs Council, on behalf of all the people signing this petition. Lagarge Tarmac are the owners of the wood, and as such, must acknowledge it's value as a site of local and national natural heritage and not attempt to profit from it as a quarry of any kind.
    1,458 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Jo Blick
  • Keep full editorial control in Scotland
    Editorial control of Scottish newspapers should reside in Scotland to ensure that these editors are well placed to understand the views and perspectives of the Scottish People and can therefore reflect this in the news items articulated in items or issues presented.
    453 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Robert Macfarlane
  • Stop plans for more Nuclear waste coming to the Wirral
    Nuclear waste is potentially the most toxic life threatening ,longest lasting waste that exists. Wirral is overall relatively a densley populated peninsular.
    92 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Charles Barnes
  • Please save our dad from execution in Ethiopia
    Our dad, Andargachew ‘Andy’ Tsege from Islington, London, was kidnapped by Ethiopian security forces from an airport in Yemen in June 2014. He is now held in a brutal prison in Ethiopia. We're not able to speak to him, and we have no idea what is going to happen to him. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jqmqj0Pvmfg In 2009, the Ethiopian regime said that they would execute our dad for his political activism. Now they’ve kidnapped him - and they are even preventing British consular staff from checking on his welfare. Time is running out to save his life. Please, Prime Minister, tell the Ethiopians to let our dad come home. Andy made Britain (London) his home in 1979, after fleeing political persecution by the Ethiopian government. He is a prominent opposition activist, working towards a democratic Ethiopia. In 2009, the regime said that they would execute our dad if he ever returned. Since Dad’s disappearance, our family has been in agony. We still don’t know where our dad is being held, or how he is being treated. The only glimpse we’ve had of him was when he was paraded on Ethiopian state TV giving a forced 'confession' in July 2014. He looked thin and unwell. So far the Ethiopian government has ignored British requests for ‘assurance’ that our dad will not be executed. We also know that torture is very common in Ethiopia, and we are desperately worried about his safety in detention. Dad is a kind, loving and caring man – we are so worried about him and miss him so much. We need him home with us in London. Please, Prime Minister, tell the Ethiopians to let our dad come home. His kidnapping and detention is a serious breach of international law – please take firm action with the Ethiopian authorities and demand his return to the UK without delay. (This petition was written by Yemi Hailemariam, Andy’s partner, and their children: Helawit, Menabe, and Yilak.)
    142,988 of 200,000 Signatures
    Created by Yemi Hailemariam
  • CQC inspections for day centres
    Currently there are hundreds of day centres up and down the country who are providing day care for thousands of patients. Many of their customers are disabled but the facilities that they have do not readily reflect this. As there is no national inspection team for these units at present, they do not have the incentive to provide full disabled facilities. If an annual (or more frequent) inspection were to be carried out by CQC then shortcomings could be highlighted to the governing body or local authority and provision made for the facilities to be upgraded. My wife has attended one such centre catering for Alzheimer's and other dementias for a number of years. She is wheelchair bound as she cannot maintain her own weight and has had to leave as they do not have adequate hoists or, indeed, a disabled toilet.
    33 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Chris Leaney
  • New law proposed to "stop the NHS becoming simply a memory"
    The "NHS Bill 2015" campaign is calling on all General Election candidates to sign up to the new "NHS Reinstatement Bill", and is already attracting cross-party support. The “Campaign for an NHS Reinstatement Bill 2015" has produced an “NHS Reinstatement Bill” which sets out the legal steps needed not only to reverse the failings of the Health & Social Care Act 2012, but to fully restore the NHS in England as an accountable public service. Unless we all keep the pressure on MP's of all parties in the run up to the next election, our voices will be lost in the spin, sound bites and agendas. We were fooled in 2010 by false the promise of no NHS re-organisations. With the secret TTIP negotiations ongoing, now, more then ever, everyone has to make their voices heard regarding the NHS. Please contact your MP and prospective parliamentary candidates and ask them to support Professor Pollock's "NHS Reinstatement Bill", and ask them if they do not, why not? You can reach your MP via https://www.writetothem.com/ For further information, please see: https://www.opendemocracy.net/ournhs/caroline-molloy/new-law-proposed-to-stop-nhs-becoming-simply-memory
    120 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Simon Williams
  • How about MPs actually being local to the area they represent?
    Only 49% of current MPs were born in the area they represent and very slightly more (51%) completed their secondary schooling in their constituency. In England those born within their constituency stands at just 43%. There are many MPs elected via a so-called "safe-seat" who have had nothing to do with the people and the area they seek to represent. We should all be represented in parliament by someone who has solid links with the people and place he/she purports to speak for. Clearly many people leave their town of birth to live elsewhere, and politicians are no different. However, a minimum residency ruling would help create a better understanding by our MPs of the needs and concerns of local people and therefore a more repesentative parliament.
    69 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Richard Winston