• Publish Iraq Inquiry findings immediately
    It is now 5 years since the Inquiry into the Iraq war was announced, 3 years since the the hearings were completed, and and to date it has reportedly cost £10 million. It is a national scandal that Sir John Chilcot’s findings have still not been published and we call upon The Iraq Inquiry for the report’s immediate publication, including full disclosure of all communications between Tony Blair and George Bush, regardless of political expediency and personal interest. Surveys suggest that the Iraq war has claimed up to 250.000 lives, cost billions of pounds, and its aftermath continues a toll of death years after the foreign troops have left. The legacy of the war has critically undermined any moral authority that the United Kingdom seeks to exert in international affairs as well as intensifying both national and global insecurity. The vested interests of a few individuals in further prevarication must no longer override the moral right of British citizens and the world at large to know the sequence of events and culpabilities of individuals responsible for this disastrous episode. If you believe this report is long overdue, please sign my petition.
    375 of 400 Signatures
    Created by John Keane
    The transparency and accountability of the ICO is under the spotlight because section 14(1) VEXATIOUS decisions are being handed down on a whim by the ICO/Upper Tribunal and First Tier Tribunal and hundreds of rogue Public Authorities.Ditto for section 12(4)(b( of the EIR Act 2004. All these vexatious decisions are being handed out based on a court authority GIA/3037/2011 Dransfield v ICO and Devon County Council ,which is still before the European Court of Human Rights Section 14(1) Vexatious decisions should be a LAST RESORT but since the Dransfield case decision in Jan 2013 it has been used as a FIRST CHOICE Nutcracker.
    80 of 100 Signatures
    Created by alan dransfield
  • Defend police-community accountability in London
    We the undersigned believe that in a multicultural city like London the important principle of ‘policing by consent’ remains a cornerstone of modern British policing. Under radical new arrangements for the Metropolitan Police Service community engagement strategy as proposed by the Mayor of London and agreed by Lambeth Council, Lambeth Police Consultative Group (CPCG), alongside all other local London CPCGs, has seen the Mayor’s Office cut funding completely with many such important groups being closed. We believe this to be a serious and critical error of judgement The Mayor seeks to replace CPCGs with his proposed local Safer Neighbourhood Boards (SNBs) that, as currently conceived, will be far less representative than Lambeth CPCG in terms of diversity, gender, faith and youth. These proposals are currently subject to public consultation, amendment and agreement at local level by Borough Councils and Borough Commanders. It is our view that the proposed terms of reference and administrative arrangements for Lambeth SNB will be far less accessible to the general public, much less accountable in terms of its membership and , as a result, will enjoy very little credibility among alienated communities, many of which lack trust and confidence in Lambeth Police Service and other statutory agencies. Public trust in the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) is central to and a prerequisite for ensuring the effective policing of crime and for improving levels of community safety. A modern, multicultural borough like Lambeth suffering high levels of deprivation, youth unemployment and crime requires a credible, inclusive, accessible public forum open to all. Lambeth CPCG has a long track record of innovation in challenging police malpractice and thus improving operational policing and MPS policy. For thirty years Lambeth CPCG has routinely held monthly public meetings attended by MPS Borough Commanders alongside their senior management teams. Also in regular attendance Lambeth officers, Councillors and other important key local stakeholders and members of civil society. Lambeth CPCG facilitates what can often be quite difficult and fraught discussions directly between statutory agencies and local communities on a range of policing related issues, for example the nature of ethical professional policing, in addition to discussions on priorities for crime prevention and reduction and community safety initiatives. One of the strengths of the CPCG is that any member of the public can walk in off the street, giving them unprecedented access to senior MPS officers and local officials tasked with reducing crime and improving public confidence. We believe the principles of independence, open access, inclusivity and accountability all inform the extent to which such forums are viewed as credible. We consider them to be fundamental to maintaining a legitimate and effective forum for ongoing police-community engagement. The central importance of this issue was recognised and highlighted by Lord Scarman in his seminal report into the causes of the 1981 Brixton disturbances; community engagement, trust and confidence were all cited as critically important factors in the maintenance of credible and effective police-community relations. This remains just as true today as it was in 1981. The Coalition Government report ‘Riot Communities and Victims Panel’ into the causes of the August 2011 disturbances recommended that ‘police forces proactively engage with communities about the impact on the perceptions of their integrity.’ The central importance of ensuring public access to timely meetings, agendas and minutes, the ability of the public and the press to raise issues of concern, to engage and ask questions of the SNB in public are considered optional in the current Draft Terms of Reference for Lambeth SNB, recently published for consultation. We believe Lambeth’s current proposals are deeply flawed and will further erode police accountability. In such high crime, tough to police areas, like Lambeth, any erosion of police accountability is likely to lead to increased community tensions. Given the challenging local history of police community relations, added to the current backdrop of legitimate public concerns about the disproportionate use of stop and search powers, deaths in police custody, allegations that MPS undercover officers spied on the family of murdered teenager Stephen Lawrence, the Mark Kennedy scandal and, of course, Plebgate means that in boroughs such as Lambeth trust and confidence in the MPS remains dangerously low. Whatever the new arrangements, we believe it is vital that the important principles cited above, derived at great expense, often through the tragic, fraught and sometimes extraordinarily difficult policing experience of local communities, are both respected and maintained.
    137 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Lee Jasper
  • Taxmen to Access Your Bank Account
    It is, of course, right and proper that everyone should pay their due taxes, but by asking for these new powers it sets a worrying precedent. At the moment they can recover owed taxes once a court ruling has been obtained, but it seems they want to get rid of this restriction on their activity and be able to operate free from any legal ties. It is especially worrying that they are bringing this in under the Finance Bill 2015, mentioned in the Budget, but without any details. The government has issued a public Consultation Direct Recovery of Debts (DRD) seeking views on their proposals to introduce into the Finance Bill 2015 the right of HMRC to recover debts over £1,000 by direct access to the debtor's bank accounts. This Consultation paper reveals the full details and everyone should be very worried as this is an unbelievable threat to our civil liberties. At present, HMRC has to go to court to seize money owed and prove it is necessary. Under the new proposals, the 'debt' can simply be removed from the debtors account at the "click of a mouse" and the debtor will have just 14 days to appeal. The 'threshold' is stated at being £1,000 which can be made up over a range of smaller debts and can INCLUDE TAX CREDITS AND NATIONAL INSURANCE. But once power is included in the 2015 Finance Bill the threshold amount can be altered and could affect many thousands of individuals. More worryingly, this precedence could pave the way for other debts (eg council tax arrears) to be removed and for the period of debt to be shortened without further legislation; effectively giving HMRC free reign to raid our personal finances at their leisure. HMRC has a history of frequently making mistakes in their calculations and have to adjust and re-adjust tax assessments. If they have unrestricted access to bank accounts, there is a strong possibility they may well take out monies incorrectly. Please don't let this happen: it is too much power and no one, or government department should be above the law.
    142 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Sheila Deaville-Lockhart
  • Police: Stop the March For England bringing violence to Brighton
    In 2014 and 2013 the reported cost of policing this group was £1million in Brighton alone. There were 27 arrests during the 2014 march, and several violent clashes bringing injury to bystanders and destruction to property. The Marchers and EDL members often stay in town once the march is over and create an atmosphere of intimidation, often resulting in further violence. It is clear that the people of Brighton do not want the March to take place, and make their presence known along the route. Free speech is important in our country, nobody wants to deny peaceful protest no matter how abhorrent the opinions of the protesters are to us. But when a protest consistently brings violence, stands for racism, hatred of minorities and scapegoating, AND costs the tax payer hundreds of thousands of pounds to police, it's time to put an end to it. They are disturbing the peace and inciting hatred, and we want to stop them marching through our town. To show how serious this cause is, I include a link to a short video. This shows one of the mass street fights which occurred during the march, which police were powerless to prevent. WARNING contains violent scenes. http://youtu.be/uU8TnvCgBqQ
    5,206 of 6,000 Signatures
    Created by L Q
  • Legalise Cannabis in the UK, and fully legalise hemp.
    This is Important because Cannabis is proven to help as a medicinal natural option while people have certain illnesses such as cancer and MS. We would be able to produce no polluting bio-degradable plastic. The oil crisis the world is facing would no longer be part of britains troubles as hemp oil could be used from the stem of the cannabis plant. There is a possibility that there would be less deforestation(which doesn't really apply to uk but it's worth a point) as we could produce hemp paper, And we wouldn't need wood to burn as we would have the hemp oil. According to a recent source Cannabis has been statistically found to cure 7 out of 10 cancer patients. Whereas Chemotherapy has been statistically found to have killed 7 out of 10 cancer patients. As to how true this is i do not no. I hope you will take the time to read through this and make action, not just for the stereotypical stoners that some of the public seem so afraid of, But for the welfare,healthcare, and wealth of the United Kingdom. Thank You.
    279 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Daniel Groundwater
  • MP Maria Miller should face charges in a criminal court
    If I had scammed £90,718 off the DWP, I would be in jail. Why is this not the case for Maria Miller who stole our taxes in yet another expenses scandal? Mr Cameron, the message you are putting out is 'one rule for one and a different rule for the other'. It's like you're telling your MP's 'it's okay as long as you don't get caught'. I thought no one was meant to be above the law? Also, she only has to pay £5000 back? We, the people, want justice.
    421 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Tasha Brand
  • Maria Miller to face criminal proceedings
    To simply say sorry is not good enough.
    23,026 of 25,000 Signatures
    Created by Danny Brady
  • Maria Miller should be prosecuted for fraud.
    It's important, because of the public's perception of MPs, since the expenses scandal. That Miller has been effectively pardoned by an in-house self-regulating body of her peers, is an absolute scandal. She has knowingly engaged in systematic fraud over a considerable time, The reputation(such as it currently is) of all parliamentarians is at stake here. A powerful message must be sent to the voting public that The House sees what she has done as completely unacceptable, and that she has no further place there, having abused her position as a representative of the people.
    213 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Derek Wood
  • luvmydog.co.uk stop selling prong collars
    These collars have nasty spikes in them which dig into the poor helpless dogs neck. Pinch collars have a series of inward facing, metal prongs which are designed to tighten around the dog’s neck and cause pain and discomfort when tension is applied through the lead. It is animal cruelty and must be stopped. Luvmydog.co.uk could help us stand up against these cruel devices by stopping all sales and removing them from their site. RSPCA, the Dogs Trust and other organisations have already come out against them, see below. Now we call upon luvmydog to join them. https://secure.38degrees.org.uk/page/-/CBY/Joint%20statement%20ETDs%20and%20prong%20collars%20April%202014.pdf
    214 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Katriona Oliver
  • Save Probation from privatisation!
    Public safety is at risk due to the Governments plans to place the supervision of offenders into the hands of private companies. The Probation Service is being dismantled as I write. Myself and colleagues, up and down the country, are absolutely terrified about the serious consequences this will have on protecting the public from crime. I understand that many people reading this, may not know much about the Probation Service, and therefore will not realise just how important this issue is for all of us. The role of the police is understood, as is the purpose of prison, but Probation work appears less visible within our communities. I also understand, that many people may not feel inclined to read something about "offenders". Why care about them when they have shown disregard for society in committing crime? Well, please pay attention because these proposals will hurt all of us. Firstly, no one wants to be a victim of crime, but to be a victim of a crime that could have been prevented? Under the new proposals, not only will offenders be passed back and forth between agencies but this will happen at the worst possible time i.e. at times of crisis and rising risk. Risk can change within hours, not days; and quick, effective responses are essential. The army were drafted in for the Olympics security fiasco, but who will rescue the failing private companies when they are responsible for managing offenders? Secondly, if you aren't already worried, then consider the cost of these plans to the taxpayer. The proposals have not been costed; indeed the government's own risk assessment acknowledges that financial risk cannot even be risk assessed because of the absence of baseline information. Payment by Results has been the prime rationale for refusing to allow probation Trusts to even be allowed to bid for their work even though they are performing to a proven high standard. Nine million pounds has already be spent on "Transforming Rehabilitation" consultants. The government’s Transforming Rehabilitation proposals are completely untested. The changes proposed by the government’s plans in relation to extending supervision to those serving less than 12 month prison sentences, have nothing to do with the current work of the Probation Service, as there is currently NO statutory supervision for adults in this group. Conflating the need to reduce the re-offending of this group with the plans to dismantle the Probation Service is therefore, at best, disingenuous. I am starting this campaign due to my desire to prevent a miscarriage of justice against the population of the UK. Probation staff are part of a dedicated workforce, often going above and beyond the call of duty, in order to ensure that the work is completed properly. Probation staff will be on strike on March 31st and 1st April 2014, as splitting up the Probation Service is considered dangerous and legally dubious. It is being done in the absence of any scrutiny and it has no credible advocates. I have not been able to cover all the issues, so please make it your business to find out and hold this government to account. Please, please, support this campaign as we need your help.
    134 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Probation_SOS on Twitter
    For close to a decade, Isabella cleaned ex-immigration MP Mark Harper's home for £22 per week - as well as a number of other politicians. When her undocumented status was revealed, she became a pawn in a political point scoring battle and the focus of a national media campaign which resulted in Mark Harper resigning. As none of the MPs that Isabella worked for were criminalised, the same spirit of kindness ought to be immediately extended to the hard working Acevedo family. We’re asking Theresa May, the Home Secretary, to do the honourable thing and grant citizenship to this lady and her family, whose lives have been turned upside down by this whole affair. Isabella Acevedo has since been forced into hiding, her family is being torn apart and they are facing destitution having lost their income. The hard working Acevedo family have spent close to 15 years in London - building a modest life. During this time, Isabella never had any sick pay, never had any holiday pay and earned less the minimum wage. Despite the difficulty, she was able to provide for her small family and create a home and life in London. All of this is now at risk of being destroyed as result of the damaging politics of Theresa May and Mr Harper. Please sign this petition and support the Acevedo family in their struggle to stay together, to keep a roof over their heads and food on their plates. More information: http://legaldefencefund.wordpress.com/about/ ** A campaign to stand with Isabella Acevedo and others in similar circumstances was collectively launched in February. Supporters include: No One Is Illegal; Campaign Against The Criminalisation Of Communities; National Coalition Of Anti-Deportation Campaigns; Tawantinsuyu Nation; Myrdle Court Press; Defend The Right To Protest; Precarious Workers Brigade; Unity In The Community; Movimiento Ecuador en el Reino Undio Meru; This Is Not A Gateway; 3 Cosas Campaign; Movimiento Jaguar Despierto; Justice For Domestic Workers; Latin American Women's Aid; El Telefono De La Esperanza UK
    1,181 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Deepa Naik