• Restore Funding to The People's History Museum
    The People's History Museum in Manchester is the only museum in England dedicated to celebrating the history of working people. It tells the story of working people's contribution to this country in both peacetime and war. It charts their struggles from the deportation of the Tolpuddle Martyrs, through Lancashire mill workers during the American Civil War as well as working people's solidarity with anti-apartheid campaigners in South Africa. And now, during the centenary of the First World War, the museum's current exhibition tells the story of the working people of Britain throughout the war. The museum's deputy editor Cath Birchall has said: “They [the government] don’t see the importance of a national museum that shows the effects of the war on ordinary people.” A war where approximately 750,000 people died in combat and more than a million were injured fighting abroad, and which also resulted in huge numbers of domestic casualties with as many as 100,000 dying of malnutrition and disease. Please stop the cuts and save this national treasure. After all, in the words of Len McClusky, "History is not just about those who write it, but about those who live it. Working people and the labour movement have been at the forefront of all social and political changes this country has undergone over the past three centuries. We must defend the People’s Museum ... and safeguard the one museum dedicated to telling the story of us all".
    9,446 of 10,000 Signatures
    Created by John Bassil
  • Save Tonmawr Primary School, Say NO to Closure!
    Tonmawr Primary is an Outstanding school, with the recent Estyn Report supporting this. We also have a specialised unit for children who have learning difficulties. The local authority Neath Port Talbot Council are proposing to close our school, along with 4 other schools within the Authority, at the end of this Academic year. NPTC want our children to attend an already over-crowded school, where the classroom staff to child ratio is already exceeding the Welsh Assemblies recommendations. It is not yet known exactly where NPTC are planning to uproot and then place the children that use the special unit. We want to make a stand, and we want our children to be educated in their own community school, where they are very happy and very well educated, in a school that prides itself on their very many achievements. Please help us keep our treasure of a school open.
    873 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Rebecca Lloyd
  • Help Save Pontrhydyfen Primary School From Closure
    The children of this village should be able to be taught in a safe environment within their local community. Neath Port Talbot Council is trying to shut the school and bus the children to a super primary school of over 500 children. Pontrhydyfen Primary School is a winner, the children came 1st with The Big Pedal within the whole of UK not once, not twice, but three times! No, no, sorry but that is now 4 times as they have won The Big Pedal again whilst this is going on. Winners of Eco-School Platinum (4 green flags) 3 years in a row. This is a wonderfully vibrant, successful school with wonderfully vibrant, successful children. Please help us save it. http://vimeo.com/109987437
    1,807 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Malcolm Bell
  • Let's talk about suicide!
    In 2012, 4590 men and 1391 women committed suicide in the United Kingdom. It is estimated that globally, every 40 seconds someone takes their own life. I think we need to start a culture of open and honest discussion about suicide and it's impact. I truly believe if young people were spoken to honestly about mental health before they become adults then we have a chance of forming a mentally healthy society. Or at least one that has understanding of mental illness. As a 14 year old, if you need advice on how to prevent creating a new life, you can access that information at school, similarly about drugs and alcohol. But where do young people go when they feel like they can't take anymore? Who do they turn to in those times? We need to talk to young people BEFORE the point, suicide is the single biggest killer in young men in the UK. Let's have the discussion before it's too late. By having this discussion during school time, we can begin to normalize it and break the taboo. Let's start a culture where we encourage others to reach out for help, one that we all promise to keep an eye on friends we are worried about. Thank you
    573 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Gem Holt
  • Say Yes to school age changes in Redditch
    It has been proven that primary schools (to the end of key stage 2 at year 6) are considered the best opportunity for children to access good quality education with the benefit of continuity. Transferring at year 7 gives more time for them to make informed choices for exams in year 11. The change will also drive continuous and sustained improvement of our education system, benefiting all our children. We trust the vision and leadership of our governing bodies and senior management teams to affect the change with minimal disruption and to deliver the best possible education for our children now,  and in the future.
    90 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mrs A
  • Petition against 16+ SEN transport cuts in Monmouthshire
    Monmouthshire County Council have removed funding that helped pay for transport to college for 16 years + children with SEN. This means that the parents/guardians of these children are left with difficult choices. Pay themselves or use public transport. Some of these children have ADHD, Autism and Aspergers and for them, using public transport is impossible. One of the most vulnerable groups in our communities is suffering due to these cuts.
    362 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Dale Rooke
  • Abolish the teaching of all religions in schools.
    Despite evolution being an accepted scientific fact, we still allow the teaching of religion to innocent children as part of their state education. There is is no evidential basis for religious beliefs and as such, to influence and indoctrinate young children as they form their view of the world seems to me to be abusive. History has shown us the divisive nature of religious belief and the conflict it can cause. It is time for our children to be taught religious studies in an historical context only.
    51 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jenny Hurley
  • Be Child Cancer Aware
    Approximately 4,000 new cases of cancer in children and young adults are diagnosed in the UK each year. Be Child Cancer Aware, a parent led and run charity has already sent out millions of signs and symptoms awareness cards with the result that a number of families have received an early diagnosis. Ben's diagnosis is featured on their website. We ask the UK government to officially support this campaign to empower parents with the knowledge that might save the life of a child they know or love. The charity Be Child Cancer Aware introduced and has been successfully leading this awareness campaign for over 4 years without any official support. They now look to the government to recognise the importance of knowing the main signs and symptoms of all childhood cancers.
    2,545 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by John Drummond
  • The Headsmart Campaign for the earlier diagnosis of children's brain tumours
    Brain tumours are the biggest cancer killer of children and teenagers in the UK and our diagnosis time is slower than similar countries to us. Ashya King required two operations to remove his brain tumour, which was reportedly the size of a satsuma. His situation echoes that of our son David, who was treated at the same hospital. Had David's tumour been diagnosed earlier, it would have been smaller. He would probably have needed only one operation instead of the 11 that he endured. I knew nothing about the symptoms of brain tumours at that time. Had I been more aware, I would have taken our son to the doctor weeks earlier. I believe this would have resulted in a better outcome for David, who died in 2012, aged 16. Most parents know the symptoms of meningitis. Few know the symptoms of a brain tumour and yet both these illnesses represent the same risk to a child. The HeadSmart campaign is designed to raise awareness of the symptoms of brain tumours in children, with the sole aim of reducing the average diagnosis time and bringing UK diagnosis times into line with other western countries. Late diagnosis of childhood brain tumours in the UK causes unnecessary suffering, disability and death and is unacceptable. The little help I've received so far from the Department of Health, has been conditional on my NOT being allowed to acknowledge it in the national press. As a mother who had to watch her son die from spinal tumours and full dementia, suffering from a disease that might have been prevented by earlier diagnosis, I beg you to sign this petition and enlist the public help of Jeremy Hunt. THANK YOU
    7,106 of 8,000 Signatures
    Created by Sacha Langton-Gilks
  • Save Liverpool Libraries
    My name is Elysce. I am 11 years old and live in Liverpool. My favourite thing to do in the world is read, and hope one day to become an author and that people will read the stories I have written. I have read hundreds of books and love finding new ones in my library. I think it would be an awful thing to take away the books from people. If I do become an author when I am older, people should be able to visit the libraries and read my stories. I love visiting the libraries in Liverpool, and my mum was happy that I spent lots of time in the summer holidays visiting them. I also went to a 2 week camp called "book it" my mum has told me that the council paid a lot of money for me to go, and that they are partners with the company who organised it, so what I don't understand is, why encourage children to read, and spend a lot of money getting them interested in it, and all of a sudden take it away!! Please please please support and help my to stop the libraries from closing in Liverpool. I couldn't imagine how boring life would be if we had no books. Someone once said: "In the library one often finds, people close their mouths and open their minds" I really think that this is true. Thank you
    3,442 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Elysce Hastie
  • Stop the Tudor Grange Redditch Business case
    Tudor Grange Academy Redditch has submitted a business case to pursue their change in age range in order to become a secondary school. This is despite a consultation process which indicated great opposition from parents and educationalists. This will cause chaos and disruption to the other schools in Redditch. Re-organisation will cost the taxpayers millions. Our three tier system is working well, we do not need expensive and unnecessary change.
    291 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Shaz Harvey
  • Student Loan Final Year Reduction Should Be Fair for Healthcare Students
    Healthcare students are at university for a longer period per year than an average student, our terms and academic year are substantially longer for all three years of training. Students completely understand that the government cannot fund them via the student loan once they finish university and therefore will not fund them over the summer after they have taken final exams. However the current standard reduction in the amount available under the student loan of £513 is based on 3 months less funding for students which is not representative for the healthcare student population. For healthcare students this should be a pro-rata reduction, determined by their academic year end date and not the national average. I am a student nurse and my pro rata reduction should be £134 which equates to 3 weeks. My friend is studying physio and her pro rata reduction should be £268.14 which equates to 6 weeks. The reduction in our loan should be directly comparable to how long we spend at University as the current system is inequitable. During my final year I will be placed under increased financial pressure. Rather than increasing the stress of the next generation of healthcare students, why not ensure our transition from student to newly qualified healthcare workers is not plagued by how am I going to pay my rent for the final few months? This rate has been calculated by looking at the full amount a healthcare student (i.e. Nurse, Midwife, OT, SLT, Physio etc.) is entitled to receive per annum in their first and second year from the Student Loan Company (SLC) which is £2324 as a Maintenance Loan. I have then calculated that to be a weekly rate of £44.69. In the final year SLC are offering £1811 which is a reduction of £513 on the previous year. The reduction of £513 equates to a removal of funding for 83 days, about 11 ½ weeks.
    9,564 of 10,000 Signatures
    Created by Alice Edwards Picture