• Vote Education
    Fourteen years of neglect and underfunding have left education – from early years through to post-16 – in tatters. It is imperative that all political parties address this in their manifestos. Not in vague terms, with piecemeal solutions. But with meaningful proposals about how this situation will be reversed if they form the next Government.   Our schools are chronically underfunded. Primary class sizes are the highest in Europe, and secondary class sizes are the highest since records began more than forty years ago. Teachers are underpaid and overworked, resulting in the worst recruitment and retention crisis in a generation. That will not be reversed unless there is significant change to pay and terms and conditions of the education workforce.  SEND provision and mental health support for our young people is practically non-existent. We have a curriculum and assessment system that does not engage many pupils, or give each of them the chance to thrive. Many of our school buildings are in a chronic state of disrepair, literally crumbling away with the ongoing effects of RAAC and asbestos.  This is a grim picture for one of the richest countries in the world. It’s far from the ‘world class ’ education system so regularly promised by our Government. It cannot go on.   We need a Government to invest in education and to invest in our young people. If you value education, vote for education. Let’s give our children the education they deserve. 
    34 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Samuel Hilton
  • Petition for Fair Treatment and Support for MFA Fine Art Students
    We, the MFA Fine Art students, have created this petition to express our profound disappointment and frustration with the lack of communication, support, and attention we have received throughout this academic year. Despite our investment of time, money, and effort into our education, we have been left feeling neglected and undervalued by the administration and academic staff. There has been a consistent lack of communication from the administration and academic staff regarding course requirements, expectations, and support systems. Important information has been withheld, leaving us feeling confused and unsupported. MFA students are consistently overlooked and marginalized in favor of BA students. We are unable to access essential workshops and resources due to the prioritisation of undergraduate students. Despite our attempts to seek assistance and support, academic staff members have been unresponsive to our emails and requests for guidance. This lack of engagement has left us feeling abandoned and alone in navigating our academic journey. In summary, joining the campaign for change is important because it promotes solidarity, upholds educational standards, impacts future generations, holds individuals accountable, and contributes to the well-being of the university community as a whole.
    18 of 100 Signatures
    Created by christiana pietzsch
  • Maths and English GCSE for SEN children
    Under government law, it is compulsory for all children including those with special educational needs to study maths and English to the age of 19 alongside any other course until they reach grade 4 and above. Many SEN teens find this a huge trigger for overwhelm and anxiety. Many are bright creatives, musicians and artists who are finally able to focus on a course that suits them after years of school environments that have failed them. They are forced into retaking maths or English over and over despite trying the best they can and constant failure can seriously impact on self esteem and mental health. If the lack of one or the other of these qualifications are a barrier in life then the opportunity to come back to them without the added pressure of the clock ticking would be far more valuable than the way things currently stand. Metaphorically speaking, it’s time for this government to stop judging fish by their ability to climb trees. They are damaging our bright creative neurodiverse kids as a result. We want our bright, neurodiverse kids to have the best chance at an education that works for them. Currently it does not!
    23 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Lucy Mizen
  • What happens to our RC Primary schools and need for a Secondary Catholic School in Aberdeen, UK
    We need Aberdeen City Council to help it's many denominational communities including Christians, Catholics, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists and other faith based communities who send their kids to Catholic Schools. It affects a lot of locals who historically sent their kids to these schools, as well as ethnic minorities of Aberdeen.  We need a secondary school to continue helping the kids who studies in RC primaries to continue friendships and their school values.
    1,031 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Elizabeth Spencer
  • Don't link children's access to food with "Attitude to Learning" at School.
    ATL is a system which monitors a range of factors including a child’s engagement in their learning and their learning resilience. The system should be used as a tool for supporting children's growth and development. It is effectively being used in this instance as a form of reward and punishment with respect to access to food. We recognise that there is a need to manage canteen overcrowding at break-time. However, using the ATL is the wrong way to do it. 1. ATL scores should remain private between pupils, families, and teachers. The headmaster of Dorothy Stringer school has written that those with high ATL’s are celebrated in assemblies. We presume that those with low ATL’s are not shamed in assemblies, yet this is what is effectively happening in the canteen queue, where children’s ATL scores are broadcast in front of their peers and staff. Those with lowest ATL’s have equal hunger as their peers but will always be last in the break queue. As well as shaming children, this is hugely damaging for a child’s self-esteem and of course children with lower self-esteem are less likely to try their best. So, this system worsens the behaviour which it seeks to address. 2. The system could have negative impacts on children who have disordered eating
    385 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Robert Woods
  • Change Athena Trust and Launceston College’s Punitive Behaviour policy
    Many carers, pupils and staff are collectively, extremely dissatisfied with the current draconian behaviour “modification" policy being implemented by the Athena trust across all settings and we are making a request for positive change. Specifically, but not limited to Launceston Community College. We feel there is a need to implement a layered or graduated response to rule breaking, to provide more alternative options prior to ‘reflection’ (isolation) and ‘suspension’ (short term exclusion) being implemented. The current system is viewed as unfair, and often disruptive to education. Students are being excluded for very minor misdemeanours, such as wearing the wrong colour socks. This is quite clearly a disproportionate and inappropriate response. While we can agree that we want to support children to behave well, the current system is often exasperating and worsening the behaviour of a key minority of student, causing more issues than it is resolving. Where there are persistent and repetitive cycles of undesirable behaviour, followed by punishment, followed by more undesirable behaviour, the cycle needs to be broken. There needs to be a new emphasis placed whereby “suspension” (fixed term external exclusion) and “reflection” (isolation) are being used only as a last resort. We are asking for Athena trust to adopted a new behaviour policy which both pupils and carers feel is fair and proportionate and which offers support to the most challenging, and often the most vulnerable, students within the school system. The most vulnerable students will no longer be given repeated exclusions and instead will be given the help and support they so drastically need. The SEN Code of Practice (2015) advises that reasonable adjustments should be made to ensure that expectations of students with disabilities are developmentally appropriate and fair. We request that lower, middle and higher order strategies to support all students to manage their behaviour are implemented. These will include, but are not limited to: · A verbal reprimand / warning · Sending the pupil out of the class for a few minutes · 'Time out' from the lesson · Expecting work to be completed at home, or at break or lunchtime · Detention at break or lunchtime. (Note - with lunchtime detentions staff will allow reasonable time for the pupil to eat, drink and use the toilet.) · Detention out of school hours (usually, but not limited to after-school hours) · Referring the pupil to a senior member of staff · Letter / phone call / meeting with the parents of the student · Putting a pupil 'on report' · Removal from lessons (known as “reflection’' for one lesson only) · Implementing a behaviour contract. · Suspension · Permanent exclusion Removal from the classroom or ‘reflection’ and ‘suspension’ (known as external fixed term exclusion) will become one of the higher order sanctions, which may only be use for a range of serious breaches of discipline, or repeated, persistent lower-level breaches of discipline, and will no longer be the first port of call, as this is causing a huge disruption to education for some and is causing unnecessary anxiety. We request that these changes to the behaviour system are made following an inclusive consultation with staff, support staff, SEN/SENCO staff, parents, carers and students whereby consent will be given by the majority. A new behaviour policy will help to foster a more positive atmosphere where students feel safe, encouraged and supported. This will help create safe, inspiring places to learn where pupils feel their opinion is valued and they are being fairly treated. The system which is currently disproportionate and punitive for many SENs students will be replaced by the additional support and help needed for this minority to thrive. This will result in better academic outcomes and improved mental health.
    381 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Cora Edwards
  • Free school meals for all from reception to year 11
    In the middle of a cost of living crisis where even families who are working are struggling to make ends meet and relying on food banks or starving why are we treating prisoners better than our children? In prison three meals a day are provided at the tax payers expense but we don’t give our children a free school Meal after year 2. Teachers can see the effect a decent meal has on children’s academic performance but the government would rather them stave. For some a hot meal provided at school might be all they have that day but yet our government deny them this basic human right unless parents pay. Why do prisoners deserve better than the next generation? In a time where millions are choosing between heat and eat and many are pushed into poverty why are we choosing not to provide all pupils in the uk with a hot school meal. The current maximum income permitted to be eligible for a free school meal is so low it’s a joke and it doesn’t alter even if you have more than one child it’s time to rethink the system. Parents are struggling with rising bills and are having to make choices between heat and eat. Pupils are going without hot meals or even a meal so let’s take one worry away and have universal free school meals for all from reception to year 11. Prisoners get three meals a day but the our children are only provided with a free meal until they finish year 2, how is this right that we treat criminals better than our future?
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Hayley Roebuck Picture
  • Should smart phones be banned in Scottish schools as England have now announced?
    While we all recognise the convenience of smart phones, on balance they causes more harm than good during the school day. School should be a 6 hour respite, free from distraction, bullying, hate and violence The direction of travel globally and across the UK is for increased restriction of phones in schools. The Scottish Government, which prides itself on youth mental and physical wellbeing, should be at the vanguard of this safeguarding movement. We are failing our duty of care as parents by not doing all we can to have this harm removed from the school day in face of the mounting evidence.
    65 of 100 Signatures
    Created by pamela barclay
  • Removal of fence to create a walk way between Newman Close and Magnolia Avenue Loughborough.
    To create a safe walking route to school for both primary age at Outwoods Edge and Woodbrook High School. Today there has been a fence erected a face between a walk way Newham Way and Magnolia Close Loughborough. This is a key walkway for children at Outwoods Edge School and Woodbook Vale High School. This walk way provides a safe traffic free route to school and allows the reduction of traffic in the area commuting to and from the schools. This decision to put up the fence was not consulted with residents, the school or local community.
    256 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Sarah Helmore
  • Get our lessons back - MU2001 and MU3001 scholarship students
    As some of us are already aware, MU2001+3001 scholarship students are entitled to one hour of lessons free a week - 30 minutes from the funding MU2001+3001 provides, and 30 minutes from our respective vocal/choral/instrumental scholarships. What we are actually provided with is 30 minutes from MU2001+3001 funding, and according to our singing teachers, the funding our scholarship should provide is left in a bank account; untouched and forgotten. This contraction of our lessons was only put into practice last year, where scholarship students would get an hour of lessons a week free. So why should we be the year to lose out? Signing this petition shows that we as a collective are disappointed with the lack of information provided to us when we were applying for our scholarship, and the department's current avoidance of addressing the problem and explaining their decisions to us as a collective of MU2001+MU3001.
    19 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Vic Priestner Picture
  • Break the barriers to school attendance for care experienced children
    Half of kinship carers report that their child has additional learning needs. Four in ten adopted children missed school due to concerns about their mental health in 2022. Adopted children are also more likely to be excluded and more than twice as likely to be suspended as their peers. These children have a right to attend school and to thrive when they are there. For families of children who are already struggling to cope in school, current approaches to tackling absence are at best antagonistic and at worst, create misery. Only when we equip schools and wider services to meet every child’s needs will we solve the attendance crisis.
    1,145 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Alison Woodhead
  • Cheaper school meals for didcot girls school
    You should join our campaign because we think school meal prices here at Didcot Girls School are overpriced and together we can change that.
    72 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ophelia Lewis Picture