• stop all ads for online gambling.
    there is a growing addiction of gambling,advertising these items on tv is exactly the same as advertising,ciggarettes,herion or cocaine.
    20 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Alison Borsos
    To enable my daughter to get to School safely.
    12 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jacqui Prince
  • LGBT+ to be added to the curriculum
    It gives help for the LGBT students who do not learn this information or others that just don’t know, LGBT should be catered for not just straight relationships.
    52 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Amber WS
  • Release the 1921 Census early/
    It is already 97 years since the 1921 census. The 1931 census data for England was destroyed and no census took place in 1941. This is invaluable data and for many researchers release in 2021 will be too late.
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Linda Murray
  • Current university failed asylum seekers should be allowed leaves to remain
    It will save the future of individuals who are vulnerable to immigration status in the uk. Education is basic right of everyone and no one can snatch this right. Education is the only way that can change not only the status of individual but also it can change the society and the world. The home office is treating educated people like animals. So we can not allow the home office do do that.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Muhammad Aslam
  • Re placement Gates
    Gates have been erected at Maudland Road thru to Seymore Road, South Shore, Blackpool, it is understood the gates were for the security of the rear of St Heliers Road. The placement of the gates has restricted access to and from Bancroft park and the South Shore area as well as easier access to bus routes on Lytham Road and the main gate of Blackpool Gateway Academy. These inconveniences have had a detrimental effect on the residents of St Heliers Road, Saville Road, Maudland Road, Baron Road, Stansfield Street and Central Drive and beyond. The problems cover a range of issues, namely lowered security, health issues, traffic problems and the general wellbeing of the community. Repositioning the access to this walk way will allow access to Bancroft park and South Shore and improve the wellbeing of many of the residents.
    68 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Debby Godfrey-Brown
  • Open the new Blue Coat free secondary school in Meridian Centre, Oldham OL8
    The residents of Coppice, Primrose Bank and other areas of West Oldham desperately need a Secondary school with good attainment level in our area following the closure of St Augustine and Grange School! Schools census stats from January 2017 show minority ethnic pupils now make up 46.5% of primary school pupils in state-funded Oldham schools & 39.8% of pupils in state-funded Oldham secondary schools. According to Oldham Council’s 2018 profile document just 22.5% of the Oldham population is BME. The majority of the BME population lives around town Centre. The number of foreign born children in Oldham schools increased from 318 pupils to 2,471 in just 4 years. The national insurance figures release for January to March 2018 show another 530 adult migrants arrived in Oldham with 77% settling in Oldham’s central Ward. The rapid growth of our area cannot be put to one side with land and housing being sold off to the younger population at a rapid rate. Families are concerned for their children with the need of a Secondary School in Town Centre base. Our infrastructure spend in Oldham recently has been on shops, sporting recreation facilities and the community hub which all young children use HOWEVER what about our childrens education needs? Why is this issue being voided by our representatives when we have continual young family growth in the area? Parents urge Oldham Council and The Blue Coat secondary school to open their new free school in Meridian Centre, Oldham OL8 Oldham Council and Bluecoat will be making their final decision on the new school's location soon, so we need act now and make our voices heard - loudly. Please also reach out to your local councillors and MP to ensure we as a community of engaged and committed parents are heard and the educational needs of our children met.
    73 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Syed Maruf Ali Picture
  • Bring Emotional Intelligence, Mindfulness & Growth Mindset Programs Into Our Schools
    As child & young adult mental health issues continue to soar in the UK to critical issue levels? We demand that the Government take action, indeed has a moral imperative, to make it a priority for funding to be made available to all U.K schools, colleges & universities as a matter of utmost urgency to be utilised for the implementation of holistic programs which promote and address both the benefits of & the need for increased mental well-being for our children & young adults The Mental Health Foundation website states quite clearly that: 20% of adolescents may experience a mental health problem in any given year 50% of mental health problems are established by age 14 and 75% by age 24 10% of children and young people (aged 5-16 years) have a clinically diagnosable mental problem yet 70% of children and adolescents who experience mental health problems have not had appropriate interventions at a sufficiently early age The provision of funding for & the freedom of our educational establishments to introduce programs designed to underpin & maintain a young persons mental well-being OR restore & redress the balance in those who are already known to struggle? Is increasingly acknowledge as being beneficial When we intentionally introduce concepts such as emotional intelligence, mindfulness, growth mindset as well as breathing and meditation techniques at an early age, our children naturally become calmer, more attentive & focused and very definitely more self-aware Teaching our young people skills of this nature, together with active listening, empathy, emotional control & inter-personal relationship skills equips them with the tools to thrive & grow confidently and positively fuels an increased sense of self-worth & self-esteem. Which in turn when applied consistently, sets them up to succeed not only socially but academically as well The key to not only halting but reversing the mental health crisis we're currently experiencing (1:4 of us will suffer or know someone who does in our lifetime) lies firmly in the education of our children & young adults from an early age and when that begins to happen as a matter of course? We will not only be raising happier, more well-balanced children, we will be providing them with the foundational life skills we all need in order to grow & ultimately become happy, healthy & whole adults Implementing programs of this nature is a vital part of the process and which when we get it right, will not only see millions of people with improved mental health & well-being but the beneficial implications over time will mean less pressure on overstretched education & health services, almost certainly a decrease in children & young adult crime rates and a dramatic increase in attainment & achievement long-term within our educational system, meaning an increased number of fully functioning & productive adults contributing positively to society This won't happen overnight BUT each and every signature will take us one step closer to it becoming a reality SO I URGE YOU PLEASE stand with us today & pledge your support because by signing this petition? I PROMISE YOU You will be instrumental in empowering the children and young adults of this country to live as they were meant to be - HAPPY - HEALTHY & WHOLE Thanks for taking the time to read this can I ask one last thing? We have got to have a minimum of 100,000 signatures before this petition can be considered for debate in Parliament BUT 100,000 is just a starting point my aim is to reach the magical milestone of ONE MILLION Signatures show the Government that the time for change is NOW - RIGHT NOW - Many Thanks
    77 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sue Curr
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ellen wilkinson wilkinson
  • Let's break up earlier for the summer holidays!
    British schools break up long after the summer solstice. By August, the season feels positively autumnal and the hottest days have usually passed. Rather than teachers and pupils sweltering in hot classrooms (and children having to do homework during the'long' evenings), families could be holidaying in Britain at the peak of summer. This would boost our tourist industry. Our continental neighbours break up in June (as do American children); why haven't the term dates been reformed (something the government has been talking about since the 1990s)? Our children deserve better!
    74 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sue Springall
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by WAYNE NORMAN
  • Free gym classes for people with diagnosed mental health problems
    Students experiencing mental health difficulties need to be supported by their University as fully as possible. Being given access to the university mental health services is not always substantial. Students should be empowered to help themselves. Moderate exercise has been proven to help improve mood and general well being. Therefore, there should be no barrier preventing individuals from being able to attend regular gym classes. Classes can be expensive, and for those who find it difficult to motivate themselves in the first place, the cost of the class can be a further disincentive. Furthermore, financial hardship at university can be inflated by the experience of a mental health problem. Giving those with a diagnosed condition free access to the exercise program encourages them to take positive action to help themself. Better mental health can result in improved academic performance, and being part of an exercise class can improve someones mood and self esteem by enhancing their feelings of belonging within a community. Please sign this petition to encourage the University of Strathclyde to create a system which gives those with a diagnosed mental health problem free exercise class access/ passes.
    18 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Liz Elaine