• Say NO to cuts in Housing Benefits.
    This once again will hit the poorer families and the sick and disabled! Why do this section of the public have to suffer to repay the monies stolen/lost by the bankers? Yet MP's find its ok to give themselves an 11% pay rise. Their 'Rich' friends lost the countries money they should be made to repay it by increasing their taxes! Let those who can afford pay! This section of society are already struggling, many have committed suicide as they can no longer cope with the stress of all the cuts and reductions in their income. Its discrimination by the Government to Cut only benefits that the poorer people are entitled to claim!
    250 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Kathy Lamprell
    No one should be put through an ordeal like this - especially someone with children waiting for her back home. I honestly could not believe this headline when scrolling through my facebook news feed. I once read a short story called The Lottery by Shirley Jackson in which a woman is stoned to death because she is unlucky enough to draw the unlucky ticket in the local 'lotery'. That was fantasy. This is reality; and the two should never be mixed. Please help prevent this barbaric act before it's too late. Surely we've had enough of death and murder?
    126 of 200 Signatures
    Created by A.N.M C Picture
  • Empty buildings to shelter Homeless in Portsmouth
    Do I really even need to answer this? I'll just tell you about a man I befriended a few years back, let's call him John. He was homeless. I got taking to him whilst waiting for the Gosport ferry after work one day. John was selling the big issue, he was clearly unwell. When I questioned him on his health he said is was "just a cold." I'd bump into John at least once a week and as the weeks went on his health deteriorated. One evening I pretty much ordered him to get a bus to QA. I watched him get on the bus. I didn't see John for the rest of that winter, then around April I saw him in North End. He was unrecognisable, he was a different colour, his eyes where shining, his hair was fuller and he was standing up straight. He had a girlfriend. He told me he that when he go to QA they all panicked over him. He had got pneumonia. I am quite certain if John hadn't gone to hospital AND if he hadn't had a roof over his head whilst he recovered, he would have died. It is also much less likely that he would have had pneumonia if he was not exposed to the brutality of a British winter. If there is shelter in the form of empty or unused buildings, is it humane to deny it to those who need it the most? This year 2,744 are estimated to be sleeping rough in the uk on any one night. This is up 14% from estimations on rough sleepers in 2013 and a staggering 55% from 2010! Let's try and change that for the better!
    3,851 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Sam Stokes
  • New UK Passport Airbrushes Women From History
    The new UK passport design supposedly celebrates the British 'cultural pantheon' but in 16 pages features only 2 women, despite finding plenty of space for men, as well as everyday objects such as the postage stamp and telephone box. British history contains countless inspirational women such as Jane Austen, Emmeline Pankhurst, Charlotte Bronte, Barbara Hepworth, Elizabeth Garrett Anderson, Laura Ashley, Boudicca, Queen Elizabeth I, Elizabeth Fry, Florence Nightingale, Mary Wollstonecraft, Marie Stopes, Agatha Christie , Beatrix Potter, Maggie Smith and Amy Winehouse - and many, many more besides! It is wrong that in 2015 men and women do not have equal representation on this important document - a document that will be in the hands of every man, woman and child for years to come. We are constantly hearing about how we must encourage women and girls to become engineers, doctors, company directors and much much more, but this sends the message to our women and girls that their contribution to society does not count. Is the contribution of inspirational women such as Emmeline Pankhurst or Jane Austen really not as important or interesting as a postage stamp or telephone box?
    11,338 of 15,000 Signatures
    Created by Juliet Browse
  • A real living wage for all social care staff in Scotland
    Having a job and earning a decent wage is a necessity if we as a society are going to address some of the biggest concerns facing our generation. Poverty has a devastating effect on families across Scotland and in-work poverty has no place in the 21st century. There is no excuse for low-pay, when time and time again it has been shown to be not only an ineffective means of employment, but also a hindrance on long-term sustainable economic growth. Low wages result in poorer services, higher staff turnover, increased absences from work and a lower quality of life for staff stuck in low pay. We have not only an opportunity, but a responsibility, to tackle poverty and eradicate the blight it puts on people’s lives once and for all. Addressing low pay will not put an end to hardship overnight, as it is only part of a much wider and more complex picture of social justice, but it is a start, and it should be our goal to achieve it.
    474 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Jayne Baxter
  • Non resident parents to contribute towards childcare costs
    As a single parent I work full time and not only responsible to keep my children fed, clothed and housed I also have £700 nursery fees to pay monthly. Currently absent parents pay 11% of their gross income (CSA) and have equal rights and responsibilities for a child to whom their name is on a piece of paper known as a birth certificate... YET, the responsibilities are significantly cut when it comes to financial support - why? It is punitive to the resident parent and the detriment is felt by the children housed with that parent. Significant changes need to be implemented in respects to parental responsibility to encompass ALL areas of a child's life or none at all - not the areas that the non resident patent chooses. My children and I live renting, in debt and on the poverty line whilst the non resident parent owns a home, car, motorbike and has holidays. Is 11% of their gross income really £41 per week to have such luxuries?
    20 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Satah Jones
  • Rid the UK of the Gender Pay Gap
    It is important so that our daughters know that when they study, work-hard and contribute to society in the same way as their male counter-parts, they are not penalised for the sex they happen to be. In today's, modern, inclusive society where anti-discriminatory practice is common-place, we believe it is the Conservative Governments duty to implement equality of pay, regardless of sex. The gender pay gap currently resides at 10%, meaning men earn 10% more just for being men. How can we hope to encourage more women into Government and the boardrooms of the country when the pay gap exists on top of the many other barriers to success women may face? Sign our petition to give women true equality in the work-place.
    48 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Marie-Claire O'Brien
  • Better provision within education for SEN children
    All children deserve the right to reach their full potential. Education should be fully accessible to all, not just those who are capable of helping schools reach target figures .
    9 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Beccie Orchard
  • Subtitles on streaming of Welsh Assembly sessions
    I am deaf and very interested in local government and politics in Wales as are many other deaf and hard of hearing people. There are 10 million deaf or hard of hearing people across the UK. Something like 110,000 in Wales and the figure is always rising. It is incredibly important for deaf and hard of hearing people to keep in touch by using social media and computer access as so much communication is out of reach if you are deaf. There fore subtitles become an essential tool for communication in this day and age.
    37 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jackie CHARLTON
  • Equal pensions for same-sex couples
    The Equality Act 2010 should not contain loopholes allowing opportunities for discrimination. Private occupational pension schemes should not be allowed to ignore years of contributions by gay employees; limiting survivor benefits for civil partners. The surviving partner is not entitled to receive the full value of their deceased partner’s pension. Employers are required by law to pay same-sex survivor’s pensions based only on contributions made since 2005. Just like heterosexual people, members of the LGBTIQ+ community contribute the the UK state and economy all of our working lives. In the darkest times of a couples live when their love ones passes, it is wrong that the Government discriminates against them. This is not fair or right.
    239 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Adam Taxiboi-Smith
  • BBC - Diversify your poetry programming!
    Writers who are not white men have contributed hugely to our understanding and appreciation of poetry, and it is unforgivable and unrepresentative to exclude them from a national celebration of poetry. Women and people of colour have been consistently ignored, sidelined and poorly treated in academic and arts circles, often not being taken as seriously as white men doing the same things as us to a similar or even lower standard. As TV licence fee payers, we have a right to be fairly represented and to see ourselves - and a true reflection of the arts world - in the programming we pay for.
    114 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Eve Moriarty
  • Review Concentrix and HMRC Investigations of Tax Credit claimants
    We're going to see Iain Duncan Smith next month and we want to take this petition with us with as many names as possible. You may not get why we're so wound up about it. Let me share a few stories (all real, local people). Before I do, lets just remember what tax credits are for. They are contributions from the government towards the cost of ofsted registered childcare so that work is possible. Many users of tax credits are single parents but many are also in couples. They are for people for whom work would not be possible without assistance towards childcare (which by the way has to be paid one month in arrears and is subject to fines for late payment). One woman was told that her tax credits would stop because her daughter doesn't exist. The fact that said daughter was crying in the background whilst her stressed and bewildered mother was trying to sort it out whilst wondering how she was going to pay for childcare was irrelevant. Another woman was told that her tax credits would be cut to £85 a month (a contribution towards an £800 childcare bill for 2 children representing well over half of the whole family's take home pay.)This was because concentrix concluded that a previous childcare provider had not been ofsted registered and therefore this lady was in debt to them for falsely claiming help towards childcare that year. Of course the provider had been ofsted registered, we may never know what information concentrix used to reach their conclusion but our member had to shoulder the full responsibility of proving her case, all the while on reduced tax credits and even had to arrange a meeting with her employer to explain that work would not be feasible if she couldn't prove her case. The member is now vindicated but the stress she was wrongly put under was extremely serious and unnecessary. Another member was subject to a thorough investigation of her circumstances after which concentrix reached the bizarre conclusion that her total childcare costs for 2 children were £4 a week....totally validates any claim that the government and their agencies are out of touch with real life...if such a cheap provider exists I want their details! I could go on....case after case, story after story - already vulnerable people being made to feel desperate, hopeless and quite frankly criminalised. Please, if you agree with us, sign and share to say this is not OK. Perhaps there's a case to be made for people to be investigated as benefit fraud happens - but the way it is being done is unnecessarily negatively impacting people who could do without it!
    952 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Redbridge Gingerbread