• Mount a rescue operation for Syrian refugees
    The conflict in Syria has resulted in the greatest humanitarian crisis in a generation. It has led to millions of displaced people living outside the borders of the country, including appallingly high numbers of children. The figures are truly shocking: More than 4,000,000 refugees from Syria (95% of the total) are in just five countries: Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq and Egypt (Amnesty International September 2015). This influx is having a devastating impact on these countries (UNHCR 2013). Around 220,000 people have been killed and 12.8 million people are in urgent need of humanitarian assistance inside Syria. More than 50% of Syria’s population is currently displaced. In total, 104,410 resettlement places have been offered globally since the start of the Syria crisis, which equates to a mere 2.6% of the total population of Syrian refugees in Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq, Egypt and Turkey (Amnesty 2015). 1,168,996 children were living as refugees outside Syria in 2013, the figure is likely to be far higher now. The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees António Guterres has said: “Syria has become the great tragedy of this century – a disgraceful humanitarian calamity with suffering and displacement unparalleled in recent history.” When history looks back on what we did to assuage this terrible crisis, let's show Britain as a compassionate nation that doesn't sit back and watch a tragedy unfold, but one that holds out its arms and shares its resources with the Syrian people.
    185 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Karren Ablaze!
  • Calling on GSK & Astrazeneca to provide lifesaving medicine for refugees in Europe
    Since the refugee crisis in Europe began the people of the UK have united in a sterling effort to provide aid in the form of clothing, shelter, food and heat. These donations come from their own pockets, bank accounts and a deep sense of personal duty. There are somethings however that the everyday person cannot provide in sufficient amounts and this includes basic medicine. GSK and Astrazeneca are respectively the world's sixth and seventh largest pharmaceutical companies measured by 2014 market share: Last year Astrazeneca announced profits of $26.6 BILLION, an profit increase of 32% on 2013 and the GSK annual report 2014 announced profits of £23.0 BILLION, placing them in the top 2% of pharmaceutical companies world wide according to the Dow Jones Sustainability Index. These types of profits mean that GSK and Astrazeneca are in a privileged position to give something back to the very people who have funded their operations for so long. This is our message: To Sir Witty and Mr Soriot, I ask you - how much is a life worth to GSK & Astrazeneca? Will you help ensure the survival of refugees of war? Will you stand with the people who have purchased your products and funded your empires or will you put profit before people? We know you can help - you have the resources and the means to ensure that basic medical care, such as antibiotics, pain relief, basic first-aid, cold and flu treatments can be delivered where they are needed most. If the people of the UK, where the average salary is £26,500 (down £164 since 2012) can sacrifice their time, goods, money and expertise to do the right thing, then is it really too much to ask for a multi-billion pound corporation, who profit from sickness and death, to dedicate just a tiny portion of its profits towards providing basic lifesaving necessities to those who have escaped oppression, torture , murder and rape only to succumb to colds, flu and hypothermia? According to my calculations (in my life, I deal in hundreds not billions so please correct me if I am wrong!) but just 0.12% of £26 BILLION is approximately £32.5 MILLION, a figure that would go a long way to providing basic health care - even more so if they would provide the equivalent in the required medical goods to be administered by the small army of healthcare providers and medical volunteers in camps across Europe. These are unthinkable figures for the average person;, and there are many who oppose big pharma for just this reason. However, this tragic situation provides both GSK and Astrazeneca with an opportunity to show their humanity and demonstrate the same values and common decency as those who are providing aid, fundraising and standing in the muddy rain drenched camps wondering how long the medicine will last now the winter is coming. If you truly value life as your corporate mandate should dictate we urge you to prove it. Help us to help them. We have trusted you with our lives, now we, are entrusting you with theirs. Please don't let us down. Sources: http://www.pharmaceutical-technology.com/features/featurethe-top-10-biggest-pharmaceutical-companies-of-2014-4396561/ https://www.gsk.com/media/603031/annual-report-2014.pdf https://www.astrazeneca.com/our-company/investor-relations.html http://www.icalculator.info/news/UK_average_earnings_2014.html
    210 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Shelley Milne
  • Fight for the rights of child refugees in Greece
    The treatment of the children in this way contravenes article 37 of the United Nations charter for children. This treatment will result in long term physical, psychological and emotional damage to the children. It is not how a westernised nation should behave. Read more here: http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/refugee-crisis-orphans-locked-up-in-medieval-prisons-alongside-adult-criminals-on-greek-island-of-a6694521.html
    619 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Tim Ubhi
  • Rid the UK of the Gender Pay Gap
    It is important so that our daughters know that when they study, work-hard and contribute to society in the same way as their male counter-parts, they are not penalised for the sex they happen to be. In today's, modern, inclusive society where anti-discriminatory practice is common-place, we believe it is the Conservative Governments duty to implement equality of pay, regardless of sex. The gender pay gap currently resides at 10%, meaning men earn 10% more just for being men. How can we hope to encourage more women into Government and the boardrooms of the country when the pay gap exists on top of the many other barriers to success women may face? Sign our petition to give women true equality in the work-place.
    48 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Marie-Claire O'Brien
  • fight for karrissa cox and richard carters child
    Because the child should not have been given up for adoption until they had been tried.It's disgusting that the social services can give away a 6 week old baby before it has been confirmed by a judge and jury has heard all the evidence on one persons view no way should this be allowed we must stand behind these parents for the sake of future mistakes
    14 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Dennis Parker
  • Support Jeremy Corbyn: No to nuclear weapons! No to Trident!
    Jeremy Corbyn's political enemies are seeking to undermine his position as Labour Leader and have chosen nuclear weapons as their attack platform. We must not allow them to get away with it. Some helpful advice from a supporter - a great way to get this petition circulating widely is to share on comments on relevant online newspaper articles! For those of you that have the time .... Facebook 'misbehaviour'. A number of supporters have reported that Facebook is not sharing this petition. I have tried to do it myself and failed with a very unusual message. The petition has also 'dropped off' The Ecologist's timeline. I have now re-posted on Facebook with a perma-URL of https://www.facebook.com/TheEcologist/posts/10152959345741618 . You should be able to share from there. Either that or just copy the petition URL in the browser bar to your timeline.
    4,682 of 5,000 Signatures
    Created by Oliver Tickell
  • Kids in crisis
    Hundreds of children and young people with autism/learning disabilities and mental health problems across the uk are being shipped miles away from their families because there are no provisions in their own locality. As Norman Lamb said " we wouldn't ship a child hundreds of miles away for a broken leg, why are we doing to children with mental health problems." This has disastrous consequences for not only the child, but their loved ones. Often families find it financially difficult to travel, emotionally draining having to listen to their loved one heartbroken in an unfamiliar environment 100s of miles from home, their condition often deteriorates leaving their recovery period much longer and more painful, children are often drugged and restrained as a means of treatments (control) This barbaric treatment has to stop, children should be in their own locality and received the necessary treatment they need surrounded by their family. If no such provision is available then bespoke placements should be built around the home locality of that child and specialist experts in their condition be available. Children and young people have a voice and should be heard, they should be listened to and every effort made to adhere to their wishes and feelings and not ignored and dismissed as the NHS says EVERY CHILD MATTERS!!!!
    661 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Kathy Hopper Picture
  • Improve Mental Health Care in Hull and East Yorkshire in Memory of Jarrad Joseph Grainger
    This petition is highly important to myself and my family, our friends and the local community. This is because on 6th September 2015 my cousin Jarrad Joseph Grainger took his own life, he was only 21 years old. I am starting this petition on behalf of my auntie Nadine West - Jarrad's mother. We are wanting to stop this from happening to more people as this is an all to common occurrence these days. We need help in reinstating 24/7 care for Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services in Kingston upon Hull. Vulnerable patients do often need 24/7 care and sometimes need to stay in units for anywhere between a few days and months at a time, the closest unit to Hull is approximately 42 miles away meaning that when children/adolescents need to stay in the units they are kept many miles away from their families making it hard for them to visit making them feel even more isolated. We need to improve the care that Hull and East Yorkshire currently has to make it ALOT better than it is, patients need better care and for it to be more accessible. People searching for help who contact these Charities are often left for days or weeks without a reply to the shout for help, we need to change this urgently! The stigma surrounding Mental Health and Illness needs stopping, we need to raise more awareness about this to give people a better understanding, the more people that know about Mental Health/Illness the better chance we have at helping those in need. We couldn't help Jarrad and we lost him, we were too late. So we will do this in his memory, we will help those we still can. We will improve the services in Hull and East Yorkshire and we will prevent people deteriorating from Mental Health/Illness and we will save them. Jarrad Joseph Grainger, Forever Young - this is for you xx
    2,314 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Alisha Foster
  • No to UK Military Intervention in Syria
    UK military intervention will cause nothing other than further misery for the people of Syria who already face terror and chaos in their lives. The UK should aim to cease the arms deals in the Middle East to achieve a peace, not contribute further to the bloodshed. After a majority of Labour MPs voted in favour in an illegal war based on lies, that was responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people, Labour MPs should stand firm in a rejection of further military actions in the Middle East. Only this action can show the public that history has not repeated itself and that their position as public servants is one they hold with honour. Let the Labour Party stand for negotiations for peace, not votes for death and destruction. Peace for people, not war for mongers.
    198 of 200 Signatures
    Created by L Leonard
  • Please welcome more refugees to Brighton and Hove
    At the Sanctuary on Sea launch event in June 2015, Brighton & Hove was named 'Sanctuary on Sea' in recognition of the city-wide efforts to create a culture of welcome for people fleeing conflict and persecution. At the event, you underlined the city's commitment to welcome refugees to our city. Now is an important time to deliver on that commitment.
    926 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Cath Senker
  • Refugees Welcome in Clackmannanshire
    David Cameron announced we’ll welcome 20,000 more Syrian refugees. But there’s a catch. This will take 5 years, leaving thousands of refugees in limbo. It’s now up to us to show that in cities, towns and villages all across the country we’re ready to welcome people now. Aylan, the toddler who drowned fleeing Syria, was just three years old. His town was under attack by Isis. His five year old brother and his mum also died trying to reach safety.We don't want Britain to be the kind of country that turns its back as people drown in their desperation to flee places like Syria. So let's stand up for Britain's long tradition of helping refugees fleeing war. Let's show the Prime Minister that we, the people of the UK, are proud to do our part and provide refuge to people in their hour of need. Please sign and share, or start your own petition for your town or city here: https://you.38degrees.org.uk/efforts/refugees-welcome
    117 of 200 Signatures
    Created by nathalie MAREC
  • Allow Oliver's right to appeal & prove innocent
    Oliver Campbell was convicted because he suffered from a brain injury and is of low IQ and very suggestible. He 'confessed' to murder to the police in the absence of his solicitor. His co-defendant, Samuels, also convicted of murder, told the police that Oliver wasn't present at the crime and had nothing to do with it, but because he didn't give evidence at the trial, the jury was never aware of this. Since then Samuels has repeated that Oliver is innocent, but the CCRC refuses to use this evidence as grounds to refer the case for a second appeal. Oliver has now been released, but still seeks to have his murder conviction overturned. Back in 2002 A television investigation cast doubt on the murder conviction and produced a documentary as part of the series Rough Justice showing their findings......... (the following is an extract from an old article) Oliver Campbell has been in jail for 10 years of a life sentence for the murder of an East End off licence owner, Baldee Hoondle, during a robbery in July 1990. Although Campbell confessed to the crime under interrogation, his lack of legal representation at the time and the strategy employed by the police to gain a confession from a 20-year-old man of limited mental ability have already been said to cast doubt on the case against him. Campbell has since persistently protested his innocence. Next Sunday the BBC programme Rough Justice will present an analysis which challenges the prosecution's case. It contains a statement from an accomplice to the robbery which, if true, exonerates Campbell, and it claims to be able to name the person who fired the fatal shot. A crucial piece of evidence was a baseball cap dropped by the murderer as he ran from the off licence. During interrogation, the police told Campbell that his fingerprints were found at the scene and the hairs on the cap matched his. In fact, the forensic tests had not been completed. When they were, no fingerprints of Campbell were found and the hairs were not his. There is, allegedly, no forensic evidence linking him to the scene. Later, at an identity parade, neither of the two witnesses to the crime picked out Campbell as the man in the cap. The two robbers were said to be 5ft 10in or 5ft 11in; Campbell is 6ft 3in. Campbell is left-handed while the shot was fired most probably by a right-handed man. Campbell had lived in a number of foster homes and is claimed to be borderline mentally defective. An accomplice to the crime, Eric Samuels, who was sentenced to five years for robbery, said that Campbell was not the killer. But his evidence was never heard in court. Campbell may have contributed to the police case by admitting to knowledge of the crime which he had actually got from a BBC Crimewatch programme.
    121 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Donna Lennox