• Let Gloucestershire decide its future
    The Cabinet of Gloucestershire County Council (GCC) has written to the Government to ask for the County Council elections this May to be delayed.   We are not aware that the Conservative cabinet consulted anyone before taking this decision. It was not even referred to the full Council.   Elected 4 years ago in May 2021, the Conservative Party currently have a wafer thin majority on the County Council and it is highly unlikely that they would have any majority after an election this May 2025.   Postponing the County Elections will leave current councillors in power beyond their elected mandate.    If the proposed Local Government Reorganisation goes ahead, all district councils in Gloucestershire will be dissolved, and replaced by a single large unitary authority.    In the interests of greater democracy, we  demand that recently elected councillors should negotiate the dramatic restructuring of local government in Gloucestershire. 
    28 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Robert Irving
  • Proportional Representation not first past the post
    The U.K. is a two party country, which consists of the Conservatives and Labour (some would argue Labour is a lighter shade of blue). The time has come for the system to change so everyone’s views has a voice. For example the Green Party would have 10 people (as of 2nd May 2024) as MPs and not 1. Our voices aren’t heard and with the changes in boundaries by the Conservatives, it is likely that parties with lower votes are less Likely to get an MP.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mat MacEley-Young
  • Request Julian Knight Stand Down Immediately, As MP For Solihull
    The Constituents of Solihull have the right to be represented by someone who is fully committed to represent them and bring their questions and concerns to Parliament, but this cannot be the case while issue with Julian Knight is ongoing. A By-Election should be called as soon as possible Solihull the people are able to choose who they want to be their next MP. I urge my fellow Constituents to sign this petition, so that this current situation is resolved as soon as possible.
    21 of 100 Signatures
    Created by John James Doherty
  • Liz Truss should refuse the Prime Minister pension
    This is one issue, among many in recent years, where we have seen our leaders appear to be in Politics for their own benefit as opposed to Public Service, and to refuse to take responsibility for their errors. If Liz Truss were to decline the Prime Minister's Pension it would begin to redress the balance and we do need to restore faith in our elected officials for democracy to begin return to a meaningful level in the UK.
    9 of 100 Signatures
    Created by jackie hurman
  • Wages is not in line with inflation say no to taxes rising
    The living cost is already costing everyone from food prices to energy bills already people are going to food banks and adding taxes is not the way government to do at this time
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Andrew Auld
  • Rejoin single market
    Open up opportunities for free movement settle anywhere in Europe study anywhere in Europe trade freely in Europe.
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Gary Davies
  • Liz truss should not be entitled to £115,000 for life for being a pm for 44 days
    Until this goverment is held account for all of their dealings and stop taking us for fools and being paid ridiculous amounts. It all should be stopped now and show the people of this country they are behind them
    36 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Petitions Girvan
  • Stop Lizz truss getting 115 thousand pounds a year pdca payment for life after leaving office
    The country is in financial turmoil, poverty is on the rise and cost of living is through the roof. Liz truss should not be taking this money out of the pot as she did nothing in her very short time as PM. The money could be better spent getting this country out of the mess we are in.
    56 of 100 Signatures
    Created by jason lang
  • General election now
    There have been so many changes while the Conservative party have been in charge. Do the Great British public trust that the Conservative party are competent to continue to lead the country? It is now time to let the public have a say.
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Lucy M
  • Votes At 16
    people around the uk at 16 want to vote as its their future
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kenzie Goodall
  • A Progressive Alliance to defeat the Tories
    The only way this change will come about is for the ordinary citizens to demand it loud and clear. If you are unhappy about the way this country has been governed please give your support to this petition and campaign to restore our democracy
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Andrew Eastaugh
  • Act on CDGRail's 5 ASKS! Reopen the Stranraer-Dumfries Railway!
    Dumfries and Galloway needs to be accessible to everyone who lives here. in 2022, not everyone can afford to drive, some cannot drive because of a disability or other boundaries. By signing this petition, you'll be sending a clear message to the Scottish Government. The Government need to act on these 5 asks, to get the region #BackOnTrack!
    73 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Campaign for Dumfries & Galloway Rail Picture