• Don't exclude the Greens
    The EU referendum is already going to be dominated by the voices of fear and big business that dominate our media. By giving UKIP a further platform to espouse their divisive rhetoric the situation is only going to get worse. The EU is a very flawed institution, it is undemocratic and overly bureaucratic and needs serious reform; but it also enshrines fundamental protection for people at work and the environment (among many other benefits). These are areas the Conservative are already attacking with their draconian Trade Union bill and their shameful attack renewable subsidies and the extension of fracking. By once again excluding the Green Party and ignoring our rising support the BBC is not only acting undemocratically, but is excluding progressive voices and setting the frames of reference for the EU debate in an increasingly negative way. This debate is going to be crucial to the future of society and needs to be as open, inclusive and democratic as possible. We need to ensure all views are heard, and stop them crowding out the viewpoints that care about the interests of ordinary people and our environment.
    7,051 of 8,000 Signatures
    Created by William Quick
  • Leave the Lord's veto as it is
    This is important because without The Lords good common sense the country would be a poorer and unhappier place to live. There is more political experience in the House of Lords than than has been seen for many years. Their intervention in the Tax Credit cuts saved this government from political suicide and The Lord's veto is so rarely used that when is then it should prove a sobering notice to The Government that they are mistaken in their agenda.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Georgina Fletcher
  • Relation Education for schools
    As a nineteen year old there have been many things that I have experienced so far in my life. We all in someway have gone though a lot that we unfortunately had no help with or anyone there to to comfort us and tell us that its going to be okay. You have the good memories that we cling to so dearly, and then there are those which are not so great. Events that should have never even taken place, especially for those so young and vulnerable. The bad memories where you think I wish I would have known ‘this’ or ‘that’ then maybe I would have not been so lost and helpless in that situation. If that were the case you could have been somewhere else today. A lot of our youth nowadays are susceptible to making very life-changing decisions or mistakes that they were not warned or aware of as they were growing up. Our education system is so set on Sex Education being improved constantly and carrying out classes to younger and younger ages each year. In doing so each generation is thinking more about sex in contrast to accomplishing a fully content life with healthy relationships amongst friends, families and significant others. Instead we end up with unsatisfied young men and women who seek happiness in the wrong things and places, they take their loved ones for granted, push their family away and allow the road to anti-social behaviour and depression to creep in where it seems almost impossible for the individual to ever be happy with anything or anyone. My aim for this petition is to launch the start of Relationship Education classes for young people. Where we can teach children the values of trust, respect, loyalty, communication, love, and integrity in the right way. From being raised in a single parent family I saw my mother in the most damaging ways as a child. I saw her beaten by men and women, I saw her heartbroken numerous times, she was also very angry with the world. But the one thing I would see in her for the most part compared to everything else was of course disappointment. She would always weep and wonder why she never saw certain things coming or how she wishes she would have done things differently or maybe to have not done anything at all. Relationship classes should have been put in place a long time ago, God knows so many of us would have benefited highly from them. Classes where we can help guide our youth, pave out the road to success and point them in the right direction is something that should be encouraged not thrown to the side. Good relationships with others should hold far more importance than Sex Education which I do still believe is essential to be taught but definitely not more significant than building a happy community with one another. I believe these classes will help our schools to see a dramatic drop in bullying, absences and insecurities. Through this scheme we will teach mutual respect, the correct manner to communicate with one another and to avoid unkind comments or gestures that would hurt your peer in any way. In addition to this procedure we will have gained a large increase in sociable engagement with other peers, good attendance, confident individuals, an expansion on creativity and most of all a happy class. Not only will this benefit children during school time but the life skills they will attain will be practiced in the comfort of their own home, with family and friends, through college, university, in the workplace and so on.
    254 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Saira Kaur Picture
  • Save North Tyneside Nurseries
    Parents should continue to have the freedom to choose from a variety of local childcare providers: council, schools and private. Closing all the council-run nurseries will deny parents this choice. Some nurseries which are run by local schools do not open during the school holidays so this might not be a viable option for many parents, who would then be forced to move their children to privately-run nurseries. Furthermore, the council's current proposals will cause a significant amount of disruption, confusion and anxiety for a lot of pre-school children. UPDATE (18.12.15): (1) If you have already signed our paper petition, please don't sign this online petition as well! (2) North Tyneside Council will only accept petition signatures from people who live, work or study in the borough. If you don't have a North Tyneside postcode for one of these activities, please don't sign this petition. (3) Thank you for your support! There is more information about this campaign on the Facebook page "Save North Tyneside Children's Centre Nursery".
    1,851 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Tony Fuller
  • Call them 'daesh'!
    Language is about communication and every time we use a term that links the terrorists to Islam we are reinforcing that connection. What they are doing has nothing to do with Islam. The danger is that ordinary moderate Muslims get tarred with the same brush. How would we react if this was a 'so called Christian group'? The words we use have a subtle but profound subliminal effect. Lets use the correct word. They are daesh!
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Susan Brown
  • Ask David Cameron if he believes he upholds the 7 Principles of Public Office.
    By the Government's own definition (31st May 1995, Committee on Standards in Public Life) the 7 Principles of Public Office are "the basis of the ethical standards expected of public office holders". By this we take to mean that all politicians in Her Majesty's Government are expected to abide by the ethical standards set out in this document; and are therefore accountable both to the public and to the members of parliament if they can be seen to have failed in doing so. In the light of large bodies of evidence which can be presented to highlight the fact that the Prime Minister has failed to uphold the 7 Principles of Public Office, I would like the the Leader of the Opposition to personally raise the issue with him, in parliament, in order to hear his response.
    177 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Anthony Saggers
  • E. U. Relief funding for Cumbrian Flooding
    It is essential that people's lives recover speedily,lessons learnt and infrastructure updated.
    9 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jonathan Miller
  • Lucy Allan please step down as MP for telford and Wrekin after lying about death threats.
    She represents the good people in the Telford and Wrekin area and has knowingly lied about such a serious matter. Namely that she was sent a death threat. This is unacceptable and MPs should not be allowed to be so liberal with the truth. MPs are accountable for their actions and this is morally wrong and a misuse of her position in government.
    2,165 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Gareth Roderick
  • Keep racist Donald Trump out of UK
    With his remarks wanting to ban all Muslims from entering the United States, Donald Trump has shown himself to be a dangerous racist behaving in a way likely to incite violence. As such his presence in the United Kingdom would not be conducive to the public good.
    569 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Dave Jackson
  • Improve the behaviour of members of Parliament
    The behaviour of some of MPs in the House of Commons has become completely unacceptable This includes ,shouting ,interupting, sarcasm, hecklng, finger jabbing, and sexist behaviour. it wouldn't be acceptable in my place of work ,or yours, and would quickly become a disciplinary matter. We request a full review of the code of conduct, so that it is up to date and fit for purpose in a modern workplace
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Anthony Pierre
  • MP'S Expenses Must be included in Freedom of Information
    We have a right to ask where our money as tax payers is being spent, if it is funding second homes or undue expenses. Any change to restrict the Freedom of Information Act makes a mockery of it in total. Our MPs should be able to declare with pride that they are not misusing generous subsides and expenses.
    11 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kathy Lang
  • Freedom of information always
    We should always be able to find out what government and MP's are spending OUR money on ALWAYS WE TRUSTED YOU BEFORE AND YOU SPENT IT ON DUCK PONDS!
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Philip King