• Make Political Parties Manifestos Legally Binding if they get in to power
    Voters are fed up of political parties breaking there manifesto promises.
    9 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Simon Hill
  • That the conservative and Unionist party pay for the policing of their conference in Manchester
    The conservative party has repeatedly told us of the importance personal responsibility, of self-reliance and of fiscal responsibility. It is time to practice what they preach. They decided to hold the conference in an area that is seen as a heartland of trade union, the cooperative movement and left wing politics. It can only have been deliberate. For these reasons the people of Manchester should not be forced to pay the multimillion pound bill for this private event. If you go to a sporting event, the club pays; if you go see a band, the venue pays and by default those attending through the ticket price. This was a private ticketed event so those attending should pay. This is especially true at a time of such swinging cuts.
    20 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Shaun fletcher
  • End kissing the monarch's hand and vowing allegiance to him/her
    The majority of the nations in the world are republics where such a ceremony would be regarded as at least quaint but, more likely, as a strange feudal remnant. There is a substantial minority of republicans in the U.K.for whom such a practice could only be viewed as demeaning. It is unnecessary for any M.P.s who have already committed to representing their constituents to make further pledges. Whether the Privy Council is an antiquated elite with access to the state's security secrets is an appropriate institution for an open democracy should be abolished could be a worthwhile subject for future debate.
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Nigel Jones Nash
  • campaign to encourage people to register to vote
    No longer can the family head register everyone so each applicant must register themselves and there is a large number who have no vote particularly among the transient population ie.private renters and students.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Alan Watkinson
  • Show your hand and say #Icare to stop the social care crisis
    The problem Care affects all of us. Everyone knows someone- a family member or neighbour or child - who needs care and support to live a full life Social care is organised by Local Government. Central government cuts have resulted in a 31% cut to adult social care in the last 5 years, this is in excess of £4.5 billion worth of care . Half a million older and disabled people who would have received social care five years ago now receive no local support . Big decisions about how the future of social care could be sustainably funded are being kicked into the long grass: manifesto commitments for 2015 have already been moved to 2020 and beyond . The cuts don’t just hurt people who need care and support to live a full life, though. They also: - Prevent many people who work in care from earning a fair or living wage - Make it harder for organisations that provide care to survive; many have gone out of business - Add pressure to an already pressured NHS when support can’t be provided to people who should be able to remain in their homes - Makes life tougher for family members who provide care for loved ones - Create social isolation, poorer mental health and inequality - Stop people having the right to live independently and take control of their own lives - Mean more and more people end up paying for their own care; those who can’t afford it often go without. The opportunity On the 25th of November the government will publish a Comprehensive Spending Review that will have a major impact on the future funding of social care. We think a lot of people don’t know about the scale of this care crisis or the impact it has on society as a whole. We also think that a lot of people would care if they knew more about it. We therefore need your help. We want government to know that people care about care. If you think care should be properly funded and improve people’s lives and the local communities we all live in, please simply write the words “I Care” on your hand and take a photo. You can share your image and thoughts with us on Twitter @UkCareCrisis or the social media platform of your choosing using #ICare. Please also sign this petition asking the government to debate and take urgent action to stop the Care Crisis. Or, of course, you can do all of the above. If you know others who care about care please tell them about #ICare. We know lots of people are very anxious and care deeply about the future of social care. This is our chance to show we all care about care. Thanks for your time.
    377 of 400 Signatures
    Created by @UKCareCrisis @UKCareCrisis
  • Fossil Fuel Free Mole Valley
    Oil & gas companies are looking to explore for more fossil fuels within Mole Valley even though Climate Change scientists and most world powers demand that we move away from our dependency on them to renewables. To be looking for more fossil fuels at a time when we have already found over 5 times more fuel than we can potentially use is utter madness and criminal.
    1,160 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Chris Crook
  • Is assassination by the UK Government legal?
    The Ministry of Defence has sought out and killed some (erstwhile) UK citizens in the Middle East, based on intelligence that, from there, they were actively planning terrorist outrages in the UK. But is that legal and desirable? Targetted killing may perhaps be justified in times of war, especially when the evidence is compelling. Are we at war? But is it worrying that the MoD may have taken steps which breach, or at least weaken, UK legal rights for everyone? The UK did not, for instance, assassinate Saddam Hussein, even though we were at war with Iraq. We support fair trials, eg at the Hague, rather than arbitrary execution, of people who appear to give every evidence of wrong-doing .. but is it conceivable that some apparent traitors in ISIS have been acting under duress? The death penalty has been withdrawn, even for traitors, in the UK. So we would like Mr Gove to clarify a) whether the death penalty has been brought back for treason, b) whether treason can be proven without a trial (even in absentia), c) whether the prevention of harm makes targetted assassination legal (overseas or at home), d) whether assassination of an erstwhile or current UK citizen is legal in any circumstances, and e) whether the MoD has broken any British or other laws in seeking out and killing particular people (including current, or erstwhile, UK citizens) in Syria and the Middle East , without any form of trial,?
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Peter Davis
  • No Support for British Expats in Thailand
    The Consul in Chiang Mai, Thailand was recently closed. There is a sizable British community in and around Chiang Mai numbering thousands and we get no support. I recently renewed my son's passport and had to travel to Bangkok twice - once to apply for and once to collect it. It cost me £336.50 in air fares and hotel bills on top of the £72 for the passport itself and it can take up to 6 weeks. In contrast, my wife is Japanese; she applied at the local consulate and got a new passport in less than a week. In my capacity as a volunteer policeman I recently helped a German national whose passport was stolen. She had a replacement within 10 days. I have written to my MP and was initially ignored, so I wrote to the Home Secretary about the costs involved in getting a new passport and the Foreign Secretary about the abysmal level of service abroad. Neither has replied, instead delegating a response to a member of the British Consulate in Bangkok. This lady has not answered ANY of the questions I asked and instead wrote a lot of gobbledegook tripe about how centralizing services was giving better services. It is, of course, rubbish and the key points: cost and inconvenience were not even mentioned.
    112 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Keith Marshall
  • Save the NHS
    Save the NHS We all need the NHS. The doctors and nurses we rely on are at breaking point, we all know how desperately short of money the service is. Lottery money could save the problem easily. Don't let the government run it into the ground as an excuse to sell it off.
    36 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ann Craig
  • Stop Charging Additional Hidden VAT
    The plan to cut use of plastic bags is good for the environment and the government state that the 5p charge will go to charity. The reality is they are charging retailers 1p vat on each bag sold. Retailers have already accounted for their cost of packaging and vat is paid on the total price. Therefore every purchase now raises an extra 1p vat being paid directly to the government. This additional vat charge now means that non vat purchases will be liable for a 1p vat charge.
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sharon Gurman
  • The People of Argyll & Bute Against Cuts
    The citizens of Argyll and Bute is reject these appalling, destructive and cruel plans in their entirety. If allowed to happen, these cuts will rip into the heart of our communities at a time when depopulation is already a huge issue. Here is an idea of what is proposed: -Reduction in Additional Support Needs assistants across areas by 45%. -Withdraw services that the council is not required to provide for children under 5. -Move to 3 weekly collection for general waste (green bin). -Removal of Attendance Officer posts. -Removal of all School Librarians in all Secondary Schools. -Remove Discretionary Community Transport Grant Funding. -Reduce subsidies to freight operators in Campbeltown. -Increase Burial & Cremation charges by 20% over and above inflation. -Close 43 public conveniences. -Replace annual bedding display with grass areas. -Remove rose and shrub beds and return to grass. -Reduce Environmental Team. -Reduce street sweeping by 50%. -Further reduce staff (grass cutting, street sweeping, wardens, public conveniences). -Removal of Christmas lights installation. -These are just a small highlight of the proposed cuts that can be found here: https://www.argyll-bute.gov.uk/moderngov/documents/s103359/Service%20Choices%20Report%20-%20Appendix%201.pdf
    1,014 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Hugh-Shug Moodie
  • Retrospective Change in Student Loans Terms and Conditions
    As above it will mean higher payments for students and could put off future students attending uni. Is it not illegal to change the terms and conditions of a loan after it has been taken out?
    57 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mary Lou Strong