• Protest against the closure of Richmond Road Hackney
    I understand the situation with trying to make a greener borough and as a cyclist myself I have no problem with limiting roads around schools. However unless you provide an alternative route for the weight of traffic needed all you do is concentrate that traffic into a smaller area which creates terrible traffic jams and terrible amounts of pollution. I have been a resident of Graham Road for over 15 years, I now have a daughter who has severe asthma living in a house constantly filled with trucks idly sitting outside the house 24/7 in traffic since these road closures have been implemented. We must stop these changes immediately before irreparable damage is done to the area around Graham Road and the surrounding areas! We were not consulted about these changes that will dramatically change our lives. Please sign my protest.
    76 of 100 Signatures
    Created by James Lockett
  • Allow informal child care in the north east
    For the mental welfare of the parents, the wellbeing of extended family members and the welfare of the children
    1,467 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Cheryl Savage
  • Save NHS dentistry in England
    I am based in London and I have noticed a steady decline of dental practices offering NHS dental treatment. Most dental practices have reduced their services to private treatments only and the very few that do offer NHS treatment limit this to often only 10% of their capacity. This makes it virtually impossible to find an NHS dentist or if your are lucky to have one, you will have noticed that waiting times have increased dramatically, simply because the very few NHS dental practices left are horrendously oversubscribed. This was the case even long before Covid-19. Good dental care is vitally important to general health and also mental well-being and should therefore not be neglected. Most people with ordinary professions cannot afford private dental care, which is why it is so important that NHS funding for dentistry needs to be increased now before it is too late and we lose our last remaining NHS dental practices.
    206 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Barbara Hoffmann
  • Provide decent care for palliative care patients
    My mom has acute myeloid leukaemia she has only been sick 9 weeks she is coming home to be cared for mainly by me her daughter and I like many carers have a young child to look after too and the care package offered is so basic and no over night help dyeing people and there carers/families are being overlooked and we need help
    57 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Emma Joanne
  • Improve road conditions where I live - dangerous for cyclists
    The pot holes in the roads damage bikes, this costs money. Having to avoid the pot holes increases the chances of an accident thus prevent people from using bikes increasing traffic and causing people's fitness to suffer.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by David Scales
  • Fly tipping and illegal dumping in Whitton
    The dumped waste and fly tipping problem is having a huge impact not only on the environment but also with the families and the general public that live here and use/walk through these spaces. The rats are getting into cars and gnawing through cables and infesting homes! This is a huge issue and also over a prolonged period of time has affected the wellbeing and mental health of some residents. We need to act collectively as a community and get Richmond Council to listen to our voice! Please sign and show your support through this petition to get our community areas cleared and looking respectful again.
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sharna Beckles
  • Extend theory expiry dates due to COVID-19 (Coronavirus)
    Due to the Corona pandemic, and from April 2020, all forms of practical driving training have been stopped, and the practical examinations have also stopped, and at the same time the certificate of success in the theoretical exam is running out. This should not be borne by individuals, as there is a major pandemic, and the Ministry of Transport must not overburden people, and it must deal with reality and not be literal in applying the rules and instructions because the current circumstances are of an exceptional type. Extend the expiry dates of those who currently hold a valid theory test to after September. This would allow time for those who have rightfully passed this theory to attempt their practical test once the pandemic has eased and society is back to running smoothly. Those who have passed their theory deserve the right to have a driving test. At current, they are unable to do so as the driving tests have been cancelled with no clear answer on when they will start back up again. This will affect many people who have worked hard to pass their theory and be able to sit a driving test.
    18 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ghassan ALKHATIB
  • Universal credit blunder
    Universal credit pays far less then child and working tax credits
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Nazrin Hussain
  • No Zero Contracts in NHS
    All key workers are valuable, the disparities of pay has been highlighted in this pandemic. If keyworkers are unwell, they need to self-isolate and not worry about pay. Health is a countries wealth.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Carol Webley-Brown
  • Stop the seclusion of Black boys from schools
    There needs to be a dismantling of systemic racism in our schools. Organizational policy and structures need to change in order to support our children who are the future. The current frameworks of education allow racism to thrive and be cultivated. Seclusion of Black boys add to the culture of youth violence, criminality and mental health problems. Children need to be educated in schools.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Carol Webley-Brown
  • Noise from the Co-op - Clifton Village
    In 2016 I asked the Council to measure the noise level and it was found to be over the acceptable level (7DB above acceptable, and action is normally taken between 5 -10 DB). However, they decided not to move forward as I was the only complainant at the time and the noise is heard mainly in the garden. Some of us believe that the noise has got considerably worse. Later I involved our local Green Cllr Paula O'Rourke who also contacted the Council but was unsuccessful. It was suggested a statement on a petition or to contact the Co op direct. It's great some neighbours want to take this further - and if so. please add your name and email address to this petition which I shall forward to the Council.
    11 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sue Wells
  • Save Waterfront Tea Room’s Shepherds Hut
    It is a valuable business asset and I have used it to trade from selling ice creams, drinks and in the winter months waffles and crepes also since 2018. During the current pandemic it is providing my sole income. The Tea Room is closed due to logistical issues whereby it is not possible to trade safely due to government restrictions. If I am forced to remove the hut I will be forced out of business. It is simple as that! Thank you for signing.
    14 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Steve Allely