• Speed camera
    Children's park , lots of walkers crossing the road and children cycle on the road . People speed up this road too often . Been lots of near misses witnessed!
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Michaela Lever
  • Stop plans for unitary authority in Warwickshire
    We are asking for your support to stop Warwickshire County Council’s plans to abolish Rugby Borough Council and replace it with a single unitary authority for the whole of the county. Plans for a unitary authority would mean your local voice would be lost; decisions affecting the district would be made by people at a county level who would prioritise the needs of Warwickshire over those of Rugby. The current ongoing parking fiasco is good example of Warwickshire County Council’s heavy handed approach to regional matters. We should be able to govern ourselves and decisions should be made by people who actually live in the area. As of the end of August 2020, Shire Hall has already pressed ahead with matter before a major meeting on September 22nd. There’s still time to stop this . . . or at least let them know how we feel.
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Stephen Mckenzie
  • Give MPs a Parliamentary Vote on a future US Trade Deal.
    A US -UK trade deal is likely to have a profoundly negative impact on the lives of people in the UK. Many regulations that have kept us and the environment safe will disappear along with animal welfare standards. A Trade Deal with the US will be in reality a trade deal between the U.K and ruthless multinational corporations that wield huge amounts of power. Most trade deals contain clauses known as ISDS clauses, (Investor State Dispute Settlement) clauses whereby governments can be fined millions of pounds if an investor's profits are reduced in any way and for whatever reason. Big business is likely to play a major but negative part in our lives in the future. Parliamentarians should be granted a final vote on the US trade deal; secrecy should be lifted in support of transparency and democracy.
    24 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Christine Wardlow-Kaye
  • Sharp disposable bins
    Syringes are not only unpleasant to see lying around, they could have infections on, never mind the obvious they have traces of drugs, witch could be fatal if a child or animal come in to contact with them.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Lisa Rae
  • All Airline Passengers Over 6'5" Should Be Given Upgraded Legroom on ALL Flights
    Even on a flight of two hours a person can experience large amounts of discomfort not being able to sit the way their body naturally should. This increases chances of DVT and a build-up of lactic acid. Moreover, it is hard to fully accommodate the brace position, if necessary, in such a situation.
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by James Smedley
  • Pay parents to parent not strangers.
    Family life has been eroded. Child mental health is depreciating . More people want to avoid covid and stay at home . It .makes no sense , to pay strangers with goverment money . When it could enable parents, to care for their own children.
    9 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jill Freeman
  • Exemption badge mandotory for not wearing a mask, help stop questions being asked
    I have a child with a rare medical Condition and Cardiomyopathy (Heart Problems). I have to be extremely carefully when out and about with my child, so he doesn't catch the coronavirus.(Numbers are on the rise AGAIN). I know it's an extremely hard time for everyone, and a lot of people's disabilities or health is not visible, which make it hard, this is why I'm asking that proof of exemption is made mandotory. The reason for this is stop anyone commenting and also allows staff to do there jobs to the government standard(this isn't happening in a lot of shops around the country). My child and I have already been refused entry to a SHOP, I had my mask on but otherwise was told either my child was to wear a face mask or we needed proof. THIS IS EMBARRASSING WHEN THERE ARE OTHER PEOPLE AROUND It is unfair that people with disabilities or health related issue have to be subject to this when it is currently not LAW, It's embarrassing THIS SHOW BE LAW. EXEMPTION CARD SHOULD BE MADE MANDOTORY JUST LIKE WEARING A Mask IS MANDOTORY
    11 of 100 Signatures
    Created by AL Still
  • Student transport assistance
    A lot of parents cannot afford to pay daily bus fayre for their children to attend school or college on top of school meals and uniforms and normal daily bills and spends. Children have to attend school and we encourage college in order to progress education for our future economy. Currently children that live more than 3 miles away receive massively reduced bus fayre, yet those that live less than this are expected to pay full bis fayre. This is personal to me as my daughter has started college and there will ne times when we cannot take her and as the cold dark nights creep in there will be time when she has to walk home alone, in the dark for a 49 minute journey. We live 2.5 miles which might not sound much but 49 minutes in the cold and dark is plenty. Ironically enough, any children 5 mins around the corner from us are able to get the bus for 50p a day, £1.90 a day cheaper than my daughter all because she lives 5 minutes closer. So a 54 minute walk warrents travel assistace yet a 49 minute walk does not. How is it that students are given student discount on an array if items because it is deemed they need the discount, yet traveling to school and college safely is not paramount. I am not saying it should be free, all I am is saying is that all students should receive a consession when it comes to travel. Ultimately we want our children to be safe and get to school or college on time without the worry or a massive hole in the wallet.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Stephen Cook
  • Stop honouring slavers
    We need to move forward from honouring people just because they had money. Slavery caused the deaths and misery for thousands of human beings. We live a cosmopolitan world City, we need to lead the world in to showing we don’t honour slavers.
    30 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Roy Tonkin
  • Extend the theory test
    Trying to book my driving test since the online booking became available. However after many hours of waiting online to book, I find out that the online booking system has been closed, meaning I can't book. I have tried since only to have the same problem and to be 250700 in the queue. After waiting all day to try and book, I find that the online booking system has been taken offline again. For this reason I feel that it is only fair to extend the theory test certificateion for another six months, because test centres was closed for nearly 6 months, also the online booking system keeps closing, meaning that you can't even book a test. After hearing that Mot's are expected I only feel that it's fair to extend the theory test.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Melissa Baker
  • Traffic Speeds on Clifton Grove
    We have lost two cats and several more have died due to reckless speed entering and departing Clifton Grove. Children play in the street due to not having gardens. It is only a matter of time before a child is injured or killed in this very narrow cul-de-sac.
    81 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Deby Yates-Hill
  • Special Educational need provision in Scotland
    The life chances and potential of special needs children should not be adversely impacted by budget cuts, it is the responsibility of all of us to ensure these children are provided with an education fit for their needs and to make sure these policies are written putting the children's needs before the financial concerns of local authorities.
    1,080 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Mark Henry-Rowan