• Re-Think Pre-Paid Benefit Cards
    This plan is ridiculous, degrading and a breach of our human rights. Not allowing us to have any cash at all is an unwise and unworkable idea, because some things do require cash, e.g. travelling on the bus, buying fresh vegetables and fruit from a farmer's market, using vending machines, using a trolley at the supermarket, buying second-hand clothes from a car boot sale. The poor often buy second-hand goods in charity shops, car boot sales and Ebay. Many buy books and worksheets for their children, plus toys and Christmas presents, and benefit cards would take all of that away from them. Many parents are desperate for work but cannot find any. Some are so severely unwell or disabled that they are unlikely to ever work at all, even though they want to. Some are financially ruined in family courts while getting divorced. Anyone can fall into it. Almost 80% of middle class families are greatly helped by their parents and/or grandparents, but not everyone is so lucky. If, for instance, you were to tell a person who has worked all of their life, but has recently become unemployed through no fault of their own (e.g. redundancy), that they can't even buy a magazine or go for a coffee with a friend, it would be ridiculous, and being told what to do like a naughty child would be degrading. It would also be ridiculous, and degrading, for them to be dictated to by the government and be told "You can't have any cash, you can only spend money in these shops, you can have this but you can't have that, because we say so." Iain Duncan-Smith, whose idea it is, has not said exactly when he intends to push his plans through, and what worries me the most is how far he and the rest of the government intend to dictate to benefit claimants what they can and cannot spend their money on. Just what else, exactly, will the government define as irresponsible spending? Will they tell us that we can't buy a laptop, a t-shirt, an item of stationery or pet food, for instance? The bottom line is, benefit claimants do not deserve to be treated like criminals or naughty children, especially if they are sick or disabled and/or are doing everything the DWP ask of them. The whole idea needs a lot more thinking through before the government even think about rolling it out, so that benefit claimants can continue to live their lives in peace and dignity. All of the stereotypes you hear about in the media are rubbish - they are designed to blinker, divide and sway people. Being unemployed is not a crime, therefore we shouldn't be punished for it - we are no less deserving of human rights than those who are lucky enough to have a job. You can read more about the proposals here: http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2014/sep/30/tories-prepaid-benefit-cards-welfare-poverty
    75,646 of 100,000 Signatures
    Created by Llewelyn LaVista
  • Abandon proposal for "Terrorist Asbos"
    The current Home Secretary Teresa May has recently announced that she intends to include the creation of so called "Terrorist ASBOs" as part of the Conservative election manifesto. While on the face of it this appears to be a laudable idea, the impact on freedom of speech is unacceptable in a democracy. In particular I draw your attention to: "The definition will also include anybody who seeks to ‘overthrow democracy’." To me it is a very short step from "seeks to 'overthrow democracy'" to 'speak in opposition to the government'. The government always considers itself the very epitome of democracy so opposing its views can all to easily be considered an attempt to overthrow it. If this proposal became law it would be a totally unacceptable infringement of freedom of speech. The Home Secretary needs to be informed as quickly as possible that her idea is not supported. Read more: http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/terrorist-asbos-to-silence-hate-preachers-pledged-by-tories-for-election-manifesto-9763288.html http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2774285/I-ll-silence-preachers-hate-vows-May-Home-Secretary-ban-extremists-speaking-public-spreading-poison-social-media.html
    14 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Robert Malos
  • Clean Our Air it’s Killing Us
    Long term exposure to road pollutants can trigger hospital admissions or deaths for people with heart or lung disease. It is estimated that air pollution is responsible for 29,000 deaths per year in the UK (COMEAP 2010). To put this into context, this is 3 times the number of deaths attributable to alcohol and 16 times that caused by road traffic accidents. Air pollution is also linked to many life limiting conditions, child development and reduces life expectancy by around six months, worth £16 billion a year. Ill health has a resultant burden on our society and our NHS. Further fines and court costs, paid for by the taxpayer, will be incurred as the UK fails to meet EU air quality targets. We the undersigned are of the opinion that as a matter of urgency the government needs to sanction a range of measures to reduce air pollution and its effect on health. These include a national framework for low emission zones, infrastructure and incentives for active travel, road user charging and discouragement of biomass burning and diesel vehicles.
    262 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Emma Ryland
  • Petition Against Attempts to Impose Restrictions on Calling Referenda
    There have been widespread complaints of irregular practices associated with the No side in the independence referendum. But even if we accept the vote itself wasn't rigged, that still doesn't alter the fact,that the referendum certainly WAS. Nobody can pretend the NO side won fair and square. There can be no question of saying "Congratulalions old chap, well played". The cheats played with every trick in a very dirty book. The cheats won a cheats' win which won't last. The blatant bias of the British State Broadcasting Corporation and practically all of the State-sponsored mass media rigged the referendum. The blatant lies about "You'll lose your pension" , which continued to be repeated to frighten old age pensioners, long after such stories had been comprehensively demolished, rigged the referendum The false promises of rapid and genuine Home Rule being delivered within a few months rigged the referendum. Despite having the BSBC and all the mass media on their side, in the last week of the referendum campaign, in a complete panic, the NO side resorted to general-election-style politicians' promises which they can't possibly keep. It is this blatant rigging described above that makes the "result" both dodgy and temporary. They ran a general-election-style campaign, focusing on personalities and political parties. They ran a general-election style campaign in making worthless politicians' promises. Because the NO side ran that kind of campaign, of course the "result" won't last a "generation". It is already coming apart. It is in this context that Blair Moffat and others are seeking to impose an anti-democratic rule that this dodgy result has to be "respected" for 25 years. That is an attack on free speech, when it's perfectly obvious the result isn't even much "respected" now, and that it will become less respected as the months and years pass. Please sign this petition to The Presiding Officer of The Scottish Parliament, against the anti-democratic proposal put forward by Blair Moffat, and in favour of the sovereignty of the people of Scotland, who are the only authority qualified to decide when they want another referendum
    304 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Dave Coull
  • Petition to save Wolverhampton deaf services
    Wolverhampton deaf advice service at citizens advice bureau have made a decision to cut funding for supporting the deaf community. I can't believe the government keeps cutting valuable services like this. Without the deaf advice service at citizens advice bureau in UK the deaf community would be suffer, as many of us can't hear or use English fluently, as our first language is British Sign Language (BSL). Please support the deaf advice service at Wolverhampton. We need to make it known to the government and Wolverhampton Council that it would be impact to close any deaf services.
    682 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Sophie Iliffe
    It's part of the history of Molineux. On Tuesday the plans to demolish The Wanderer were revealed by a local paper. It’s a tragedy to lose part of the Wolves’ heritage and get a car park instead. Express and Star says: "The historic Molineux Street building used to be a popular haunt for thousands of Wolves fans but closed last year and sold to a mystery buyer. But it can now be revealed that Wolves bought the building from Enterprise Inns and have submitted an application to the city council for its demolition." http://www.expressandstar.com/news/2014/09/30/wolves-pub-to-be-demolished/
    2,532 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by ALAN FARRELL
  • Democratic budget: Give Citizens a choice in how the tax we pay is spent
    Public spending has grown fortyfold since the start of the 20th century and no new mechanisms have been introduced to oversee this. We can: address the democratic deficit; increase accountability and control over government; update democracy for the digital age, applying time-honoured democratic principles with new technology; directly mandate policies, not political parties; and make the civil service more efficient by attaching budgets to policies, not time periods.
    40 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sven Desai
  • Save Victoria Park from being sold off to commercial interests
    Keeping green space in the City and ensuring everyone can enjoy the park
    11,718 of 15,000 Signatures
    Created by Kate Still
  • Build the Ongar Road crossing in Brentwood
    Last week someone was taken to hospital after being hit by a car close to the Victoria Arms pub – just yards from where the crossing is supposed to be. The council first said the crossing would be "at least designed" by April 2012 and then they said it would be in place by the end of last year. Now they're saying it will be 6-8 weeks, but haven't appointed a contractor or set a start date. The money is there and ready to pay for the crossing. It's time for the council to stop promising things and start building. More info here: http://www.brentwoodgazette.co.uk/promised-paid-crossing/story-22967467-detail/story.html
    307 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Nat Whalley Picture
  • Breast Cancer Screening for the over 70's
    My Mum was diagnosed with Breast Cancer last Month, and thankfully it seems to have been caught on time. She had not had a check up for 8 years, as the NHS does not ask people to attend on a regular basis after the age of 70. This is ludicrous as it means that once you are 70, if you get breast cancer, you are less likely to have it detected and therefore less likely to be cured.
    12 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Daniel Pascoe
  • Ban toxic antifreeze in cars
    Common antifreeze in vehicles is a chemical called Ethylene glycol. This chemical when ingested can be fatal to humans and pets alike. The sweet tasting liquid which many animals like the taste of it. The Antifreeze causes crystals to form in the blood stream that are nn soluble at body temperature causing fatal kidney and brain damage and an agonising death. To witness a pet suffering is very distressing. Whether improper disposal, leaking systems or deliberate acts to harm animals, once the Ethylene glycol is consumed there is very little can be done to save the affected animal. I have lost 4 cats in the last 4 years to antifreeze poisoning. With non toxic alternatives available, some of which are maintenance free , much suffering can be avoided, and subsequent servicing costs will be lower. With waterless systems corrosion in the cooling system is virtually illuminated and the life of internal components is extended which is an added bonus. Please sign this Petition to end the chance of harm and suffering to animals, both wildlife and pets
    183 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Jonathan Coxon
  • Let's talk about suicide!
    In 2012, 4590 men and 1391 women committed suicide in the United Kingdom. It is estimated that globally, every 40 seconds someone takes their own life. I think we need to start a culture of open and honest discussion about suicide and it's impact. I truly believe if young people were spoken to honestly about mental health before they become adults then we have a chance of forming a mentally healthy society. Or at least one that has understanding of mental illness. As a 14 year old, if you need advice on how to prevent creating a new life, you can access that information at school, similarly about drugs and alcohol. But where do young people go when they feel like they can't take anymore? Who do they turn to in those times? We need to talk to young people BEFORE the point, suicide is the single biggest killer in young men in the UK. Let's have the discussion before it's too late. By having this discussion during school time, we can begin to normalize it and break the taboo. Let's start a culture where we encourage others to reach out for help, one that we all promise to keep an eye on friends we are worried about. Thank you
    573 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Gem Holt