• Keep Britain Tidy
    Every day here in the UK it seems the litter problem is getting wore and worse, we need to take a stand against the government to help promote anti litter campaigns and raise awareness around littering, to enforce littering fines and target serial littering.
    131 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Jamie Light
  • Get more Beatles' shows on BBC radio, such as the Beatles and beyond show
    Although rock and roll came from the USA the Beatles made it possible for British performers to write and perform their own music, and therefore it is vitally important not to forget the important Beatles' legacy to British music.
    79 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Alan Hird
  • Preserve green spaces in Newcastle upon Tyne
    This public open space has been used by the local community for many years; to play on, to walk dogs on and to sit and enjoy the spectacular view across the valley to Gateshead. Many people living close by do not have the luxury of back gardens and rely on this space to generally enjoy a grassy open area. The open space has long been shared with Atkinson Road primary school who use it as a sports field for the children. The school have been 'gifted' the land by the council after recent budget cut backs by the council have stopped the regular maintenance of the land and grass cutting in the summer months. The school has now applied for planning permission to erect a 2.4m fence with locked access gates which will stop local people from enjoying the space and will effectively obscure the view from the top of the hill across the valley. This means the land will only be used during school hours in term time -about 6 months of the year- leaving it unused for the rest of the time and inaccessable to the public all of the time.
    96 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Maddy Kardasz
  • Adopt an English National Anthem
    God Save the Queen is an excellent anthem when a team representing Great Britain is being supported. However, when England is playing against other countries, especially Scotland, Wales and Ireland in the 6 Nations, it should have its own anthem as do each of the other three. I would suggest "Land of Hope and Glory".
    77 of 100 Signatures
    Created by James Rossdale
  • Keep Cardiff Bowls Greens Open & Fees Down
    For many years seniors in in the City have dutifully paid their local taxes without complaint. Now that they are approaching their twilight years, when they should be able to enjoy some relaxation with some leisure time & an affordable game of bowls, CCC are asking small clubs to stump up £6000 in green fees. As the elected guardians of this City's leisure amenities, they should realise that bowling is a working class past time that is not awash with money or sponsorship. CCC should also realise that many bowlers reside in marginal wards & as the Patriarchs & Matriarchs of families, can really make a difference come election time.
    67 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Stephen MacDonald
  • Ban Dogs on Manorbier Beach
    This is a very popular holiday destination beach and surf spot that is spoiled by dog mess. There are plenty of waste disposal areas but it is clear that they are largely ignored. There is always dog mess on the beach as well as discarded bags of dog mess in the hedges, the sand dunes and on the paths leading to and from the beach. There are frequently bags of dog mess floating in the sea and near the shoreline from people bagging their mess and then burying it thinking it is sufficient disposal. There is a considerable health risk by dog mess that has not been cleared up and removed and dog mess that has been picked up, bagged and then is dumped in the hedges on the way back to the car parks. As a result this beach presents a serious health risk due to dog mess causing toxocariasis in humans. Toxocariasis causes serious illness and even blindness as a result of eggs in the faeces of infected animals that contaminates the surrounding sand and water. Toxocariasis usually affects children aged between one and four years, although cases of toxocariasis have been reported in people of all ages. It is clear that during the summer months an attitude of "it's okay because it's not on our own doorstep" is prevalent!!! Some Pembrokeshire beaches already have dog restrictions during the summer, Manorbier gets just as busy as any other beach in this area during the holiday season!!!
    31 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Pembrokeshire Beaches
  • Statue of Margot Fonteyn and Rudolf Nureyev outside Royal Opera House
    Margot was Britain's greatest ever ballerina and Rudolf changed the role of men in ballet in the west forever. Their unlikely partnership was the greatest in ballet's history and inspired many to take up ballet and brought pleasure to millions. It made Britain's Royal Ballet the greatest ballet company in the world after the Bolshoi and the Kirov. It is a disgrace that there is no memorial to these wonderful dancers and their partnership. This should be changed in time for the centenary celebrations of Margot's birth (18 May 1919).
    401 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Rudi Affolter Picture
  • No Pub In Our Park
    So far a residents association has collected 700 signatures from the immediate area and it is necessary to escalate this to allow a greater response to this ill-advised proposal by a Council that has no interest in listening to its residents.
    260 of 300 Signatures
    Created by David Nathanson
  • Stop Children's Centre and Nursery Cuts in Cambridgeshire
    These centres provide crucial universal and targeted support for parents, carers and young children. This withdrawal of funding will cause irreparable damage to the service, increase risk and vulnerability across the county, and mark a reversal of the 'Every Child Matters' agenda which is striving to eradicate inequality for under 5’s.
    135 of 200 Signatures
    Created by paula champion
    You are not seemingly acting in the best interest of children in childcare if you bulldoze your ideas through without any thought of the impact on small business and the children they care for. You wonder why there is a downfall in people wanting to become childminders? Well is it any surprise when you are going out of your way to try to put them out of business and make life so difficult with paperwork? Perhaps you should be looking at the real reasons there will be a shortfall in childcare professionals!
    43 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jacqui Wenban
  • Help male rape survivors
    This is important to me, because there's a lack of awareness that men can get raped or sexually assaulted despite the recent male rape attack in Bristol. According to UK charity Mankind 1 in 29 have reported being sexually assaulted and 1 in 20 have been affected by sexual violence. There's a huge denial that male rape exists, rooted in mistaken ideas that 'real' men can fight off an attacker, women cannot rape men, and male rape only happens in prison. These mistaken beliefs make it hard for male survivors to come forward, because they are left with feelings of shame, confusion and self blame for what happened. That's why we need the council and police to publicly recognise male rape to make it easier for male rape survivors to get the help they need and to report the crime.
    285 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Daniel Farr
  • Save Burghead Library
    Our library is only open 11 hours per week and costs a mere £3-50 per head p.a. to operate. We rely on it heavily for books, internet access and as a meeting place for various town groups. This is particularly true of disadvantaged groups, especially the disabled and those without a car,. Of the 8 libraries due to close in Scotland 7 are in Moray. Cutting such a life-line service may precipitate further economic decline in a town which has lost its fishing industry.
    158 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Daphne Francis