• Save Wollaton Hall
    Wollaton Hall, Gardens and Deer Park in particular are considered by many as the 'Crown Jewels' of the 'Queen of the Midlands' and must be maintained as a community asset for future generations to enjoy.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Pete Robinson Picture
  • Give us Respect for Pie’n’Mash
    It’s time we stood up and talked with pride about our traditional food - and there’s nothing more Cockney than Pie’n’Mash. Whether you have a connection with the culture of ‘non-posh Londoners’ (either first generation, or through your parents, grandparents, and beyond), or just support the need to maintain traditions and local cultures, or just love some proper grub, this is the first step for the UK to celebrate a unique part of our history. Pie’n’Mash has a long history but it ain’t a thing of the past. - this Protected Status – giving it the equal footing it deserves with other foods like Cornish Pasties or Bramley apple pies – would be a great way to show its continued importance to Cockneys, new and old, to the UK as whole, and boost its global recognition. The traditional Pie’n’Mash dish consists of a savoury pie filled with minced beef, mashed potatoes, served with a parsley liquor, which can also be accompanied by stewed or jellied eels. Although each pie shop has their own recipes and customs for making their pies, mash, and liquor, the protected status will serve to protect the traditional methods used and mark the cultural importance of the dish. So, stick your name on the petition and make sure the Government hears loud and clear that it’s time to give respect for Cockney cuisine!
    2,577 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Andy Green
  • Petition to Question the Rate of the Service Charge Paid at Somerset Hall, N17, London
    The importance of addressing these concerns and implementing necessary changes cannot be overstated. As residents, we have a vested interest in the maintenance and improvement of our living environment, as it directly impacts our quality of life and the value of our properties. Neglecting essential services such as pest control, refuse disposal, and security measures not only compromises our safety and well-being but also undermines the appeal and marketability of Somerset Hall as a desirable place to live. Immediate action is crucial to restore residents' confidence in the management of our estate and to ensure that our financial contributions are being utilized effectively to enhance our collective living standards. Failure to address these issues promptly risks exacerbating existing frustrations and could lead to long-term consequences for the reputation and viability of Somerset Hall as a thriving residential community.
    16 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sarah Blake
  • Switch off GB News
    GB News are currently facing 13 investigations relating to allegations of fairness and impartiality by media regulator Ofcom. But these investigations don’t seem to be making them change their ways. It’s time to clamp down hard on GB News and revoke their licence to broadcast. This is isn't about censorship, it's about making sure our news stays impartial. We don't have to agree with everything GB News does or says, but we should expect all news outlets to follow the rules. Ofcom needs to hold all channels to a high standard and punish those that break the rules.
    44,315 of 45,000 Signatures
  • Red Shed, reform grocery food retail
    We don't need our local grocery chain to offer us a choice of over 70 sausages or water shipped 853 miles from the French Alps, and we want our farmers to be treated fairly by their buyers.There is an imbalance in the food supply chain which the existing GSCP fails to address. This campaign seeks to redress the balance by creating a Grocery Retailer Assurance scheme (Red Shed) to compliment the existing Red Tractor Assurance scheme for suppliers. This means the retailer will have to not only comply with the GSCP but broader requirements including a commitment to continuously improve food miles and Stock Keeping Unit (SKU) complexity, thereby improving food production efficiency.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mike Highley
  • Restore Palestinian Artwork at Tynemouth Metro Station
    In July 2012 a group of young Palestinian teenagers and their teachers from Shatila Refugee Camp in Beirut, Lebanon, visited North Tyneside. During their time in the area, working in collaboration with two local artists Faye Oliver and Anthony Downie and supported by North Tyneside council, they created a large friendship mural (https://www.chroniclelive.co.uk/news/north-east-news/shatila-children-finally-start-tour-1368800.amp). This friendship mural was put on display on a platform wall at Tynemouth Metro station - where it remained for over a decade without issue or incident. The friendship mural was a significant part of the local culture and heritage and it was seen as an example of the role art and culture play in bringing different cultures and communities together and part of a long-term project between the Shatila refugee camp and North Tyneside , which promoted various cultural exchanges. Refugees in their day-to-day lives endure conditions and hardships that many of us cannot imagine. Hence, this creative outlet was not just a piece of art, but also an emblem of solidarity, representing the plight and resilience of Palestinian refugees across the world. According to UNRWA, as of 2023 there are over 5.9 million registered Palestine refugees globally (source: https://www.unrwa.org/palestine-refugees). One of the main purposes of art is to provide an outlet and create a space for as many voices as possible. Encouraging children who endure horrific conditions and hardships as refugees to engage in creative works has a marked positive impact on their development and wellbeing. The mural was taken down by North Tyneside Council in October 2023, citing an undisclosed threat made to deface the art piece. Since then, there is no stated plan for returning it to public view, which seems counter to what it hopes to achieve. The mural is not overtly political, but by its very existence raises awareness about the Palestinian & refuges plight – not the culture of power, but the power of culture as the Palestinian academic Edward Said put it. As such, the act of removal is a direct attack on Palestinian & refugees arts and culture and fundamental principles of freedom in the arts. This has removed Palestinians from the view of the public in North Tyneside, an area proud of its cultural exchanges with people from many parts of the world. We urge North Tyneside council and all other authorities responsible for the removal of the friendship mural, at the earliest possible time, to reinstate this important piece of artwork at Tynemouth Metro Station or at the very least seek an alternative secure public place to put it back on display in the community.
    1,606 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Gary Spedding
  • Stop Old Chester Road being used as a shortcut / cut through. Making a safer Village for residents.
    Old Chester Rd is currently not a through route due to building works closing off a section of the road. It has been noted by residents how this has improved the safety of our rds as predominantly only residents are now using it. The Lidl / New Medical Centres / Scout hut / Village Hall / Car Park will attract additional visitors and worsen the traffic on our local road and we propose that vehicular access be prohibited after the entrance to the new car park to prevent this. It would not affect the pending Lidl as the plans indicate a pedestrian only access from Old Chester Rd. Given the aged population overall for Old Chester Rd, this does not seem reasonable. Environmental noise levels, pollution, rd crossing risks without crossings all make this proposal preferential to ensure that Great Sutton Village remains a village environment. Implementation of the 20mph speed limit has had zero impact and cars flying down the road are disruptive to sleep and put people and animals at risk. Having 2 access routes and no through access would also increase the safety of businesses and residence on Old Chester Rd, making it less likely that armed robbery attempts would be made given the reduced access to escape.
    104 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Sally Morris
  • Save the breathtaking scenic Isle of Wight Military Road
    This is an important heritage issue and millions of people who come to the Island will lose an amazing feature. Islanders will love it to be kept open as it is a key road and keeps traffic out of tiny villages. Help us!
    4,697 of 5,000 Signatures
    Created by James Milburn
  • Save the Crown Post Office on Clapham Common
    "We’re here, in person, for the people who rely on us” is a Post Office mantra. But not in Clapham where they have put forward a plan to close it down, in February 2024, despite the branch being constantly busy. It is as if they do not know how busy this branch is - which cannot be true - and clearly they do not care about how inconvenient, expensive, and for some people impossible, it will be to use one of the alternatives that they are advising us locals we will be able to use "with ease" in the future.
    16 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Paul Bailey
Melvin Hall Community Group rent the Hall from Bromley Council.  Bromley Council are proposing a large rent hike (114%) £27,500 to £58,835 per annum or £1131.44 per week. The Community Group will also be responsible for all maintenance and repair costs, all utility bills and all insurances.
 The lease:
1.4 'Permitted use means the use of the property as a venue for the benefit of the residents of Penge# The work carried out By Melvin Hall 
: Clothes Washing for homeless, Mini Athletics, Sign and Sing, Narcotics Anonymous, Penge Gateway, Learning Difficulties Christmas Parties, Diabetes Classes, Monday Lunch Club, Thursday Warm Space, National Childbirth Trust Classes, National Traffic Management Classes, Penge Forum Meetings. Children's Weekend Birthday Parties, Polling Station,
In the event of an emergency only for the London Borough of Bromley to require
the use of the property or so much of the property as may be considered necessary for the purpose of emergency shelter where a major incident has been declared pursuant to the Civil Contingencies Act 2004 Penge Forum
    1,164 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Penge Forum Picture
  • Grit roads on the Nevill estate
    Nevill estate has over 700 homes, and a larger than average proportion of older people. Almost all residents have to use one of four steep roads to and from their home. These are treacherous in icy weather. Every snowy spell sees cars sliding into each other, roads blocked with accidents and people slipping over and being hurt. The bus can’t use its ungritted route, so people are trapped at home. Equally, essential services can’t reach homes.
    204 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Lesley Healey
  • Implement Speed Limit Reduction and Safety Measures on Turpentine Lane and Peabody Avenue
    Our safety as pedestrians are important and the risk of accidents needs to be prevented
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Camilla Caberlotto