Protect foxes and stop the repeal of the Hunting ActContact your local MP and ask them to keep the Hunting Ban in place. Go to https://www.writetothem.com/ and ask them their views. If they are voting to repel the ban then you can send through letters to push the other point of view and we use the following as a guideline: We can only hope that the crisis in the NHS and our economy and the poverty situation are now under control in the UK in order for 'traditional countryside pastimes and elite hobbies' such as fox hunting to get any air time in parliament at all. Maybe this is coming straight from Mr. Cameron with orders for all Conservative MPs to vote for repeal ? Many MPs complain of Mr. Blair wasting time previously on this - I disagree as I think it was a landmark in our society of humane overcoming inhumane and to repeal an act that went through 10 years ago is a waste of time for sure. Many counties are indeed rural constituency but foxes are of no threat to arable land and indeed keep rabbit numbers down protecting crops. Then there is the cost of running the hunt - it is not cheap to keep that many dogs and horses in good health and this is surely a waste of farmers time and money if the land is mainly arable - perhaps not the farmers that are fox hunting? Farmers are not the richest people in the world as we know due to the criminal acts of supermarkets and EU issues and we are fully aware of the costs linked into being part of the elite world of fox hunting. Which brings us onto the word 'tradition' - bear bating was a tradition once as was cock fighting and both are now banned - and rightly so! Surely the chasing of a fox through the countryside with a load of people dressed up in finery is not really the issue - the issue we are taking about here is its classification as sport - how can it be sport with so many against one fox? Have you ever witnessed the kill - it is not humane, it is not quick. In ecological terms if you kill an animal another will take its place - this is how the nature works so well without us - so maybe we should be protecting our livestock better - just a thought? Also many people have been caught up in the hunt whilst out in the fields, on footpaths and even walking through villages whilst on the footpath! You can not contain and control a pack of hounds on the scent of a fox and there will only be more conflict as they run across arable land, private land and through villages and people's gardens. They must surely damage crops in their pursuit of the fox and surely this is an issue?! If the area is one with livestock you often here the woeful cry from the fox hunters that they never catch one - then why would you go to so much effort and cost just to ride around on horse back and damage the environment and scare the life out of countryside walkers and people enjoying the serenity and beauty of the countryside for no supposed benefit to farmers? This is surely then classed as a leisure activity and therefore we ask again - why waste time on trying to reintroduce it when you can still drag hunt? I wonder how many of your constituents realise you are voting to repeal the ban?246 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Julie Payne
NO DRILLING, NO FRACKING, NO UCG IN SCOTLAND.ONE DOWN, TWO TO GO. Now they are listening, let's continue to shout! This petition was part of a campaign by Scottish communities that resulted in the Scottish Government putting a temporary ban on Underground Coal Gasification on October 8th 2015. This means the first campaign aim above has been achieved, but we are not finished. We need to use your signatures and the power that communities have found to continue to campaign to ensure a complete ban of all forms of Unconventional Gas Extraction in Scotland. Read on for more information on why you should sign and share this petition! But isn’t there already a ban? Unconventional Gas extraction in Scotland is currently covered by two separate temporary bans (moratoriums): a moratorium on Fracking for shale Gas and Coal Bed Methane developments was announced in January 2015 and a moratorium on Underground Coal Gasification developments in October 2015. These moratorium Are NOT BANS. They are pauses, allowing time for the Scottish Government to conduct studies into Unconventional Gas and to consult with communities. The moratoriums are likely to last until 2017. Our Forth believe therefore it is imperative that these moratoriums are viewed as a call to action for concerned communities to continue to inform themselves and their neighbours about the potential risks and alternatives to these industries. Why is a complete ban needed? Our Forth believe that the science is clear that the Unconventional Gas Extraction, including Fracking for Shale gas, Coal Bed Menthane Extraction and Underground Coal Gasification, cannot be done safely and is unlikey to bring economic benefits in the form of jobs and increased investment. We believe the more that ordinary people learn and research about these industries and learn of the scale of drilling that will blight their lives, industrialise rural areas, and devalue their homes - the more they will oppose it. We believe that any perceived benefits will come at a major cost to established Scottish industries (such as the tourism and food and drink industries), our natural environment and people's health. We believe that the main beneficiaries will be multi-millionaires and wealthy landowners, not the Scottish communities that will bear the burden of risk. We believe that these activities are entirely incompatible with the Scottish Government’s commitment to climate change targets. Our Forth want Scotland to follow the lead of enlightened countries and areas around the world banning these technologies and investing in the jobs and energy security that renewable energy can bring. Why a 2km Buffer Zone? In 2013 the Scottish Government introduced a requirement for developers to propose buffer zones between unconventional gas developments and communities. Disappointingly there is no minimum limit specified under Scottish Planning Policy. Ineos this summer stated that they would be looking at only 400 m Bufferzones between it’s fracking operations and communities!! Our Forth believe that this is not good enough to protect communities, and support Friends of the Earth call for a 2km buffer zone as is the case in New South Wales, Australia since February 2013, immediately and irrespective of the current moratorium. Our Forth believe that implementing 2km Buffer zones in Scotland would also have the effect of ruling out Unconventional Gas development in our densely populated areas, as it would effectively make it uneconomical for the companies involved. Watch this beautiful 10 minute video to find out more about our campaign: Our Forth from Waltzer Films on Vimeo.8,255 of 9,000 SignaturesCreated by Juliana Muir
Please stop Heathrow Airport expansion plans.Currently, all residents local to Heathrow Airport are receiving leaflets claiming there is overwhelming support for expanding capacity by building a new runway and extra facilities. THIS IS A BLATANT LIE !! In fact, many thousands of local residents have been petitioning for years to prevent this extra runway. Apart from the extra noise, it would mean the total removal of hundreds of homes and everyone who lives there. Please prove to our government that we do not want extra noise and pollution. We certainly should petition for the future of all the residents who wish to stay in their present homes, without being uprooted by uncaring commercial interests. Please sign this petition and then forward it to everyone you know. Thank you. The distribution of the leaflets claiming support for expansion, prove the interested parties behind this proposal are prepared to lie and deceive in order to persuade parliament that it has strong local support. We need to let our government know that we are wise to this deception and are not in favour of any increase in the size of Heathrow. Our lives are already blighted by the noise of planes flying overhead and we certainly don't want it to get any worse.273 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Paul Ratcliffe
Open Nunhead ReservoirNunhead Reservoir has one of the best views in South London. It has been a much loved picnicking spot, place to relax and hang out with friends for many years, and deserves to be officially opened so that everybody can enjoy it. London is being sold off piece by piece to private owners for private interests, let's not let them take this much loved green space along with it.7,360 of 8,000 SignaturesCreated by Rosanna Thompson
SAY YES! TO A WIND TURBINE ON DRUMMAU MOUNTAINThe global demand for electricity is projected to grow by nearly 80 percent between now and 2030. The over-reliance on fossil fuels and its environmental cost combined with wind energy becoming increasingly cost competitive rests the case firmly with wind. A modern wind turbine produces 180 times more electricity at less than half the cost per kWh than the most efficient turbine 20 years ago. This staggering statistic points to wind energy’s coming of age and its onward journey of promise into a reliable and cost competitive, renewable energy source. The maturing of the wind industry has led to more efficient value chains and growing economies of scale, and can already compete with coal and gas in certain circumstances. As the price of emitting Co2 rises, the relative cost of wind power has improved even more. Neath needs to be in a position whereby it produces its own energy - both from sustainable sources and with an ability to sell it to the National Grid when there is a surplus. Drummau Mountain is the ideal location for wind turbines, as are most hills and mountains within the locale, like Mynydd Marchywel, for example. We call on Neath Port Talbot Council to continue to explore and build renewable energy projects across the county borough, without prejudice, and for the common good.246 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Neil Wagstaff
SAY NO TO A WIND TURBINE ON DRUMMAU MOUNTAINDrummau Mountain is a peaceful, natural environment for quiet enjoyment, not an industrial zone. The area is an attraction for walkers and horse-riders. ‘Climbing Drummau’ to explore nature and its wildlife, free from traffic and noise, has been a favourite pastime of local children for generations. The installation of a 77-metre high, noisy turbine along with the construction of access tracks would result in the destruction of this activity and wildlife habitat. Drummau Mountain is a heritage asset. It is home to the standing stone Carreg Bica and to prehistoric cairns which are important to the archaeology of the area. Neath Port Talbot Council’s Alfred Russel Wallace Trail promotes visiting Drummau Mountain as a leisure pursuit, bringing tourism into the borough. In a press release in 2013, the Leader of Neath Port Talbot County Borough Council, Cllr Ali Thomas said: "We are proud that our beautiful and diverse county played such a pivotal part in Wallace's life and a key role in the development of scientific theory. It is great that the natural environment Wallace fell in love with is still visible today.” The visual impact of this wind turbine will be detrimental and a significant part of Wallace’s Trail will be destroyed. This is not an objection to the Council’s green energy policies. There are other large wind farm developments in Neath Port Talbot. It is a question of balance and choice over a suitable environment...... PLEASE SIGN397 of 400 SignaturesCreated by Janice Gardner
Save The Town Wharf Trees in BrentfordTHIS WEDNESDAY developer Ballymore intends to chop down all the trees on Town Wharf – part of a big programme of tree removal on the South side of Brentford High Street in preparation for future development. Town Wharf is a small historic harbour formed by a loop in the River Brent. It is home to seventeen people living on boats, over 23 species of birds (including kingfishers) and has a thriving population of extremely rare two-lipped doorsnails that are only found on this stretch of the River Thames (see http://www.lbp.org.uk/downloads/PrioityInverts/ThamesDoorSnail.pdf) Chopping down the trees will destroy the beautiful communal gardens that residents have created over the past decade. It will disrupt birds at the height of the nesting season and damage the habitat of the two-lipped doorsnails who climb the trees to feed off algae on bark and leaves. We strongly challenge the necessity of removing the trees at this point in Ballymore’s Brentford development – years before the developers will be ready to plant replacement trees or create new wetland habitats.1,328 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Catherine Flood
Stop Fracking in South Bristol and North SomersetThe government has already issued Petroleum Exploration and Development Licenses to fracking companies. These licenses cover the whole area surrounding Chew Magna and the reservoirs which provide Bristol’s water supply and they extend as far as Parson Street in Bedminster ! At present fracking companies need to lease land (or seek agreements to drill) from public or private landowners and they need to obtain planning permission from the local council. However, the coalition government has already drafted an energy bill which proposes abolishing the requirement for planning permission. UK Methane has put on hold its plans to extract shale gas using fracking close to the Hicks Gate roundabout on the A4 near Keynsham and the company has relinquished the license covering Chew Magna (PEDL 226). However, that work may start again at any time and the license can be renewed or taken up by another fracking company. http://www.frackfreesomerset.org/ Why should we be concerned? Fracking uses huge amounts of the local water supply and toxic chemicals such as Benzene, Toluene, Phenol and Formaldehyde to fracture impermeable rock and release shale gas or to obtain methane from coal seams underground. It involves drilling first vertically and then horizontally for up to one kilometre or more in both directions. Numerous wells are drilled to ensure continuing production, and this not only disfigures the landscape but also carries the risk of long-term contamination of water sources because all wells leak and degrade over time. Toxic slurry stored in holding ponds also causes air pollution and contaminates the land, especially during heavy rain or flooding. A report for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency states that exposure to chemicals used in fracking may result in headaches, nausea, insomnia, gastric disturbances, blurred vision and blindness in humans; may affect the brain / nervous system, the kidneys and the immune and cardiovascular systems, and may cause cancer (Colborn, T., Kwiatkowski, C., Schultz, K, and Bachran, M. 2011. Natural gas operations from a public health perspective. Human and Ecological Rick Assessment, 17: 1039-1056. In the UK, Medact has described fracking as an “inherently risky” practice, and 18 leading health professionals state: “The arguments against fracking on public health and ecological grounds are overwhelming. There are clear grounds for adopting the precautionary principle and prohibiting fracking” (British Medical Journal (1st April 2015) Health Professionals call for urgent halt to fracking because of public health concerns). Fracking can also cause subsidence and has been associated with earthquakes in Lancashire. Moreover, it makes climate change worse by increasing greenhouse gas emissions. To understand what fracking could mean for individual households, look at the film Gasland on YouTube. You could also take a look at The Truth Behind the Dash for Gas, a DVD produced by Frack Free Somerset.813 of 1,000 SignaturesCreated by Howard Purse
Demand an outright Ban on Fracking in Northern IrelandFracking causes devastating effects, affecting every sector of public life, from health to agriculture, to tourism and the environment. Places such as the USA, or Australia where Fracking has already happened have seen a complete degradation of normal life; taking a shower brings your whole body out in a painful red rash, you can light your water on fire, you can't sleep for the noise of the machines and worse, the division of communities due to the manipulation of the Fracking companies. The effects of Fracking are truly endless, with long term effects still being uncovered. We want a ban on Fracking because we love our families, our friends and where we live. Many people have become seriously ill when Fracking companies have started drilling near them. There are many stories of heartache, from someone's wife who has cancer to a mother's young son with severe asthma. Under no circumstances is it acceptable to put communities through the ordeal of Fracking for the sole reason of extracting fossil fuel from the ground. With the effects of the Climate Change becoming worse, this is not the time to invest in Fossil Fuels. If we do not change our habits the repercussions of Climate Change will affect every single person on this earth. We should therefore be investing in renewable energy, not in polluting practises such as Fracking. By signing this petition we make it the duty of our politicians to ensure that Climate change is curbed and Fracking never happens in Northern Ireland.802 of 1,000 SignaturesCreated by Maeve McCann
Save Southwark WoodsWe are petitioning the London Borough of Southwark to stop destroying trees, open spaces and graves in Camberwell Old and New Cemeteries and make the cemeteries nature reserves. Southwark Council is destroying the woods and graves of Camberwell Old and New Cemeteries for the largest grave mounding and excavation project in UK history. Southwark Council is destroying 12 acres of woodland, mounding over tens of thousands of public graves then excavating every grave over 75 years old for 'new' inner city burial. These woods are the lungs of London. These graves are our history and our heritage. We want the Camberwell Cemeteries saved and declared Local Nature Reserves, as Nunhead, Highgate, and Tower Hamlets Cemeteries now are, with the graves and monuments protected with respect for the dead, and woods for the living.12,110 of 15,000 SignaturesCreated by Blanche Cameron
Stop Fracking CensorshipThe Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) has heavily censored the only public version of the Government’s report ‘Shale Gas Rural Economy Impacts’. Although the Government has repeatedly said 'the public should be given all the facts’, this report was redacted 63 times, including the section on how fracking could affect house prices. DEFRA claim this was best for ‘public interest’. Within the next couple of weeks MPs will vote on the Infrastructure Bill, which proposes controversial changes to our Trespass Laws that will erode our land rights, and pave the way for fracking. Two Tory MPs have already urged David Cameron to release the report in full. Other MPs have also asked to see the complete report, yet still it remains redacted. It’s crucial that what’s hidden in this report is released before the Infrastructure Bill is finally voted on in Parliament, so that MPs can properly understand impacts that fracking will have on our house prices and our communities. We all deserve to see the censored material in this important document that our government is keeping from us.5,430 of 6,000 SignaturesCreated by Talk Fracking
Glasgow: Greening the new Buchanan GalleriesAs a resident, garden designer and green-space design student, I often find myself in conversations with tourists and residents alike over the lack of breathable green space in the centre of such a historic green city. Nick Davis ( The Development Director) has said " the final exterior design of the car-park is currently being progressed in close consultation with stakeholders and will utilise high quality materials to reflect the rest of the Buchanan Galleries Development and present a seamless link to the redeveloped Queen Street Station." The exterior to the existing car park is less than inspiring given Glasgow's aspirations to be a global tourist destination. In fact the bland, blonde and red brick building is the first thing many people see when arriving at Buchanan Street Bus Station or Queen Street Station. With Glasgow city council setting ambitious sustainability, health and environmental targets, wouldn't it be truly inspirational to install a 'living wall' as part of the redevelopment. These walls are becoming commonplace in some areas of the far east, France and the US. They demonstrate a city's commitment to the environment. I'm unaware of any initiatives that are bringing this global idea to our city and yes it may be challenging in our climate, but I expect the city to innovate! After the George Square controversy, I encouraged the the city planners to take a dynamic lead in showing it's green credentials - To reflect the 'dear green place' and put as much thought into the exterior as the interior.159 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Gary Rankin
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