• Safe Road Crossing
    Wester Ceddens Road links local residents to 4 primary schools, 1 secondary school, 2 nurseries, local shops and 2 churches. During term time the council provides 4 school crossing patrol personnel however, outside of school drop off, lunch and pick up times residents risk their lives attempting to cross Wester Cleddens Road. Furthermore, numerous housing developments have been built on and around Wester Cleddens Road which has increased traffic and the population.
    199 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Caroline McLellan
  • Employment slavery
    To avoid homelessness and crime,illegal activity and to survive while applying for asylum.Avoiding under national minimum wage payment,illegal working.Unscrupulas employers.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jeremy Hart
  • Saving Boston Hospital Children's ward
    The Children's ward at Boston's Pilgrim Hospital is under threat of temporary closure because of staff shortages. As the largest county in England, with it's population spread over a large area of mostly agricultural land it is imperative we keep this vital children's ward open. Grantham Hospital is also scheduled to close, so where are all the children going to go? This could put lives of children at risk! Telling parents they simply have to drive further is not acceptable. Not all parents can drive, or have access to transport over long distances. What happens when the other hospital children's wards are all full? Surely this will just increase the pressure on other hospitals which are already at breaking point. Will children be refused treatment if no beds are available? As the population is expanding why are essential services shrinking? What impact will this also have on the maternity ward, and children born requiring treatment or special care.
    8,873 of 9,000 Signatures
    Created by Sharon Poulton
  • Save Clifton Hill Sports Centre
    I have always regarded Clifton Hill sports centre as an asset to the city and understand its importance within the community. The facility has attained excellent user numbers over the years and its closure would not be in the best interests of the city The centre closed in March due to a roof leak and a burst pipe, but the council won't commit to a reopening. Help the city get its much loved Clifton Hill sports centre back in service! It has left an irreplaceable void in peoples lives. It was a real community hub used by all ages from toddlers to pensioners and all socio economic groups. Exeter is bidding to be the UK's most 'active city' and so closing the centre is insanity! Come on Exeter City Council tell us it will reopen - it was only some snow through the roof and a few burst pipes!
    1,884 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Mark Turner
  • Privatisation of Coventry GP Out of Hours Service: Stoney Stanton Coventry Walk-in-Centre
    This another important service to Coventry people that is stealthy been made private. This service is vital to local people but also needs to be kept public and not fall into the hands of private companies such as Virgin or Care UK. In a city of over 300,000 people the GP Out of Hours Service at the Stoney Stanton Walk-in-Centre is essential to help stop our local A&E departments being overwhelmed. Please take the time to sign this important petition which we plan to hand into the CRCCG by the end of May. Many thanks from all at Coventry Keep Our NHS Public (COVKONP) campaign group.
    197 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Julie Horbury
  • Abolish GP cash incentives in Enfield
    When you visit your GP, you want to know that the only thing on their mind is giving you the care you need. But our NHS is struggling because the government hasn’t given it the money it needs. It means NHS bosses are looking for any opportunity to save money. But setting financial incentives and arbitrary targets for GPs simply doesn’t make sense. And when it comes to the care our families get when we’re sick, it’s not right to force doctors to compromise. The Royal College of GPs, and medical experts have raised the alarm about the cash incentive schemes. The head of the Family Doctor Association said they’re a “serious dereliction of duty”. The Royal College of GPs said "Cash incentives based on how many referrals GPs make have no place in the NHS, and frankly, it is insulting to suggest otherwise." Tell local health bosses that patients’ needs should always come before profit!
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Keith Wheeler
  • Prevent any selling site allowing animals
    Many animals, particularly dogs and cats, are offered free to good home on these sites. They are often used in dog fighting rings as live bait, in order to train the fighting dogs. Some of these dogs are stolen and they have owners desperately searching for them. Many are sold for little money or given free, by people who want to find a good home for them. They are often duped into handing them over, to what they believe to be the perfect home. Often this is not the case. Selling sites should have a moral obligation to not allow animal to be given or sold on their sites. Sadly this is no the case, we would like the Animal health and welfare board to look at this, then put measures in place so that this can no longer happen. Sites MUST be responsible for what people sell on there, there is even a language code used in order to sell fighting dogs and acquire bait for them. It has to stop
    351 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Anne Richardson
  • Fund care for Tom
    My son Tom is a 28 year old young man with an acquired brain injury. The injury occurred in 2007 as the result of an infection just 4 days after his 18th birthday. He was doing well in his A levels, and then this awful tragedy happened. For the past nine years, he has been supported for care and accommodation by Continuing Healthcare (CHC) funding. Tom's condition means that he needs 2-1 care during daytime. Although his needs have become greater in that time -- his epileptic seizures are more pronounced and frequent -- his funding has suddenly been withdrawn. Tom is very much at risk of harm without this care: he cannot look after himself, and his behaviour is often challenging and unpredictable. A hurried and insufficiently attentive review has judged him ineligible for healthcare funding, because although his needs are 'High', they are not deemed 'Severe' -- even though his 'Behaviour' and 'Cognition' clearly meet the panel's own 'Severe' CHC criteria. None of Tom's carers or family agree with this decision but our responses and appeals have been ignored. Please help by urging NHS Coastal West Sussex Clinical Commissioning Group to change their decision and continue to fund Tom, as they have been doing for the last nine years. Tom is so vulnerable and really needs your support.
    142 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Duncan Salkeld
  • Save Formby Clinic
    Formby is set to expand faster than it has since the 1970's due to Sefton Council's push for 1100 new homes in Formby. Despite this we have seen our health provision stretched to breaking point with the Hightown Doctors Surgery now becoming part of Formby Chapel Lane Practice. Formby cannot afford to lose any more health care provision, losing this vital service will simply put more pressure on an already stretched service, in the face an aging population in Formby.
    651 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Maria Bennett
  • Trade Union Health and Safety must be prioritised & strengthened with Brexit looming
    HEALTH & SAFETY was the main reason for the birth of the trade union movement. There is no doubt with the current government attack on trade unions and a possible all out onslaught when we arrive at ‘post Brexit’ Britain, Trade Unions will no doubt find the coming years increasingly difficult. For this reason alone TRADE UNIONS must immediately prioritise H&S now and strengthen links with other unions. Every individual worker has the right to a safe & healthy working environment. Workers are better protected with a strong & robust union that adopt a prime focus on Health & Safety at work.
    918 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Union Safety Picture
    Having my own experiences for the last fourteen years of the father of my two children who, became a notorious non-compliant 'paying parent', and manipulated the CSA system, and now the CMS system to his advantage, in order to avoid paying any child maintenance, it is time to STOP this happening. The current system is incapable of collecting any maintenance for 14 years! I know of a significant number of other families who have the same experience and will continue to do so, if this financial abuse of children, is not stopped NOW. There are many, many problems with the way the UK collect child maintenance and this petition address one of them that will resolve instantly the problems, including poverty, experienced by those receiving parents who do not receive any child maintenance at all, or at best, sporadic payments. My children's father is a full time senior school teacher and earning further undisclosed income. He, personally, chose to job hop when he realised he could change employers frequently and knew the system would not catch up with him until someone, i.e. me, found him and provided the details - then he is off again having been provided with notice of when an attachment of earnings order is to become effective. Too many families are experiencing this. The current system does not work. All this can STOP by CHANGING THE PAYING PARENTS' TAX CODE i.e. using existing CODING OUT adjustments with HMRC. It is that simple. The child maintenance is collected before. the 'paying parent' is paid into their or, indeed, 'another person's' account - as so often can be the case (not illegal, albeit continuing deviance). Improvements to the HMRC interface with the CMS ought to be able to show up-to-date earnings and apply the relative percentage child maintenance that applies to any paying parent. If anyone of us owes any government department any money there is legislation in place to change tax codes - relative to amount of debt and earnings - so the same method should be enforced for child maintenance! This method of collection of CM saves a significant and often, ultimately worthless amount of time, on behalf of government staff, resources and, thereby, tax payers money; but, also, a significant deal of stress to the receiving parent and the children who are suffering from the financial abuse on behalf of a significant proportion of so-called 'paying parents', who deliberately avoid detection by job-hopping and income diversion. It is a no-brainer not to collect at the level of taxation. The lives of the 'paying parent's' biological children improves on a financial level and, therefore, an emotional level by, not having to 'go without' constantly because their 'paying parent' avoids maintenance, or misses payments. Children's self-esteem is thereby improved exponentially. This, in turn, reduces mental health problems for both them and their 'receiving parent' and, thus, future social problems and mental health services they may access as a result. This action is needed NOW as those dishonest 'paying parents' have already demonstrated they will not pay by any means. We have over £35,000 in arrears by the CMS figure (closer to £100,000 but needing further validation), which can also be collected via tax code without breaching the 40% protected earnings threshold. Often any enforcement action available is, at best, ineffective especially if they ensure they have no collateral to enforce debts against - as is our case. This is nothing to do with contact issues that exist with many families. It is to to STOP non-compliant 'paying parents' from avoiding paying child maintenance and leaving their children often in poverty! Any families reading this who are experiencing these problems need to sign the petition now; and anyone at all who supports this action. You might be without children, a grandparent or an honest paying parent. PLEASE, PLEASE SIGN THIS PETITION. And, finally, in order to provide further support for the above, please CONTACT YOUR OWN MP, to bring this coding out issue to the attention of the Houses of Parliament. AND SHARE this link on your social media accounts! The original draft bill on behalf of Heidi Allen has been postponed until October 2018. In the meantime, she has confirmed to me she in touch with the relevant Minister discussing her draft bill, and has raised the coding out concerns I have brought to her attention to collect child maintenance. The October 2018 date is listed in case it is still needed to get her proposals accepted. THANK YOU SO MUCH!
    1,401 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by BJ GRAY
  • Ban shark fin soup and the sale of shark fins in the UK
    Shark populations around the world are in rapid decline. Sharks grow relatively slowly, take many years to mature and produce relatively few young. These characteristics make sharks, like this porbeagle, particularly vulnerable to over-exploitation. This vulnerability is exacerbated by the large and growing demand for shark fins and the general lack of management of shark fishing. Populations simply cannot replenish at the same rate as they are caught and finned to meet market demand. Banning the sale of shark fins and shark fin soup in the UK will be one step in the right direction to protecting all species of shark around the globe. It is cruel to leave sharks to die in the ocean with all of their fins removed from their bodies. Help put an end to the endangerment and cruelty to sharks and make the UK a better place.
    169 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Daniel Bethell