• Keep Hope Alive
    Both the Hope Centre and NAASH offer an unmatched and undeniably crucial role in providing vital services to the towns homeless and vulnerable community. No other organisation be it housing, charity or council come near to the services provided or the compassion and heart they are provided with. To allow a business who's bottom line is about profit to take over this service in conjunction with other organisations that are only interested in control rather than compassion is not in the best interest of the homeless community in this town.
    405 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Stan Robertson
  • Zero Rate VAT veterinary bills for registered Animal Charities
    The cost of vet bills are already high and a further 20% VAT charge is restricting the good work animal charities are doing. All good Animal charities insist that any animals that come into their care are neutered or spayed to keep the numbers down the VAT reduction Could be spent on more animals as most are Non for profit. Long term and short term treatments are also expensive and I believe the savings would help the charities with their day to day existence. Animals should have equal rights to the best welfare, Welfare of which for humans is zero rated
    2,525 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Dean Hawthorne
  • Save Sandy sports facilities
    There are no other leisure facilities in the local area.
    713 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Gregory Royle
  • Keep Lloyds Bank in Buckley Open
    Closing Lloyds Bank in Buckley would be a huge loss to the community. Elderly people, those with mobility issues, people without access to the internet and local businesses would be cut off from vital banking services. A local branch makes banking accessible for disadvantaged people but also helps keep the highstreet alive. It is the only branch Lloyds are closing in Wales. A prompt meeting in person at a local branch cuts down on the cost of time. If it we to close, people would need to travel to Mold, over 4 miles away. KEEP LLOYDS BANK BUCKLEY OPEN & SUPPORT THE COMMUNITY!
    326 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Carolyn Preece
  • Return Funding For High School Transport by Catchment Area
    Every parent of a child within Suffolk, that has to rely on funded school transport to High school from September 2019 will have to pay between £600-£800 pounds per child per year for continued transport to their current recognised catchment school. SCC will only fund travel to what it now considers to be a pupils nearest school, but nearest schools admissions policies for year 2019/20 prioritises places for students from its feeder and catchment Primary schools, not students from Primary schools outside of catchment. The financial implications for Suffolk families will be immense. Siblings may have to attend different High schools, as an older child already receiving funded transport will continue to do so but parents may not be able afford to fund a sibling or siblings. There is no guarantee that a child from a non feeder or out of catchment school will be accepted, so parents could be forced to pay for their child to attend a school, occur debt and hardship to do so, have to consider home schooling. SCC sent out an online transport survey this year to parents within Suffolk. According to a report by Councillor (County) Robert Lindsay 3600 responses were received, 85% strongly opposed these proposed changes and 5% opposed, but SCC still passed the changes. School Transport should be free and funded for all pupils.
    169 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Emma Deacon
  • Stop Cowie bus routes to Alloa
    Cowie needs straight through routes to hospital..residents have to take two buses to get to hospital ...the no 38 bus passes close by every half hour it could easily come into the village every hour ... We need buses to stop travelling through hillpark and braehead on a single journey .. making bus journeys longer ...
    206 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Jakki Currie
  • Mobility Aids Center Totton, Hampshire must remain insitu.
    The sudden announcement that Totton, Hampshire Mobility Aids Center should close on the 12th October 2018 demonstrates a complete disregard for every local resident. The idea of a Mobility Aids Center is to assist those people most in need. I know personally how difficult it is to obtain such resources. Already there are severe limitations to Patient Transport, Community Transport. Being forced to travel to "selected destinations" will instantly be out of reach for local residents affected by the "change. Due to mobility restrictions of residents Fording-bridge and Lymington is impossible and definitely impracticable for the overwhelming majority. Visiting the Mobillity Aid Location in Totton has been my last resort and have been using the service for the past 15 months. Hampshire County Council have a duty of care for her residents. To allow closure is not the answer or a reasonable adjustment. What is certain Geoff Chesire "refuses to acknowledge people in crisis" This can not be ignored. Thank you everyone for your support.
    433 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Alec Nayler Picture
  • ITV, Start using Lactation Consultants (IBCLC) in your breastfeeding segments on daytime tv
    Breastfeeding rates in the UK are some of the worst in the world. The media has an ENORMOUS impact on this and could make significant changes to families and health.
    9,565 of 10,000 Signatures
    Created by Lucy Webber
  • Save Oathills Lea, Tarporley
    Do you want to save Tarporley's precious, affordable retirement flats, Oathills Lea? Where will our elderly population go, if this complex is closed or sold off by Weaver Vale Housing Trust? Oathills Lea is currently under review and its residents are worried sick, as you can imagine. Built in 1970, Oathills Lea has 23 retirement flats for residents aged 50 and over. It is the perfect location, especially for the less mobile residents and those who no longer drive. The bus stop is just 100 yards; the Co-op 250 yards; post office 250 yards; village centre 100 yards; doctors 0.5 mile(s). All of this helping our older villagers maintain their independence. Oathills Lea is the only accommodation of it's sort in the village. Not only is it made up of individual flats, but there is a communal area where the residents congregate in the afternoons to socialise with each other. Many of it's former and current residents have always lived in Tarporley and others have sold their homes and moved here to be closer to their families. None of us want to be evicted from our homes and it is putting the more vulnerable villagers under immense pressure and stress. What will Oathills Lea be replaced with ? Weaver Vale Housing Trust, recently you were promoting the flats as a "Home for Life". Why have you gone back on your word ? Why aren't you filling the empty flats, when given the ageing and increasing population of Tarporley and the surrounding villages there is probably a demand for them ? If anything more retirement flats are likely to be needed over the years. PLEASE sign our petition and share it with your friends and family
    180 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Deborah Wood
  • Dementia Carers Need More Support!
    Approximately 700,000 people in the UK provide UNPAID care for a loved one with Dementia, saving the Government £11.6 BILLION each year. ... Without these unpaid carers, the UK care system would collapse, leaving millions in crisis. Yet when these carers find THEMSELVES in crisis, they are routinely told that somebody will respond to them in 5 - 10 days or that respite care is unavailable due to a lack of funding. Alzheimer's Society reported these facts as far back as 2014 and yet the situation continues to deteriorate. ... And with the number of people living with Dementia expected to exceed 1 million by 2021, things are set to deteriorate further still. (https://www.alzheimers.org.uk/about-us/policy-and-influencing/dementia-uk-report) We are therefore echoing the Alzheimer's Society's plea for "appropriately resourced national Dementia strategies", and in particular the BADLY needed measures laid out in their statement on carer support. (https://www.alzheimers.org.uk/about-us/policy-and-influencing/what-we-think/carer-support) Because, as things stand today, the vast majority of unpaid Dementia Carers feel ignored, unsupported and alone - day in and day out. We need change! And we need it NOW! --------------------------------------------------------------------- Please also see our website at https://www.startcaring.co.uk for details of our 'Who Cares?' Postcard Campaign. Start Caring! - Because change happens faster when we all work together.
    843 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Hilary Sweeney Picture
  • Special Guardianship Allowance needs Legislation not Guidelines
    Special Guardianship holders are often forced to give up their jobs or reduce hours to care for their children due to the children's behavioural difficulties caused by the trauma of their early lives. Currently special guardianship allowance is set by guidelines instead of legislation. This means many families live in poverty as local authorities often pay nothing. Government legislation would ensure special guardianship families are financially supported equally instead of the unfair system we have now, in which many families are given little or nothing. Of those families that are lucky enough to receive something, this is often stopped after a period of two years leaving them in financial difficulties. Special guardianship allowance should be paid until the child reaches adulthood. The cost of keeping a child in care may be as much as £70,000 annually, so surely it is better to support special guardians with a realistic financial package to ensure special guardianship does not break down due to financial stress, thus saving millions in the long run.
    3,691 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Donna Lee
  • BEIS: End poverty wages and the contracting out of government support services
    In your response to the Taylor Review of Modern Working Practices, ‘Good Work’, you rightly stated that it is important that everyone “has the ability to … earn a living to support them and their family”. We therefore hope that you will agree with us that it is outrageous that staff within your Department who keep it safe every day, clean the office, deliver the post and serve food are on poverty wages. For example, it is neither safe nor acceptable that to feed their families, security staff must work a minimum of 60 hours a week. This is at the same time as being on the front line of keeping a Whitehall Department safe. You will know that the Prime Minister has promised the “greatest extension of rights and protections for employees by any Conservative government in history”. We hope that you agree with the PM that this should extend to those working for the government and in government buildings, including your own. As you will be aware, many Departments already pay a proper liveable wage, including HM Treasury, the Department for Work and Pensions, Department for International Trade and Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs. In fact, this is something your staff (from the former Department of Energy and Climate Change) fought for, won, and are rightly proud of. In addition, the Houses of Parliament, where you have a Parliamentary office, is also a Living Wage Foundation employer and so those staff that clean one of your offices are paid a liveable wage, while those that help run your Department are not. I am sure you agree this cannot be right or just. Back in 2016 the Trade Unions sought to engage positively with your Permanent Secretary, Alex Chisholm. Despite initial early indications of a positive approach, including confirmation that increases in pay were both affordable and within the Department’s gift, the Unions have at best been met with intransigence and indifference since then. We hope that given your commitment in the Industrial Strategy to be personally responsible for “improving the quality of work”, you will agree with us that when it comes to people’s livelihoods and ability to look after their families this attitude is not acceptable. We, the undersigned, are now calling on you to intervene and commit to paying at least the London Living Wage to all your support staff, and to holding proper discussions with the Trade Unions on their terms and conditions.
    370 of 400 Signatures
    Created by BEIS London and South PCS Union Picture