• Get Mr Liddell-Grainger MP to respond to constituents letters
    An MP that responds to constituents concerns by answering letters, attending surgeries and hustings is upholding the democratic process. MP's that fail to do this fall short as a representative. I have sent 15 letters on a wide range of concerns including the human rights act, access to work, the NHS, the prison service, the UK border Agency, the future of our library service and the failure of the Green Deal. None have been answered or even acknowledged.
    119 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Ian Rix
  • Bring Back Clause Four
    The original constitution of the Labour Party included a section known as Clause 4 which promised: "To secure for the workers by hand or by brain the full fruits of their industry and the most equitable distribution thereof that may be possible upon the basis of the common ownership of the means of production, distribution and exchange, and the best obtainable system of popular administration and control of each industry or service." Tony Blair scrapped Clause Four as it did not fit in with his conservative ideals. It is time for the Labour Party to return to its original purpose and fight for working people and those least able to fight for themselves.
    42 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Nick Savvides
  • 95 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Brendan McCann
  • TV debates aren't Cameron's to turn down
    Our democracy is at stake. One political party is trying to ride roughshod over the will of the British public.
    33 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Karl John
  • Restore The Ross Fountain in Princes Street Gardens.
    Is is a magnificent addition to the splendour of Princes Street Gardens and deserves to be seen as it was intended, not surrounded by fencing. An insult to the late Mr Daniel Ross who gifted it to the city.
    87 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Andy Leggatt
  • Save West Smithfield Public Toilet from Closure
    Apart from being an historic and architecturally important building it is currently well run and will be a great loss to the area. I cannot see how the closure would provide any meaningful saving to the City of London.
    123 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Phil Jackman
  • Nick Boles - Stand by your words on Benefits cuts.
    Benefit sanctions target the most vulnerable in our society - like the parent who had their benefits stopped after missing an appointment because their baby was in intensive care for example. A total of 466,000 people were hit by sanctions which saw them barred from claiming Job Seekers Allowance for an average of between four weeks and three months. However, 2,000 repeat offenders were hit by significantly harder sanctions and had their benefits stopped for the next three years, including 49 single parents and 978 people under the age of 24. A statement from Mr Boles withdrawing the comments followed remarks to his local newspaper, suggesting the Tories could amend the current sanctions regime. Nick Boles said “In the run-up to the election there is not a lot we can do, but we can get the case studies together where the sanctions seem to be most unreasonable … The beginning of a parliamentary term, when people are looking at things afresh, is the best time to make a change.” But what happens after the elections? The government do as they wish and the people who vote for them remain trapped in the sanctions, left to go without basic needs such as Food and nappies. The Trussell Trust Charity who run the local Foodbanks and The Grantham Passage pick up the people effected by Sanctions and Benefit cuts. The case studies are there and the people are real. Infact Gill Thompson and Cathie Wood have come together through impossibly tragic circumstances. Both of their brothers died, hungry, with no money to buy food, after their benefits were stopped. How many more people need to die? Would we leave an animal without food, No? The owners would be prosecuted. As a Grantham constituent who votes I would urge Nick Boles and fellow MP's to start supporting the people who vote instead of showing they care more about the party line and climbing up the party ladder. Look at repealing these benefit Sanctions before the Election.
    43 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Deborah Panks
  • Stop benefit sanctions NOW
    This is important because the poor are getting so far deeper into poverty.
    64 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Debbie McGreevy
  • Stop discrimination on the grounds of age in Northern Ireland
    It is still legal to discriminate against people in Northern Ireland in relation to the provision of goods, facilities and services on the basis of the person's age unlike in Britain and the Republic of Ireland. Older people in Northern Ireland endured the 'Troubles' for many years and looked forward to the 'peace dividend', only to find that their elected representatives can't agree to give them the same protection under the law as is enjoyed by older people in the rest of the UK & Ireland. The Northern Ireland Executive includes a proposal to introduce legislation to outlaw age discrimination in its Programme for Government in 2011, but has so far failed to get agreement in the Assembly for this over the last 4 years. Prof. Mark Lawler of Queen's University Belfast has described how many older people were being denied possible life saving and enhancing cancer treatments each year purely on the grounds of age.
    41 of 100 Signatures
    Created by William Methven
  • UK Labour to Adopt Scottish Labour Free tuition Vow
    If this is a true Labour value it should be adopted across UK Labour.
    24 of 100 Signatures
    Created by David Keddie
  • Slash The Monarch's Benefits
    The Queens Sovereign Grant for 2014-15 was £37.9 million, although this is a drop in the ocean according to republic.org.uk which estimates that "When all [the] hidden expenditure is included, the real cost of the monarchy to British taxpayers is likely to be over £299m annually". There is no way this can be seen as value for money, especially while the most vulnerable in our society are facing the prospect of an even more savage cap in the amount a household can receive in what (for the most part) is a vital, and necessary, lifeline. To find out more about the campaign visit www.charliekb.wordpress.com/2015/03/03/slash-their-benefits/ www.joshua-hill-walsh.com/
    76 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Charles Kirkby
  • Dont change the licence fee
    I don't have a TV licence, I don't have one because I do not watch Live Television. I enjoy expanding my mind by reading books and listening to music and Podcasts, if there is a show i am interested in watching I will use Netflix and purchase the DVD. The proposed licence fee changes are unfair to those of us who do not watch live television, the fee pays for the BBC, so they can broadcast shows such as Eastenders, Pointless and Bargain Hunt. A great deal of shows are aimed to entertain elderly viewers, many of whom do not have to pay for a TV licence. Under the new proposals I would be forced to pay for a service I do not want and do not use. This is unfair. Why should people who decide to broaden their minds with books and music rather than watch 'Snog, Marry, Avoid' be forced to pay a lot of money to subsidise those who have nothing better to do with their time.
    28 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Abi Smith