• Finish the ring road, Howes Lane
    Bicester was a little market town when we came here. We seem to be everything built here we havent got the roads or the schools. Bicester is becoming overcrowded as it is.
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Peter Biddle
  • bus stops outside lewisham police station
    they want to move the bus stops 150 metres from where they are. many people use these bus stops, including a lot of pensioners. i believe there can be a better solution than moving the stops.
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by peter willson
  • Restructure Financial Ombudsman Service
    For quick and easy resolution of complaints about banks etc in a fair manner.
    14 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Santanu Pal Picture
  • Stop Qualified Majority Voting!
    Abolish QMV and re-instate the right of individual member states to veto! The Treaty of Lisbon provides for a blocking minority composed of at least four Member States representing over 35% of the EU population. Until 31 March 2017, any Member State may request, on a case by case basis, that a decision is taken in accordance with the rules in force before 1 November 2014 (i.e. in accordance with the qualified majority as defined by the Treaty of Nice). In simple terms, this means that unless serious action is taken in the next 2 years, any opinion or decision made by a member state can be blocked by another. In the context of the UK, it will be very unlikely we will ever be able to leave the EU after this date, as currently, we would need the permission of 10 member states! This will progress the plan of a European Superstate! This must stop now!
    66 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Harrison Ainsworth
  • We are NOT all in this together.
    This graph shows what people think wealth distribution is, what they think it should ideally be, and what it actually is in reality. https://ugc.futurelearn.com/uploads/images/4d/3f/hero_4d3f4dc3-dad3-4424-836a-95d1823c32e4.jpg Open University Inequality Briefing 2013. © Copyright 2015 FutureLearn The poorest in society are paying for the mistakes of the Banks and unfair Government policy. Austerity cuts are aimed at the poorest in society but the cuts affect the quality of life of all of us. This includes the cuts to Welfare, Public Services, and the recently announced sell off affordable rented accommodation in the Housing Association sector. We are NOT all in this together. N.B. OECD figures show that since 1979 the top 1% of population have increased their wealth from 9% to 23% of the total. The bottom 20% have reduced to 0.6% of the wealth. Top rate of tax in 1978 was 83% now it is a flat 40%. OECD figures also prove that the less inequality in a society, the more successful it is economically.
    12 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Robert Griffiths
  • List the Boleyn Tavern as an Asset of Community Value
    CAMRA calls the Boleyn “one of the more spectacular late-Victorian pubs in London” and its amazing interior is largely intact- an absolute rarity. More importantly, it serves a vital community function in a part of London where very few pubs remain. There is concern that the departure of West Ham football club from the nearby Boleyn ground, and the subsequent development of the ground for housing might impact the pub’s future. This petition is an attempt to afford some extra protection to a unique part of London’s history and a vital community asset.
    88 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Tristan O'Dwyer
  • Fairer Pay now
    The Labour Manifesto rightly says it is important to strive for greater equality in the UK. It commits to raising the National Minimum Wage to living wage levels by 2020. But this will not deal with rising pay inequality in the public sector - where taxpayers' money often gives the top more than 10 times the wage of the lowest paid. Nor does it deal with huge and unjustified salaries and bonuses in large private sector firms - many of which receive huge amounts of public money - and where top incomes are often several hundred times greater than those at the bottom. A renamed Fair Pay Commission would examine both low and high pay. It would make recommendations to Parliament to reduce income inequality and will monitor progress on a year by year basis. Curbing excessive high pay is not only fair, it is also important for the economy. It will encourage longer-term investment, raise middle and lower incomes across the board and reduce the fizz at the top of the housing boom.
    66 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Steve Jefferys
  • Safer Routes to School
    Dear Leader of Bath and North East Somerset Council. To get my three children (8, 6 and 4) to school I have to cross a busy main road. This road is so busy that we usually have to stand on the tiny courtesy crossing in the middle of the road – that's me, at least three children, the odd scooter, school bags and other paraphernalia – and wait for a break in the traffic. In the middle of the road. This is not a safe way to get to and from school. I have spoken to other parents with similar complaints about walking their children to school safely. They too have to wait on so-called courtesy crossings to get across the road. They have to catch the eye of drivers in order to cross the road safely. They have to squeeze past lorries parked on the pavement. They have to step out between parked cars to cross the road to school. This is unacceptable. We are asking you, the council, to commit to our manifesto for Safer Routes to Schools. The objectives are listed below. No parent or child should have to rely on the courtesy of a driver to cross the road on the way to school. No parent or child should have to wait in the middle of the road to complete a crossing on the way to school. No parent or child should have to make eye contact with vehicle drivers to cross the road on the way to school. No parent or child should have to walk more than 150 metres out of their way to get to a safe crossing on the way to school. No parent or child should have to squeeze past cars or lorries parked on the pavement on the way to school. The council will commit to consulting on designated safe routes to school that fulfil the above criteria within six months of taking office. The council will consult school PTAs and other parent groups across Bath within this timeframe. The council will install the required safe crossings within six months of the completed consultation. Safer Routes to Schools would have many benefits. These include reduced pollution, less traffic congestion and healthier children. Most importantly, if our children can walk to school along designated safe routes our children can have some of the freedom and independence they desperately need. Bath wants to be a child-friendly city. Making the roads safe for our children to cross is the best way to achieve that. Best wishes Lou Abercrombie
    107 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Louise Abercrombie
  • Supermarkets - Pay the Living Wage
    According to Citizens UK the wages of supermarket workers are being topped up by £11 billion each year in benefits. For too long supermarkets have been underpaying their staff & expecting the tax payer to foot the bill but now is time to fight back. Supermarkets turn over billions of pounds every year & are easily in the position to pay the living wage & if they were to do so would save this country £11 billion every year. Imagine where that £11 billion could go - NHS, Police, Fire Service, Education to name a few. While our public services are being drained of resources huge billion pound, multi-national companies are being subsidised by us the tax payer, it must now stop to save our economy & our public services The living wage is set at £9.15 in London & £7.85 elsewhere & is calculated according to the basic cost of living in the UK - that's right, the basic cost of living. All employers should be paying the living wage but supermarkets have the moral right to do so as they employ such a large number of employees (5 million) & turn over such masses of money. It's important to remember as well that this isn't just the big 4 who are guilty, those with a smaller market share must also accept responsibility - particularly the Co-operative whose morals & ethics were built on challenging greed & dispersing money back into society 170 years ago facebook.com/blocuk twitter.com/ukbloc
    70 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Joe Hughes
  • Outrageous Rental Costs for Accommodation
    The high rents are pushing people more and more into poverty or homelessness Letting Agencies can pick and chose and the majority are exclusive. No matter whether you have evidence of being a good tenant or not makes no difference if you are not working for what ever reason you are automatically excluded by most of the agents.
    84 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sheila Anderson
  • Move Work Capability Assessments from St Mary's House Norwich
    This is important because disabled people are suffering due to austerity cuts made by this government and the very least the government can do to alleviate this suffering is provide them with accessible premises (as any educational or professional establishment is legally obliged to do) for compulsory interviews.
    82 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Catherine O'Hanlon
  • Free parking for Birkenhead
    To keep a market town still here and stop the increase in parking charges.
    42 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Joesph kostanczuk