• Make our MPs truly represent us in Parliament - Hackney South and Shoreditch
    Only 4% of the population think their MPs put their views first when voting in Parliament yet this is supposed to be their job, this is what we elect them to do; what we pay them for. It's our money they are spending. We want our MPs to put our views first, NOT the party agenda, the media, or the wealthy donors. We think it’s time our politicians genuinely represented us: the people who put them in power and pay their salaries. If enough people sign this petition, candidates in this election will feel pressured to agree to the MyMP pledge to vote on the big issues in the way the voters want. We can vote for TV show contestants online and from apps on our phones and the best organisations use consultation to find out what their customers think – the technology is already here to make democracy directly and easily available. There is nothing stopping MPs finding out their constituents’ view on the NHS, immigration, fracking, the NHS or going to war. MPs should all be harnessing this technology to listen to their constituents on the important issues. If candidates in the upcoming election (whether they're from any party, or no party) would pledge to represent us in this way, we could guarantee that whoever won the seat, the people would be listened to. It would free the winning candidate from the lash of party whips and give them a true mandate in line with their duty as an MP, which is to their constituents first and foremost. You either believe in Democracy or you don't. If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem. Sign now to put pressure on our politicians, and pass it on. NATIONAL PETITION: https://you.38degrees.org.uk/p/mymp SHARE THE VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hhaabs76fvE FIND OUT MORE: http://www.mymp2015.org.uk
    14 of 100 Signatures
    Created by katharine hamnett
  • Superfast Broadband
    Fiskerton-cum-Morton has been left out of the NCC broadband programme despite significant local demand and a real need for decent connectivity for the farmers, local businesses, families and school children who live and work in the village. We have forced BT to review their designs and they have confirmed they have a technical solution. We have challenged NCC on their programme and they have confirmed that our scheme compares will with other locations that have already been upgraded under the Better Broadband for Nottinghamshire programme. However neither BT nor NCC are willing (or even apparently interested) in confirming when, or if, we will be upgraded - either with the underspend in the existing BT contract or within the next round of funding.
    70 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Chris Horne
  • Action on Caerphilly Town Air Quality
    In 2008 parts of Caerphilly Borough were designated as an Air Quality Management Area due to high levels of nitrogen dioxide, which is associated with lung disease and respiratory problems. Caerphilly town centre is a specific problem area. In 2014 the Council approved an Air Quality Action Plan, which included traffic management measures designed to address the problems. Measures include short term steps and longer term strategies, such as reducing the amount of traffic passing through narrow town centre streets by building a south eastern by-pass. There is no evidence that such a measure will increase traffic or pollution; rather it will re-route traffic through non-populated areas. Modelling carried out to date suggests the measures set out in the action plan will significantly reduce pollution levels in the town centre. To date there has been a lack of action. The action plan suggests further work is subject to further modelling and further funding. The residents of Caerphilly derserve action, not words. Our health and the health of our children is at stake. We call on the Council to take action.
    123 of 200 Signatures
    Created by John Sweeney
  • Good News
    People have the right to know exactly what is going on in the world, and not to be shrouded by one large main event. News today is negative and depressing.
    8 of 100 Signatures
    Created by miles hamilton
  • Sainsbury Ban 80 Year Old Grandfather
    On March 7th disabled Albert Carter called into his local Sainsbury to buy cigarettes. After paying for them he temporarily lost control of his mobility scooter, knocking over a shopper, who was unharmed. He also hit the Customer Service desk. As a result of this, Sainsbury have now banned him from every store in the Country, using the same letter that they apply to shoplifters. The letter has traumatised Albert, such that he will no longer go out on his mobility scooter. If you think that this is a national disgrace, & that Sainsbury have acted in a draconian manner by sending Albert that letter, then please sign this petition, calling upon Sainsbury to withdraw the banning order, and to apologise to Albert.
    71 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Patrick Robinson
  • Free Hospital Parking
    Up and down the country patients and their loved ones are having to fork out 20 pounds a month upwards on car parking for extended visits in hospital or regular appointments. The cost of getting to and from hospitals is another thing to worry about for families who are already experiencing bleak times. With hospital waiting times currently out of control, the cost of parking is unjustly becoming higher and higher
    107 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Harry Altoft
  • STOP hiring violent men as security guards at the Amersham Arms
    We recently witnessed a particularly unpleasant scene In which two Bouncers at the Amersham Arms physically assaulted a young man using far more force than was necessary on one person who was trying to follow the instructions they had just given him. One Bouncer then proceeded to threaten and verbally abuse the young man after he had left the premises. This is unacceptable. Peoples jobs should not given the right to assault and abuse people and should only use a necessary level of force. It's ruining many people's enjoyment of their local space to dance and have fun and it's not in the Amersham Arms interest as they will loose business and already have quite a cemented reputation for a venue where the bouncers are a problem. But more importantly this is an issue of people abusing power to torment and abuse others and should be something that is called up more often.
    59 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Frances Browning
  • Introduce VAT rebate for Sixth-Form Colleges
    Assessing value for money in sixth-form education, a recent report published found that academies are able to spend an average of £1,598 more per sixth-form student than sixth-form colleges. The report gives two explanations for this. The government provides funding to academies to meet their VAT, insurance and capital costs in full. Sixth-form colleges, on the other hand, must redirect funding away from frontline education to meet these costs: the average sixth-form colleges pays £335,000 per year in VAT alone.
    11 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Steve Rowe
  • Make Caledonia by Dougie MacLean The Scottish National Anthem
    Caledonia by Dougie MacLean is a brilliant song & should be our proper anthem. It doesn't attack another country. It is a brilliant song that creates a feeling of belonging - of coming home.. Please vote for this marvellous music. Caledonia by Dougie deserves to be considered as the Scottish National Anthem!
    32 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Renee Slater
  • 124 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Linda Orton
  • Thames Water Price Estimating
    My estimates doubled in 2004. By 2010 they had tripled. Now that I have a water meter my bills have decreased by 75 per cent ! I was not given the choice. 70,000 other Peabody tenants may have been paying 3x too much for 10 years. That's a lot of profit for greedy corporations.
    65 of 100 Signatures
    Created by edmund kelly
  • Better Broadband for Rural Areas
    A recent survey by the Federation of Small Businesses found that only 16% of small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs) in rural areas had access to superfast broadband. Some 10-15% of the population could not get broadband despite a government target to hit 95% by 2017. Before spending £millions on enhancing to mega-speeds areas which already have a more than adequate service, everyone i.e. 100% should have a minimum standard to enable businesses to run, websites to be uploaded and students to study. I wonder - if 5% of the population signed a petition would it make any difference? That is an incredibly depressing and abysmal picture. Question for our Government, what will you do about it?
    76 of 100 Signatures
    Created by LINDA DICKINSON