• None Of the Above
    People should not be forced to choose between bad and worse candidates. We should be able to reject candidates outright, all candidates if need be. We spend too much time waiting for unqualified, lying, cheating, unworthy, ethically and morally corrupt individuals to serve their time in public office at our expense when many of us would have preferred they not be there in the first place. It's time we had the democratic option to say no from the start.
    39 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Tomer Danan
  • Stricter sanctions on homophobic abuse in football grounds.
    In 2009, a survey suggested that most fans felt that the F.A were not doing enough to tackle homophobia in football. Six years on and this is still the case. In 2012, the F.A released a video of premier league players discussing the topic, this is simply not enough.In a Wikipedia post, it states that'The Guardian's Secret Footballer columnist said that a gay player would be accepted in a typical dressing room instead said that the worry for any would-be gay player would be the abuse from the terraces.' From this quote you can infer that the football governing body is simply not doing enough to tackle the issue. To exacerbate this an Integrated Household Survey estimated 1.5% people in the UK identify themselves as gay, lesbian or bisexual. From these statistics it is clear to see that the amount of open LGBTs in football is far below the national average ; from previous information, it is apparent more needs to be done in the terraces rather than within the club. By treating Homophobia the same as other discrimination types such as racism (by creating harsher punishments on those convicted) we will see a dramatic decline in homophobic abuse and football will move on and will catch up with the modern society where everyone is accepted for who they are.
    81 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Will Merrion
  • Our Kirklees NHS is precious.
    The government have decided to take NHS money out of hospitals, call it the 'Better Care Fund' and give it to Health and Wellbeing Boards. In Kirklees, this body has sitting on it, the Chair and Chief Officer of Greater Huddersfield Clinical Commissioning Group and the Chair and Chief Officer of North Kirklees Clinical Commissioning Group. It also has a number of councillors and a representative of a company contracted to do work for the CCGs, the representative of the council responsible for Public Health and sometimes representatives of Mid Yorkshire Hospital Trust, Calderdale Hospital Foundation Trust and Healthwatch. The NHS has always been run with a public service ethos. Increasingly multinational companies without that ethos, are being awarded contracts to deliver services and they fail to honour their promises. Any private company is vulnerable to takeover bids from larger firms. We consider it worth reminding the bodies responsible for allocating around £2.5m of public money, that money channelled away from the hospitals has a potential to weaken them and that there is no clear evidence that 'Care Closer to Home' will either keep people out of hospital or save money for the NHS. eg. A very recent Kings Fund report - 'The Reconfiguration of Clinical Services - what is the evidence?' (Nov 2014) has stated that there are consistent findings that moving care out of hospital does not cut costs or reduce admissions to hospital. In fact in one study (Roland et al 2012) it increased admissions. The report states that in fact, this kind of reconfiguration of clinical services can act as a distraction from core tasks and can increase risks. North Kirklees NHS Support Group and Dewsbury Keep Our NHS Public (KONP) have been out in Dewsbury, Cleckheaton, Birstall and Batley with paper petitions, but the area of the CCGs stretches to Heckmondwike, Mirfield, Hopton, Kirkburton, Meltham and Huddersfield and district. It is with the idea of giving people a chance to sign in all the relevant areas, that we are running it for a short time online. Please sign and share, if you have a Kirklees postcode. Thank you.
    39 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Christine Hyde Picture
  • Criminalise the sale of laughing gas to anyone under the age of 18
    Children are putting themselves at risk be inhaling nitrous oxide, already 17 people of died as a result of its consumption. This is due to this product being so readily available, affordable and unregulated. My concern is that very young innocent children will loose their lives from its use. Criminal gangs are now making fake cylinders as they see a market opportunity, this is only going to end in more deaths will youths having no idea of what they are inhaling.
    19 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Alan Smith
  • Make Barnet's Members of Parliament Work For Us
    All over the country people are tired of politicians who promise one thing at election time when they need our votes and then go off to Westminster and ignore what their constituents really want. In a recent survey, 77% of us said we wanted MPs to put the views of their constituents first but only 27% of us thought they actually did. In constituencies across the UK, voters are fighting back by demanding all parliamentary candidates sign the MyMP pledge. This means any candidate who gets elected agrees to consult with and poll constituents on key parliamentary decisions and vote accordingly. We have a great opportunity during the election campaign to force our candidates to do politics in a different, genuinely democratic way by demanding they put the views of the people of Barnet first on issues like the NHS, immigration and living standards. If you live in the London Borough of Barnet, sign the petition and make sure your voice is heard over the next five years.
    91 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Adam Lent
  • Keep Politics and Religion Separate!
    In the UK we have bishops in the House of Lords making decisions that could affect each and every one of us, these bishops are being influenced, not by us, not by society as a whole but by religion; the same ideology which influenced a group of religious men to fly planes into the world trade center killing thousands of innocent lives, the same ideology that for thousands of years has caused unnecessary death and suffering of innocent human beings. The only thing religion is very good at is conferring a sense of moral superiority on its followers and I will take no part in it; nor should anyone else that has any sort of individual morality; nor should our 21st century parliament, get religion out of the political decision making processes and as far away from the governing of the country as possible. If I created a religion right now and put in writing what I thought was right and wrong; I could even write a great load of mumbo jumbo proclaiming that I know all the answers, or I add some fiction in there about resurrection and healing powers. Well first people would probably say I’m crazy and I’d be sectioned; but what if over time people actually started believing it? And hundreds, even thousands of years into the future people start sacrificing their lives over it, wars break out because of it, governments changing their laws because of it and the entire sociological ideology of the world’s populous would have changed all because of a religion I could make up on the spot right now. Well, I needn't go on, I’m sure you get the point. We can listen and chose to abide by the rules of society but we don’t have to listen and chose to abide by the rules and fundamentals of anything else. Each and every one of us has our own morality and that is okay! If our own individual morality tells us that something is right or wrong then who is tell us otherwise? The government? The police? The church? A 2000 year old book written by a group of men with their own morals; I ask who influenced them? Who influenced their moral standpoint on things and why should we be dictated to by a group of men who aren't even alive anymore? Let’s say that the authors of the bible thought that murder was right, does that mean that through the ages our morality would in-fact change and not only would we believe this to be the case, it would be instilled into us, into who we are and our individual conscious would know no different. Just because a majority believe something to be right or wrong does not make it so. There’re people in the world that will look to others to influence them morally, the church is the biggest example of this, praying on the weak and feeble telling each and every one of them how to live their lives and they pay the price for it, every single religious person in some way pays a price; be it monetary or non-financial. Whether that be sacrificing their lives or donating ten percent of their hard earnings, they pay a price.
    87 of 100 Signatures
    Created by John Moore
  • MAKE OUR MPS WORK FOR US - Hackney North & Stoke Newington
    We want our MPs to put our views first, NOT the party agenda, the media, or the wealthy donors. We think it’s time our politicians genuinely represented us: the people who put them in power and pay their salaries. If enough people sign this petition, candidates in this election will feel pressured to agree to the MyMP pledge to vote on the big issues in the way the voters want. We can vote for TV show contestants online and from apps on our phones and the best organisations use consultation to find out what their customers think – the technology is already here to make democracy directly and easily available. There is nothing stopping MPs finding out their constituents’ view on the NHS, immigration, fracking, the NHS or going to war. MPs should all be harnessing this technology to listen to their constituents on the important issues. If candidates in the upcoming election (whether they're from any party, or no party) would pledge to represent us in this way, we could guarantee that whoever won the seat, the people would be listened to. It would free the winning candidate from the lash of party whips and give them a true mandate in line with their duty as an MP, which is to their constituents first and foremost. Will you put pressure on your local candidates and candidates across the country by joining this call for political renewal? Please sign the petition and pass it on.
    63 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Frances Wilson
  • Legalise Cannabis
    Because people are prosecuted every year for using a plant that has a zero death rate.
    54 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jason Clarke
  • Legislate to make free workplace childcare mandatory
    Working families are juggling work/family responsibilities to try and keep expensive childcare costs down. These time- and work-pressures impact massively upon personal wellbeing and worker productivity. Free, work-based childcare would show the company was progressive, forward-thinking and family-orientated. Practically, it would reduce travel time between alternative providers and the workplace, avoid any unplanned absence to cover childcare issues, prevent employees looking for better-paid jobs elsewhere to cover increasing childcare costs and would drastically improve working-parent motivation, well-being, loyalty to the employer and productivity. This kind of service would 'keep families together' and would truly reflect employer ambitions to promote a real work-life balance.
    71 of 100 Signatures
    Created by David Hughes
  • Criminalise manifesto lies made by politicians
    The people of this country would have more faith in our political system if politicians were held to account in this way. The distinction between parties would become clearer. We would achieve genuine, much needed, political reform. It would minimise those individuals using our political system for their own financial gain thus reducing corruption.
    132 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Luke Dickson
  • Construct Molten Salt Nuclear Reactors
    LFTR is a safe and zero carbon form of electrical power generation. With sufficient investment, this form of power can be cheaper than coal whilst also being so much safer and better for the environment (bearing in mind coal already produces more radioactive waste than current nuclear power reactors) Compared to renewables, LFTRs require much less land than wind or solar for the same power generation, resulting in greater land area for trees or planting crops (e.g. biofuels) LFTR is liquid and requires no water coolant, whilst also being safer as a solid plug will melt during a meltdown so all of the radioactive material escapes to an underground casing protecting the environment. The waste produced has a shorter half-life so is radioactive for less time, and the waste is very difficult to turn into nuclear weapons. However, since the half life is so great, the radiation will be pretty much harmless. The reactor can be controlled a lot better, as the atoms have neutron shot at them in a canon, so in an emergency the neutron canon is shut off, so the reactor can be controlled and stopped a lot faster than the current Uranium Fast breed reactor. Nuclear Power also saves lives. Coal kills over 15,000 per trillion kWh produced in the US alone. That figure increases over 10 fold in China. Currently, Nuclear only kills 90 people per trillion kWh produced, which is lower than all forms of renewables http://www.forbes.com/sites/jamesconca/2012/06/10/energys-deathprint-a-price-always-paid/
    83 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Joshua Bastow
    Many investors from 2007 were conned into buying properties that were fraudulently over-valued by third party professionals, including property developers, panel surveyors, mortgage brokers and conveyancing solicitors, all part of a scam to fleece money from high street lending institutions. The high street lenders have repossessed many of the properties which have so far seen millions of pounds lost in shortfalls on the original mortgages. These shortfalls have been 'lost' in the accounts of the Lloyds Group and UK tax-payers should be told in detail how much all this amounts to and what steps the group has taken to recover these shortfalls. Lloyds has protected itself by repossessing the houses of the investors who fell foul of what a member of Lloyds' Chief Executive Team termed as a 'scam', in a letter to one investor, it then repossessed. The investor had written to challenge the bank's conduct in the whole saga that saw three of her properties re-possessed to the tune of £530,000. In its reply, the bank's official wrote: 'I disagree that BoS should be accountable for the shortfall as we were also victims of the scam.' There are at least 22 properties in the north and north-west of England, which were all over-valued by between £100,000 and £150,000, involving investors that have been forced into repossession. Third-party professionals used by Lloyds on a daily basis have fleeced the group for millions. Lloyds meanwhile, has been able to 'write off' these 'bad debts' with no comeback or explanation on its behaviour. British taxpayers shored up the ailing Lloyds Group, following the disastrous and scandalous way it operated its business in the lead up to the 'credit crunch' in 2008. The public need to know exactly how the losses - in the region of £3.2 million - from this 'scam' were reported and whether Lloyds reported the 'scam' to the Police or any of the financial watchdogs and authorities. Bank of Scotland were made aware of the 'scam' in May 2008. It is now December 2017 and the Lloyds Group has not addressed any of the questions raised by investors about its handling of the situation and hides behind jargon, data protection and its solicitors, Eversheds. In the meantime, Lloyds continues to hand out 'performance' bonuses in the tens of millions to a raft of senior management, whilst it has taken no action in delving into the 'scam' that it said it was a 'victim' of. How shameful that it has not had the decency to work with the investors/borrowers involved in the 'scam' it too was involved in, other than to repossess their homes and push them into untold stress and misery! Come clean Bank of Scotland - face up to the situation like the rest of us do when times get tough!
    110 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Chris Fletcher Picture