Kick out Capita from Barnet Council nowThe recent successfully prosecuted fraud case where a Capita employee stole over £2million from Barnet Council underlines the urgent need for the Council to take back control of all of the former Council services from Capita. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-45641513 Barnet Council commissioned Grant Thornton (GT) to undertake a major review to identify how such a large scale fraud had been able to take place. This project, called Project Rose, was given a budget of “up to” £500,000 and has been on-going ever since. The review found: • Lack of budgetary controls • Not carrying out basic bank detail checks • Inexperienced managers responsible for large amounts of money • Lack of written financial procedures and checklists Barnet Council agreed to pay Capita £252.54 million But, Barnet Council have already paid Capita £352.41 million with FIVE more years to go! Barnet Council is in financial crisis with a budget overspend of £10.3 million this financial year and a funding gap of £66.8 million over the next three years. Frontline services such as street cleansing, waste and recycling, Libraries, social care are all facing more and more cuts that are already affecting Barnet residents. Capita Plc are in their own financial crisis. Their Share Price has dropped from £13 a share to under £1.50 a share in the space of the last two years. On 11 December 2018, Barnet Council Policy and Resources Committee will decide on whether to end both contracts. We are campaigning that they VOTE to end both contracts and begin the urgent process of taking back control of those services. End Details of the Grant Thornton Review on Capita https://www.barnet.gov.uk/citizen-home/council-and-democracy/finance-and-funding/Financial-controls.html Is this the end of Capita in Barnet - Grant Thornton's report is a devastating critique of Capita's dismal performance http://reasonablenewbarnet.blogspot.com/2018/09/is-this-end-of-capita-in-barnet-grant.html Project Rose: the devastating report Barnet Tories didn't want you to read http://wwwbrokenbarnet.blogspot.com/2018/09/project-rose-devastating-report-barnet.html Damning report slams Capita and financial management at Barnet Council http://barneteye.blogspot.com/2018/09/damning-report-slams-capita-and.html1,593 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Barnet UNISON
Stop the sale of St Anthony's Leonard Cheshire home, Wolverhampton.Leonard Cheshire have put 17 care homes for severely disabled people up for sale, including St Anthony's Wolverhampton.. The homes were all started by Leonard Cheshire years’ ago and are run with the values he promoted - “Homes for Life” in safe and secure surroundings within a not-for-profit organisation. It is wrong to sell them. People trust the name Leonard Cheshire and support the residential homes which were set up in his name. Many of the homes occupy land donated to the charity. They are not in financial trouble. They have always said they are leaders in this type of care - severely disabled adults. Why are Leonard Cheshire now selling the very reason they came into being in the first place? They say the homes are in the wrong places - this is not true. All of these homes are in beautiful surroundings near cities and those residents that live in them love their home and don't want any change to take place. We all fear that a new service provider will make changes that will affect the health and well being of these vulnerable people. Please sign to prevent any such distress!1,364 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Julie Hamling
Save Sandy sports facilitiesThere are no other leisure facilities in the local area.714 of 800 SignaturesCreated by Gregory Royle
Reinstate the Number 5 bus to its original routeThis bus is used by many people in the local community to keep their independence. Elderly, disabled people and school children use this bus on a regular basis and for some it is a way of keeping their independence. The nearest bus stop is not accessible. The Number 6 bus is also struggling as it is a single decker and the buses are very crowded and struggling to cope with demand.179 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Nicky Brennan
Stop the planned build on Nethercote GardensNethercote Gardens is a cul-de-sac with several specific strengths and challenges. The River Cole on which we sit is a haven for local wildlife and must be protected - our low position also puts us at risk of flooding and our road was disproportionately affected by such flooding earlier this year. Many residents feel that recent housing developments which have been completed in recent years have increased the risk of localised flooding; by increasing concrete and build areas we are rapidly losing valuable soft ground which absorbs water. This creates water run off during times of extreme weather and means homes like ours are more likely to flood. Adding another property to the road will be to the detriment of our local wildlife population which local residents are already fighting to support. The plot on which the development is planned sits immediately opposite 177a Nethercote Gardens which is a shared supported living home for people with assessed care. The residents of this property are extremely vulnerable adults and not able to object to this build, which would impact their daily lives, on their own behalf. Our residents have faced and are facing enough challenges due to our unique position and feel that we have been let down at numerous points by the local authority over the years, by allowing local building work, by not having adequate flood supports in place both during and after such events. Our small community are opposed to this build and will keep campaigning to ensure that it does not go ahead. Please, please sign our petition and add to our collective voice - we need to make some noise about this; small builds that negatively impact residents can sneak under the radar but they all add up to people having lower quality of life and our countryside being affected. Enough is enough. Please, please sign our petition. Thank you. "What we allow will continue."182 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Nethercote Residents
Mobility Aids Center Totton, Hampshire must remain insitu.The sudden announcement that Totton, Hampshire Mobility Aids Center should close on the 12th October 2018 demonstrates a complete disregard for every local resident. The idea of a Mobility Aids Center is to assist those people most in need. I know personally how difficult it is to obtain such resources. Already there are severe limitations to Patient Transport, Community Transport. Being forced to travel to "selected destinations" will instantly be out of reach for local residents affected by the "change. Due to mobility restrictions of residents Fording-bridge and Lymington is impossible and definitely impracticable for the overwhelming majority. Visiting the Mobillity Aid Location in Totton has been my last resort and have been using the service for the past 15 months. Hampshire County Council have a duty of care for her residents. To allow closure is not the answer or a reasonable adjustment. What is certain Geoff Chesire "refuses to acknowledge people in crisis" This can not be ignored. Thank you everyone for your support.433 of 500 SignaturesCreated by Alec Nayler
Let's have lifts at Stroud station£300m of funding has been ear-marked by the Department for Transport to improve access at railway stations. Stroud station should have funding to be inclusive and allow everyone the choice to use rail transport and enjoy a smooth and comfortable journey. At the moment, the alternative route for wheelchair users or those who cannot manage the steps is a difficult route without dropped kerbs, over rough surfaces and with gradients that would be impossible for those not in a motorised wheelchair.1,376 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Kim Cowan
Save our play spaceA lease agreement for our 4 acre woodland (named Ladybird woods by our toddler children) is vital for Ignite Unlocking Potential as a social enterprise to support schools, community & families with educational services including Wales's only Nature Kindergarten, Ladybirds Parent & Toddler group, Adventure camps and activity days for children with physical disabilities & additional learning needs. During the 4 years as a business tenant paying against a draft agreement of 21 years, we have transformed 4 acres of unused land into a centre for excellence in Nature based Pedagogy. To date, this learning & play space has enabled us to make a real difference to the lives of over 8000 children and provides leading edge education and training services to education & health professionals across Wales and the UK. Please read some of our reviews from parents & teachers that we have recently supported. Your signature will provide our children with the hope that we can continue to enrich their lives and provide a place that nurtures and unlocks their potential. "My little one went to the summer camp up the country park he has ADHD and struggles sometimes with friends and groups, to say he had an amazing time is a understatement he loved it the staff where amazing with him , come bk a very different child and much more confident, he can't wait to go again thank u all !!!!" Leanne Evans (Parent). "You don't know what a massive part your team has played this summer for my kids x so thank you all x" Caly Cross (Parent). "Had a wonderful time volunteering with the Ladybirds Parent and Toddler group today- very wet and soggy but a beautiful atmosphere, Thank you" Catrin Doyle (Volunteer). "This week I started my Forest School Leader training with you guys and I've loved every second. So many amazing ideas, people and open-ended resources! Just what I needed to get my mind back on track, can't wait for the next sessions!" Jordan Baxter (Teacher). “The community has nothing but wonderful things to say about the organisation and we’ve been waiting years to be able to attend!” “Ignite embody all of the goals and principals of the Well-being for future generations ACT. The adults love it.The Children love it.The community Need it.They promote health and wellbeing - both physical and mental, through a connection with the outdoors.They need the space!” Eve Harris (Parent).952 of 1,000 SignaturesCreated by Darren Lewis
Let Charlie Barker’s assistance dog George go to the Fusion festivalFusion won’t allow Charlie Barkers assistance dog George go to the music Festival! PLEASE HELP BY SIGNING & SHARING. From Charlie: ____________________ "I'm 23 and for one day I would just like to be that care free 20 year old who enjoys live music. But it's being taken away from me because Fusion won't let me take my Assistance Dog, George! I have a condition called Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome. EDS affects the body’s connective tissue. Connective tissue lies between other tissues and organs, keeping these separate whilst connecting them, holding everything in place and providing support, like the mortar between bricks. EDS causes my joints to dislocate, mostly my shoulders and hips. My gorgeous George helps me to relocate them. Without George, I will end up in A&E, meaning I could miss most of the concert but more importantly Fusion will have put me through unnecessary pain. George does Deep Pressure Massage for pain relief #myrock" ____________________ Please help show Fusion Charlie needs his assistance dog George and they are discriminating against him! https://www.equalityhumanrights.com/sites/default/files/assistance-dogs-a-guide-for-all-businesses.pdf518 of 600 SignaturesCreated by Looby Loo
Removing the rules on flasks at the AmexWith the upcoming ban on flasks, we find this unacceptable for many people. Some people bring soup to a game (something that is not sold at the stadium), some people bring tea or coffee as they cannot afford to buy Hot Drinks at the stadium. (This may be a family or someone on a reduced income). A flask at football is a right of passage and is for refreshment purposes not as a weapon. How many times has a football player been hit with a rogue flask? Is this really for safety or a way of increasing revenue from drink sales?148 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Richy Smith
Save the Forward CentreThe Forward Centre was purpose built 35 years ago as a base for adults with physical disabilities to meet others who faced similar problems and encourage each other to try things they had never thought of doing Many of the activities require specially trained staff to assist people with a wide range of disabilities often caused by accidental injuries or long term illness The Social Work Services are having to make cuts of £100,000 to their annual budget and the only way open to them is buildings or staff. If the staffing levels are reduced the service to the members will suffer so they have decided to demolish a perfectly sound building1,065 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Jim Donaldson
Remove condition 16 of the licensing Act for Polzeath Pancake ShackThis is important for us as we pay a license to trade and we have overnight free camping which sometimes our spot gets parked in and we cannot trade, we are paying a license to trade and the council license team seem to think it’s not their problem if I can’t trade! Which then means I can’t provide a service to all my customers who come to Polzeath for my pancakes!! I employ local staff, and my carbon footprint is zero, I live here, all year round. Please sign and share and let the council know why you think this is important to you and your families when you come to visit Cornwall.354 of 400 SignaturesCreated by Seahem Sodhi
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