• Save Lambeth Children's Centres!
    Only two years after the last round of devastating cuts to our children's centres, many children in Lambeth are in danger of losing out on essential early years support. The Council have announced plans for a borough-wide restructure, which threatens five centres with closure. Another seven centres will have their provision cut in half under these proposals, and many staff are faced with losing their jobs. Children's Centres are a vital service for parents and their children in our local area. They combat isolation and loneliness which many of us experience when on maternity leave or looking after early years children. They provide support and guidance from professionals as well as a chance to mix with a range of families you didn't know before.
    2,052 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Ruth Cashman
  • Keep Libraries Open in Kent
    Kent County Council are planning to cut the opening hours at 99 libraries. Libraries are a vital source of learning and education. They are a vital public good we cannot do without. People of all ages can enjoy borrowing and reading books, DVDs and CDs, using the internet, reading newspapers and speaking and spending time with others. The plans could mean large numbers of libraries opening for less time. Library chiefs have already drawn up suggested opening hours and some could see big reductions. For more information on the libraries facing cut in opening hours across Kent, see this article: All the Kent libraries facing a cut in their opening hours in cost-cutting move: https://www.kentlive.news/news/kent-news/kent-libraries-facing-cut-opening-2260765#r3z-addoor
    6,205 of 7,000 Signatures
    Created by Deborah Gasking
  • get british sign language taught in schools
    a large percentage of the worlds population are deaf or hard of hearing. Many of them learn BSL as there first language however are not able to communicate with non deaf people without a struggle.
    137 of 200 Signatures
    Created by pheobe broome
  • Safe School Streets for Sheffield
    School Streets are roads next to schools where traffic is restricted during the times of the day when children are arriving or leaving school. Sheffield has 25 schools in areas of high, sometimes illegal, air pollution. High air pollution levels exacerbate respiratory illnesses like asthma and recent studies have shown that children exposed to high pollution levels have reduced lung capacity that can affect them for the rest of their lives. Sheffield has a clean air strategy that already recognises the need to take action on poor air quality, especially around schools. 20mph and anti-idling initiatives are great but will not make enough of a difference. Edinburgh, Southwark, Hackney and Solihull have already implemented School Streets to protect children from traffic and traffic related pollution at the school gate. School Streets encourages active travel, improves air quality in the classroom, and reduces traffic congestion for everyone.
    1,541 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Graham Turnbull
  • Save Welshpool Library
    The County Council wish to relocate the library to the museum, which is half the size and result in the downgrading of both services. Welshpool Library is purpose built in a central location which is convenient for all. It has parking spaces and is instantly recognisable. In the proposed location, it would house less than half the current bookstock, and there is very little space for children's storytimes and activities. The Museum would be squeezed into an upstairs space and jobs would be lost.
    65 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Roger Foulkes
  • More Funding for Schools
    So many societal problems could be avoided if we treat the new and younger generation well and nurture them through the Education System and into adulthood. But this requires adequate funding. Why do Britain's roads deserve vastly more money in the Budget than our schools?
    268 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Hayley Lung
  • Cut lengthy written exams for Drama A Level
    Students are struggling to cope with such a lengthy exam and it is impacting their results. One of my students collapsed from exhaustion in the middle of their exam (it was their second exam that day and they had been writing for over 5 hours). We urge you to consider dividing the exam into 2 separate exams. This will help students to improve their ability to focus and will also prevent students with access arrangements for extra time from suffering almost 4 hours in a drama exam. We should be testing their knowledge not their stamina!
    212 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Jo Todd
  • Traffic Calming Measures to be Installed on College Road
    Children have been hit by speeding cars at the crossing on College Road on more than one occasion. We want to prevent a loss of life or a serious accident.
    135 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Nicky Brennan
  • Bring back the St Helens show petition
    Is important to give something back to the people of St Helens and surrounding areas, this show was something to look forward to each year and now its gone and we have nothing
    689 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Phil Norbury
  • Keep Hope Alive
    Both the Hope Centre and NAASH offer an unmatched and undeniably crucial role in providing vital services to the towns homeless and vulnerable community. No other organisation be it housing, charity or council come near to the services provided or the compassion and heart they are provided with. To allow a business who's bottom line is about profit to take over this service in conjunction with other organisations that are only interested in control rather than compassion is not in the best interest of the homeless community in this town.
    406 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Stan Robertson
  • Pay non-teaching staff in line with their duties.
    Many teaching staff could not carry out their jobs if it were not for these crucial staff in schools and many, many vulnerable pupils would not get a positive and meaningful experience of education if it were not for Pupil Support Assistants, Classroom Assistants, and Learning Assistants. It is imperative - especially in light of the current campaign for increased teacher pay - that non-teaching staff are also recognised for their enormous contribution to education and the importance of this contribution to both teachers and pupils.
    3,659 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Melanie Sorbie
  • Youth Representation in Peterborough City Council
    This issue is vital to the betterment of youths services in Peterborough. Currently, the people that are in charge of youth services have not been classed as youth in years and are in no place to have a say in the issues of the youth no matter how good they are at their job. However, if a youth council did exist, or there was a youth presence in the council (11-16 year olds) there would be better input for the decision makers. This could lead to less crime and violence as the youth would be occupied elsewhere and may lead to better results for the youth of Peterborough in academic and social terms.
    343 of 400 Signatures
    Created by UBAID AZHAR